Keywords: Hypertension, ProlanisAbstract
Background: Hypertension is one of the top 10 causes of death and remains a major challenge in
Indonesia. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that currently the prevalence of
hypertension globally is 22% of the total world population. Of these patients, only less than a fifth make
efforts to control their blood pressure. At Kebun Handil Community Health Center, based on data taken
from P-Care from January to May 2023, it was found that the average number of hypertensive patients
registered as Prolanis members was 1180 patients but of these, only 1.81% were under control from
the target of 5% or an average of only 22 people under control.
Method: This final project is based on data found at the health center. After the data collection process
is complete, the data is processed using SPSS and analyzed using the problem solving cycle method.
The cycle starts from problem identification by brainstorming, after collecting several problems that
exist in the low coverage of controlled hypertension in prolanis patients at the Kebun Handil Health
Center, then the problem is confirmed with primary or secondary data.
Conclusion: The low coverage of controlled hypertension in prolanis patients at the Kebun Handil
Community Health Center is due to the low compliance of hypertension prolanis patients in taking their
medication so that problem solving is carried out in the form of creating an attractive and innovative
Keywords: Hypertension, Prolanis
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