Pengaruh Kemiringan Sluice Box terhadap Proses Pemisahan Pasir Besi Berdasarkan Perbedaan Specific Gravity pada Skala Laboratorium


  • Irfandy Syafutra Program Studi Teknik Pertambangan Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Jambi
  • Faizar Farid Program Studi Kimia, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Jambi
  • Muhammad Ikrar Lagowa Program Studi Teknik Pertambangan Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Jambi



Mineral processing aims to obtain a concentrate of certain mineral particles and to obtain a satisfactory quality of concentrate and purification of the metal. For mineral concentrations, particulate minerals must be free or containonly small amounts minerals. In theprocessing of minerals, there are severa lmethod sused, one of whichis the gravity method. One tool tha tapplies thegravity methodis a sluice box. Itis known that the slope of the sluice box can affect the valueof recovery (R) and concentration (K) produced. The research was conducted using quantitative research methodswhich were carried out with literature studies first and then data collection was carrie dout as proof of th ecorrelation between the slope angle factor to the amount of concentrate content and the recovery obtained in the iron sand concentration stage using a sluice box. This study focuses on the effect of tool slope in achievin g there sulting concentrate and calculates the feed content and concentrateweight, with some limitations, namely the minerals used are ironsand as the mineral concentration and silicas and as tailings with a mesh sizeof 80. The study was carried out without changing other parameters. Where using a constant water flowof 0.42 l/s, the riffle design is verticalangleand riffle with height 2 cm as much as 3 riffle sand without using a carpet. In thiscase, the change in slope indicates that the more inclined the condition of the toolis, the faster the speed of th ewater, causing more feed in it tobe pushed further. The impact is in the formof recovery value which decreases with increasing angleused. The gradeatthe 2Ëš angle has the highest grade from the other angles used. This is because the grade acquisition is not only influenced by the slope factor but ther factors that determin e the results such as water discharge, water rate, riffle shape and others. Even though the slope is increased, the waterstill has difficulty passing through the riffle so that the turbulence that occurs is still less and causes the lighter
minerals to be trapped at thebottomofthe riffle due tobeing squeezed by the heavier minerals. In addition, the greater the slope, the smallerthe recovery obtained because the speed of the flowing water is greater causing the material tobe pushed further and the more tilted the tool, th eless riffle capacity.

Keyword: mineral separation, gravity method, sluice box, grade , recovery


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How to Cite

Syafutra, I. ., Farid, F., & Ikrar Lagowa, M. . (2023). Pengaruh Kemiringan Sluice Box terhadap Proses Pemisahan Pasir Besi Berdasarkan Perbedaan Specific Gravity pada Skala Laboratorium. JTK (Jurnal Teknik Kebumian), 7(01), 26–35.