Analisis Nilai Jual Tanah Untuk Perumahan di Kabupaten Tebo (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Rimbo Bujang dan Kecamatan Tebo Tengah)


  • Erwanto Erwanto
  • Zulkifli Alamsyah
  • Emilia Emilia



This research is aimed to analyze the development of face value in Rimbo Bujang Sub-District and Tebo tengah Sub District; to get the different NJOP and Value market for Housing in Rimbo Bujang Sub-District and Tebo Tengah Sub-District; and to analyze mileage to Central Bussines District, overcrowding, and public facilities to face value for Housing in Rimbo Bujang Sub-District and Tebo Tengah Sub- district.  This research used descriptive and quantitative analysis with studied in Rimbo Bujang Sub-District and Tebo tengah Sub-District. In quantitative analysis used Double regression wich SPSS and two tailed t test. The result of quantitative analysis shows mileage to District Center, overcrowding, and public facilities like PDAM and Mosque have positive and significant influence to face value in Tebo Tengah Sub-District and Rimbo Bujang Sub-District and have a different face value with society persfectif to development regional Tebo Tengah Sub-District and Rimbo Bujang Sub-District.


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2013-07-17 — Updated on 2013-07-17

How to Cite

Erwanto, E., Alamsyah, Z., & Emilia, E. (2013). Analisis Nilai Jual Tanah Untuk Perumahan di Kabupaten Tebo (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Rimbo Bujang dan Kecamatan Tebo Tengah). Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan Dan Pembangunan Daerah, 1(1), 43 - 50.