Analisis Disparitas Pendapatan dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya di Provinsi Jambi


  • Darzal Darzal



The research aims to analyzing: 1) Typology economic growth from regency/city of Jambi Province 2) Disparity income among regency/city in Jambi Province 3) Factors which influence disparity income in Jambi Province. Klasen typology is used for typology analysis of economic growth. Williamson’s index used to calculate analysis disparity income, while for analyze factors which affect it used panel data regression. Result from this research is,  for Klasen typology economic growth, there is no regency in Jambi Province, which include at first quadrant. Beside there are four regencies on Jambi province, which include at second quadrant. There is one regency include at third quadrant, while for forth quadrant there are 6 regencies.  Calculation of Williamson’s index shown fluctuated result, on 2009 its 0.365, on 2010 its 0.397, on 2011 its 0.394, on 2013 0.401, and on 2013 0.397. Furthermore, based on regression analysis found that direct spending and LFPR significant effect on per capita income districts / cities in Jambi There is no significant affect on long road with GRDP per capita.


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2016-12-29 — Updated on 2016-12-29

How to Cite

Darzal, D. (2016). Analisis Disparitas Pendapatan dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya di Provinsi Jambi. Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan Dan Pembangunan Daerah, 4(2), 131–142.