Model Persebaran Marmer Kompleks Gunung Kasih, Tanggamus,Lampung


  • Muhammad Wira Hidayatullah Program Studi Teknik Geologi, Institut Teknologi Sumatera
  • Anisa Fissilmi Program Studi Teknik Geologi, InstitutTeknologi Sumatera
  • Calista Putri Arisya Program Studi Teknik Geologi, Institut Teknologi Sumatera



Abstract: Lampung Region has a large number of marble potential in Indonesia. One of the potential marble areasin Lampung is located in Tanggamus Regency. This study aims to determine the characteristics of marble in the research area and its distribution so it is expected to be able to provide information about the distribution of marble in Tanggamus Regency,Lampung.The analysis uses field observation methods using geological trajectories. Petrographic analysis is used to determine the mineralogical composition and rock texture. In the research area,there are three rock units,namely marble,schist,and meta-quartz sandstone.In general,metamorphic rocks show foliation which indicates regional metamorphism control. The marble unit shows the origin rock of limestone which shows the appearance of two types of marble, namely foliated marble with adominance of calcite mineral, and foliated marble with schist domain composed of muscovite-epidote-quartz minerals,while for schist and meta-quartz sand stone units,the origin rock is in the form of siliciclastic sedimentary rock. The existence of layers in the original rock will make the formation of domains in metamorphicrocks. The general direction of foliation in metamorphic rocks is northwest–southeast so that in searching for the marble domain, it can be traced through the direction of foliation.

Keyword: marble,distribution model,Gunung Kasih,Woyla Group


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How to Cite

Wira Hidayatullah, M. ., Fissilmi, A. ., & Putri Arisya, C. (2024). Model Persebaran Marmer Kompleks Gunung Kasih, Tanggamus,Lampung. JTK (Jurnal Teknik Kebumian), 8(01), 57–63.