The author must send the manuscript online by first registering as an author on the website For every submitted article, the author is obliged to follow the terms and conditions of Style Guide of Jurnal Pengembangan Budaya Hukum.



  • The text submitted by the author is the original scientific paper, has never been published, and is not being submitted for publication in  other media/journals;
  • The text submitted can be the result of community service in the field of law and the development of legal culture;
  • Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English. The manuscript is written in Cambria 14 letters with single spacing;
  • The author's name does not contain a title, mentions the institution of origin and only includes one email correspondence from the author
  • The manuscript begins with an abstract of 100-150 words written in Indonesian and English, keywords consist of 3-5 words.
  • The manuscript is organized into five subheadings in the following order: (a) Introduction: includes problem identification, literature review, research objectives, and research benefits, (b) Implementation Method: consists of how the implementation is carried out and a description of materials, equipment and procedures used in carrying out service, (c) Results and Discussion: describes the results of the service program and can be presented in sub-chapters, (d) Conclusion: written in summary form rather than serial numbers. (e) bibliography: Bibliography list compiled using the Mendelay/Zotero application with quotation types Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note).
  • The bibliography is divided into two things, namely Books/Journals/Websaid (minimum 15 references with a composition of 70% Journals and 30% sourced from books and websites) and Legislative Regulations