This is an outdated version published on 2020-04-28. Read the most recent version.

Kajian Teknis dan Ekonomis Pengaruh Jenis Kapur dalam Upaya Pengelolaan Air Asam Tambang (AAT).



Coal mining using open pit system could potentially produce Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). This study was aimed to examine the effect of lime type used in the treatment of AMD in increasing pH and decreasing Total Suspended Solid (TSS) value as well as its effect on the purchasing cost. Experimental method applied for pH analysis in this study was screening test followed by laboratory analysis to obtain TSS value as well as Fe and Mn content. The area where the AMD sample was sourced was classified as Type III and IV characterized with pH less than 6, Fe and Mn content more than 1 mg/l, and high TSS (more than 400 mg/l). The results showed that slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) is the ideal type of lime for increasing pH value to more than 6 as regulated by Ministerial Decree issued State Minister of Environment No.113 year 2003 with a dose of 0.08 g/l. The resulted minimum slaked lime required based on a minimum settling pond volume of 45,000 l is 3.6 kg with a total purchasing cost of Rp.10,800.

Keywords: AMD, lime, pH, Fe, Mn


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How to Cite

Kajian Teknis dan Ekonomis Pengaruh Jenis Kapur dalam Upaya Pengelolaan Air Asam Tambang (AAT). (2020). JTK (Jurnal Teknik Kebumian), 5(2), 29–36.