Identifikasi Keberadaan Akuifer di daerah Mersam berdasarkan Data Resistivitas
The Geoelectric resistivity method is part of the geophysical method to identifying subsurface trough the physical properties of rock with electrical properties and porosity in rocks. The research conducted in the Mersam Village area, Mersam District, Batanghari Regency used a schlumberger configuration with 2 sounding points and a track length of 100 m toi identify the presence of groundwater acquifers to meet the increasing clean water needs of the population. The result of the treatment that has been carried out, obtained at the station 1 the presence of a groundwater acquifer is found in the second layer with a value of 74.28 Ωm at a depth of 1.83 – 10.88 m identified as a layer of sand and coarse sand and a fourth layer at a depth of 38.23 – 71.18 m with a resistivity value of 69.44 Ωm identified as a layer of coarse sand and medium sand. At the station 2, the presence of a groundwater acquifer in the third layer was identified as a layer of fine sand and tufaan sand with a value of 63.20 Ωm and wa at a depth of 15.18 – 43.55 m.
Keywords: Geoelectric, Schlumberger, resistivity, aquifers, groundwater

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