Analisis pengaruh penggunaan e-money dan variabel moneter terhadap petumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia 2015-2021


  • Muhammad Aditya Muzakky Universitas Tidar
  • Lucia Rita Indrawati Universitas Tidar


GDP, inflation, E-money, BI Rate


This study aims to analyze and determine whether there is a relationship in the short term and long term between inflation variables, e-money transaction volume, and BI interest rates on Indonesia's gross domestic product. This study uses quarterly time series data starting in the first quarter of 2015 until the fourth quarter of 2021. The analytical tool in this study uses the Error Correction Term (ECM) with Eviews 10 software. The results of this study indicate that the inflation variable has a positive and insignificant effect both in terms of in the long term and has an insignificant negative effect in the short term on the GDP variable. The variable volume of money transactions has a significant positive effect in the long term and has a non-significant positive effect in the short term on the GDP variable. And the Bank Indonesia interest rate variable has a negative effect in the long term and has a significant effect in the short term on Indonesia's GDP variable in the first quarter of 2015 to the fourth quarter of 2021.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Aditya Muzakky, & Rita Indrawati, L. . (2022). Analisis pengaruh penggunaan e-money dan variabel moneter terhadap petumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia 2015-2021. E-Journal Perdagangan Industri Dan Moneter, 10(2), 151–164. Retrieved from