Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Article types:

Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan accepts and publishes articles in the form of research, reviews, case studies and brief communications:

Original articles: The papers should describe new and confirmed finding and have never been published or submitted for publication in any other scientific journals. Experimental procedures should be elaborated in sufficient details for others to verify the work. Original articles are 5 to 10 printed pages (about 8 to 15 manuscript pages).


Short Communication. A short communication is suitable for reporting the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods or techniques. Short communications are 3 to 5 printed pages (5 to 7 manuscript pages).


Reviews. Reviews  is a comprehensive, critical-analytical literature review that provides current information on a topic, or contains forward-looking views of a subject. The review article should provide information from previous studies in full in the form of facts or existing data, submit analysis and critical review of the author to the collection of facts or data, and summarize it into an acceptable view or a which should be used for development in the future. The authors of review articles are preferable to those who do have expertise in their respective fields which is shown by contributions already made in the form of published policies or writings. Teaching review articles in certain topics are still acceptable if deemed necessary.


Author Guidelines:

1. Manuscripts submitted to editors are manuscripts that have not been published in other scientific journals in print or online or are not being sent to other journals, except in the form of abstract or proceedings in a seminar with limited distribution.

2. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English which is good, clear, straightforward and concise. Entries in Indonesian are required to refer to the Enhanced Spelled Indonesian Language Guidelines (EYD 2000) issued by the Language Center, Ministry of National Education (

3. Manuscript typed using MS Word program; With A4 size paper; Upper, lower, right and left outer borders of 2.5 cm each; Density of line 1 spaces; And use the letter Book Antiqua 12 pt. The length of the manuscript (including tables, drawings and bibliography) is no more than 24 pages for research articles, not limited to review articles, and no more than 8 pages for short case study and communication articles. The entire manuscript is given page numbers and line numbers.

4. The manuscript consists of: title page, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, thanks, bibliography, tables, drawings and table / figure description.  

  • Title page: title written in Indonesian and English, author's name (written complete without title), author's address, and running title. Title no more than 20 words and a short title of no more than 6 words. In the title should be avoided the use of words: Study ...., Study ..., Observation ..., Influence ..., or Effect .... The author's address is written complete with department / department or laboratory accompanied by institution / University along with zip code. If the author is more than one, with a different agency address, then behind each name is indexed over the Arabic number. At the bottom of the title page the identity of the corresponding author (responsible for the correspondence correspondence) includes: name and address with phone number, HP, fax and email.
  • Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English, not more than 280 words. Abstracts are written in a single paragraph containing information on the importance or purpose of the research, methods, results and conclusions of the research. Abstract comes with key words sorted by importance no more than 5 words. 
  • Introduction: Introduction contains backgrounds, supporting literature, problem formulation and research objectives.
  • Materials and methods: Materials and methods include experimental design, experimental animals, research procedures, and statistical analyzes used. Materials and research methods should be written clearly and concisely so that the research can be repeated by other researchers. The ingredients or products used are mentioned by source or reference (company name and country, may be accompanied by no catalog). Commercial name inclusion must be accompanied by its generic name. The use of animals in the study should refer to animal welfare guidelines (Helsinki declaration at
  • Results: Results include all the results of research, both in the form of tables and drawings. The written narration contains important information or essence of the table or presented image. Additional data in the form of related videos may be submitted as a support and will only be published online.
  • Discussion: Discussion is written separately from the results. The discussion is not a repetition of the narrative of the results, but is an interpretation and analysis of the data obtained, either by reference, comparing, reinforcing or critiquing previous research results.
  • Conclusions: Conclusions are summarized in a separate paragraph at the end of the discussion and are not a separate subtitle.
  • Acknowledgments are addressed to individuals or institutions that make important contributions to the conduct of research (funders, data source providers, research materials, research facilities and others), but not the author's team. At the end of the authors should include a statement about there is no conflict of interest (conflict of interest) as follows: "Penulis menyatakan tidak ada konflik kepentingan dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait dalam penelitian ini".
  • References: The bibliography contains all the publication articles referred to in the manuscript. 


How to reference the literature in the manuscript is as follows:

Single name: (Prasetyaningtyas, 2005)

Two name: (Garner & Hafez, 2000)

More than two name: (Adnyane et al., 2011)

More than two libraries are separated by semicolons and sorted by year: (Prasetyaningtyas, 2005; Adnyane et al., 2011)

Two names and the same year: (Adnyane et al., 2011, 2011a)

The bibliography consists of at least 80% of journals (last 10 years), arranged in alphabetical order of the author in the following order: author name, year, title, journal name (full written), volume, and page. Examples of writing journals, books and online resources as follows:


Adnyane IKM, Zuki ABZ, Noordin MM, Agungpriyono S. (2011). Morphological study of the lingual papillae in the barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak). Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 40:73-77.

Adnyane IKM, Zuki ABZ, Noordin MM, Agungpriyono S. (2011a).  Immunohistochemical study of endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the barking deer, Muntiacus muntjak. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 40: 365-374.

Prasojo G, Arifiantini I, Mohamad K. (2010). Korelasi antara lama kebuntingan, bobot lahir dan jenis kelamin pedet hasil inseminasi buatan pada sapi Bali.  Jurnal Veteriner 11:41-45.


Garner DL, Hafez ESE. (2000). Spermatozoa and Seminal Plasma. In: Hafez B, Hafez ESE (eds). Reproduction In Farm Animals. 7th ed. Lipiincoott Williams and Wilkins. South Carolina. p96-109.

Halim D, Murti H, Sandra F, Boediono A, Djuwantono T, Setiawan B. (2010). Stem Cell: Dasar Teori dan Aplikasi Klinis. Penerbit Erlangga. Jakarta. p20-35.


Prasetyaningtyas WE. (2005).  Kajian Karakteristik Semen dan Morfofungsi Spermatozoa Kancil (Tragulus javanicus). Tesis S2. Sekolah Pascasarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. p45-60.

Online source:

Goosen MFA, O'Shea GM, Sun MF. (1998). Micro-encapsulation of Living Tissue and Cells. US Patent No.4,806,355. Download: August 7, 2010.


14. In the review article can contain subtitles that are tailored to the needs of the author or written topic.

15. In the case study article and brief communication, introduction, methodology, results, and discussions are written on an ongoing basis without using subtitles. Other provisions follow the general guidelines of writing.

16. Tables and figures are placed on separate pages after the bibliography comes with titles and captions. Graphs come with separate original files in MS Excel format. Images that contain photos must attach the high-resolution original photo in JPEG format (minimum 300 dpi). Authors can also include photos that will be proposed as a journal cover (cover).
