Determinan Kemiskinan Rumah Tangga di Provinsi Jambi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menganalisis perkembangan kemiskinan di Provinsi Jambi (2) untuk menganalisis karakteristik rumah tangga miskin di Provinsi Jambi (3) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemiskinan rumah tangga di Provinsi Jambi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemiskinan di Provinsi Jambi pada tahun 2012 meningkat dibandingkan tahun 2011, tetapi umumnya dalam lima tahun terakhir angka kemiskinan menurun di Provinsi Jambi. Karakteristik rumah tangga miskin di Provinsi Jambi adalah mayoritas tinggal di daerah pedesaan, mayoritas kepala rumah tangga miskin adalah laki-laki, mayoritas kepala rumah tangga miskin di Provinsi Jambi telah dididik di bawah SMP, mayoritas kepala miskin rumah tangga yang bekerja di sektor pertanian, sebagian besar rumah tangga miskin memiliki anggota lebih dari empat orang dan mayoritas rumah tangga miskin di Provinsi Jambi tidak pernah memperoleh kredit usaha. Berdasarkan  analisis regresi logistik ditemukan bahwa variabel yang mempengaruhi kemiskinan rumah tangga di Provinsi Jambi adalah klasifikasi desa/kota, jenis kelamin kepala rumah tangga, pendidikan kepala rumah tangga, pekerjaan kepala rumah tangga, ukuran rumah tangga dan variabel bantuan pinjaman usaha..
Kata kunci : Kemiskinan, Rumah Tangga, Pendidikan, Pekerjaan, Kredit Usaha
This study aims to: (1) to analyze the development of poverty in Jambi Province (2) to analyze the characteristics of poor households in Jambi Province (3) to analyze the factors that affect household poverty in Jambi Province. The results showed that the poverty rate in the Jambi Province in 2012 was increased compared to the year 2011, but generally in the last five years the poverty rate was decreased in Jambi Province. The characteristics of poor households in Jambi Province were the majority were living in rural areas, the majority of heads of poor households were male, the majority of heads of poor households in Jambi Province had educated under junior high school, the majority of heads of poor household were working in agriculture, the majority of poor households had a member more than four people and the majority of poor households in Jambi Province had never obtained business credit.Based on the results of logistic regression analysis found that the variables that affect household poverty in the province of Jambi was the classification of rural/urban variable, the head of household sex variable, the head of household education variable, the head of household occupation variable, household size and business loan assistance variable.
Keywords: Poverty, household, education, employment, business creditDownloads
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Copyright (c) 2015 Nopriansyah Nopriansyah, Junaidi Junaidi, Etik Umiyati

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