This is an outdated version published on 2018-10-10. Read the most recent version.

Biology Reproduction Of Selais Terang Bulan (Kryptopterus bicirrhis, Valenciennes 1840) Fish in the Mentulik Village Kampar Kiri River, Riau Province


Aspects Reproduction, Kampar Kiri River , Kryptopterus bicirrhis


Study of biology  reproductive selais Terang Bulan (Kryptopterus bicirrhis) fish  in Mentulik village of Kampar Kiri River  is conducted in February – July 2017. As for the goal of the research is to examine aspects of fish reproduction K. bicirrhis include sex ratio,  development of the gonads, fecundity, spawning season and also spawning patterns. Fish K. bicirrhis totaled encounter 40-tail fish tail consists of 30 males and 10 females, fish tail with sex ratio of 3:1. Average total body length and weight Milter is the 8.2-11.5 cm (2.47-5,31 g) and females 8.4-11.5 cm (2.64-5,05 g), with a pattern of growth are allometrik negative. The level of maturity of the Gonads (WGP) males and females fish found in the WGP II-IV. Fecundity egg K. bicirrhis totaled  10,657 grain, and has a pattern of spawning are total spawner.


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