About the Journal

Jurnal Bio-Site : Biologi dan Sains Terapan emerges as a forum for scientific publication of research results (not literature review) in the field of pure biology and applied science. This journal is published online twice a year in May and November. This journal is managed by the Biology Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.

Index: Google Scholar, DOI Crossref, IPI Garuda 
ISSN online: 2502-6178

Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Bio-Site
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Bio-Site is an open-access journal published along with the establishment of the Biology Department as part of the Faculty of Science & Technology, Universitas Jambi. This journal present is an effort to facilitate scientific writings in the fields of pure biology and applied biology. Although the Biology Department is still green, it is not an obstacle for our Bio-Site journal manager to present a representative scientific journal. Researchers in the field of applied biology and biology are expected to share the results of their study using this Bio-Site Journal as a forum for publicizing his works. With so many researchers utilizing this journal, it is hoped that the results of the research can be useful globally. Our target as a manager, Bio-Site journal can be recognized on a national scale and the ultimate goal is nationally accredited. The Bio-Site Journal gets full support from the Science and Technology Faculty so the authors are not charged (free). Besides, Bio-Site also cooperates as a best partner with researchers and academics from universities and leading institutions in Indonesia.