Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran Modern https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran <p>Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran Modern Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas EkonomiUniversitas Jambi secara konsisten terbit duakali dalam satu tahun. Kebebasan ilmiah yangbertanggung jawab, berkualitas, dankeseimbangan antara akademis dan praktisi menjadi dasar dalam penelaahan setiapnaskah yang diterbitkan.Misi Jurnal ini adalah menjadi mediakomunikasi antara ilmuan, antara ilmuan danpraktisi dibidang manajemen pemasaransehingga mampu menjadi wahana komunikasispesifik. Untuk mengisi setiap terbitan dewaneditor menerima naskah, baik berupa hasilpenelitian maupun studi kepustakaan</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ISSN : 2085 - 0972</strong></p> en-US andang.fazri@unja.ac.id (Andang Fazri) jurnalpemasaran@unja.ac.id (Andang Fazri) Wed, 11 Sep 2013 22:19:58 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PENGARUH ORIENTASI PASAR DAN NILAI PELANGGAN TERHADAP KINERJA PEMASARAN MASKAPAI PENERBANGAN LION AIR. (EFFECT OF MARKET ORIENTATION AND CUSTOMER VALUE ON MARKETING PERFORMANCE OF LION AIRLINES CORPORATION) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/921 <p><em>The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of market orientation, customer value to business performance air.Population of Lion airlines in this study are all service users Airlines Lion Air in the town of Jambi, while the sample is 100 respondents. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. Types of data used are primary data with questionnaire data collection methods. The analysis tool used is multiple regression. The results of this study are: market orientation and customer value and significant positive effect on performance marketing, is seen from the results of 8892 t count&gt; t table or significance &lt;0.05, meaning that if the management's commitment towards market orientation and customer value creation, performance marketing is increasing. Market orientation has positive and significant impact on performance marketing, is seen from the results of t count&gt; t table or significance &lt;0.05, meaning that if committed in the implementation of market orientation, the better, then it will increase marketing performance. Significant customer value and kinerjapemasaran, is seen from the results of 7278 t count&gt; t table or significance &lt;0.05, meaning that if a high customer value creation, performance marketing will increase. The coefficient of determination of 0.620 (adjusted R Square), indicating that the market orientation (X1), customer value (X2), can explain simultaneously the Lion Air business performance by 62%, while the remaining 38% is influenced by other variables not examined .</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Market Orientation, Customer Value, and Performance Marketing</em></p> Sukma Bakti, Harniza Harun Copyright (c) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/921 THE DETERMINANTS OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN ONLINE AND OFFLINE MEDIUM https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/922 <p><em>This research explores the factors that influence customer satisfaction in online and offline environment. The main objective of this research is to </em><em>discover in-depth knowledge about determinants of customer satisfaction both in online and offline environments. This research builds a conceptual framework where customer satisfaction is being influenced by common factors and specific factors in online and offline medium. To that extend, the use of regression analyses was suitable in order to explore the relationship between the aforementioned factors and customer satisfaction in online and offline environments.</em><em> This research finds that, </em><em>the ease of obtaining information is the only common factor significantly affects the general customer satisfaction in online service. In addition, the specific factors such as interactivity of website and trust are also statistically significant increasing the customer satisfaction in online service. In offline service, there are 3 common factors that significantly increase the customer satisfaction. Those factors are the ease of obtaining information, frequency of use, and payment equity. Personal interaction as a specific factor is also proved to have a significant effect on customer satisfaction.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, online and offline medium</em></p> Raja Sharah Fatricia Copyright (c) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/922 THE IMPLEMENTATION of e-GOVERNMENT IN PUBLIC SERVICES BUREAUCRACY: CHANGE; CHALLENGES; AND STRATEGY https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/919 <p><strong>Purpose.</strong> The purpose of this research is to examine the experience and learning of local level government during the implementation of e-government as an instrument in the design and delivery of public services. This examination will explore: 1) e-government implementation in local government, 2) service bureaucracy and e-government, 3) challenges 4) development strategy.  <strong>Design.</strong> The research methodology used is a qualitative method containing data gathered on participation, observation, and in-depth interviews with both local government employees and e-government operators. The data will enrich by benchmarking activities conducted on the successful region to implement future e-government programs. The analysis method is content analysis which aims to convey recommendations to decision makers in local government. <strong>Findings</strong>. The physical infrastructure required to activate e-government is not the key success factor in implementing program. The key factors of success factors are: 1) e-government organization alignment, 2) conflict management between institutions 3) top management enforcement. These factors should be complemented with three general factors: community, content, and connection. In order to accelerate e-government function in this paper proposes a simple strategy, namely, the incremental strategy. <strong>Practical implication</strong>. This research will help local governments understand real and current problems in implementing an e-government program directed by the central government and to be used in service delivery.</p> <p> </p> <p>Key words: e-government, bureaucracy, ULGTF, local government</p> . Johannes Copyright (c) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/919 ANALISIS PERSEPSI KONSUMEN PENGGUNA JASA MEDIS NON KEJIWAAN RUMAH SAKIT JIWA DAERAH JAMBI CUSTOMER PERCEPTIONS ANALYSIS OF MEDICAL SERVICES NON PSYCHO IN JAMBI REGIONAL MENTAL HOSPITAL https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/920 <p><em>This study aims</em><em> to look at differences in perceptions of two groups of respondents namely consumers who are ever in comparison with consumers who have never used non-psychiatric medical services at the Regional Mental Hospital Jambi using Anova Differences Test (ANALISYS Of Variance) Samples t Independence, which is at the top 5 (five) variables include: Brand, price, Medical workers, health facility, and location. Study samples were patients who had used non-psychiatric medical services in Regional Mental Hospital jambi A total of 100 respondents who have not used non-psychiatric medical services in Edinburgh RSJD as many as 100 respondents who are residents around the domicile RSJD Jambi. The results are the average differences are significant between the two groups of respondent perceptions of whether the comparison in total in all variables and partial comparisons between variables.<strong></strong></em></p> <em>Key words: Consumer Perceptions, Medical service non Psycho</em> Bram Iswanto, syahmardi yacob, . Erida Copyright (c) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/920 PENGARUH CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MARKETING DAN NILAI NASABAH TERHADAP LOYALITAS NASABAH (Studi Kasus: Pada PT Bank Muamalat Cabang Jambi) The Effect of Customer Relationship Marketing and Customer Value to Customer Loyalty (Case Study: Muamalat Bank Ja https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/917 <p><em> This study analyzes of the effect of customer relationship marketing  and customer value to customer loyalty. The object of this study is the Jambi branch of Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Research problem refers to the phenomenon of the business to the criticism and suggestions received from the ministry of consumer behavior refers to rumsan problem How to Influence Customer relationship marketing on customer loyalty. The research objective was formulated to seek answers to the flow that affect customer loyalty. Models that were formulated in this study aims to provide a critical understanding of the concept and measurement of customer loyalty. Researchers incorporate elements of customer relationship marketing as an antecedent and have significant consequences for customer loyalty. In addition to a theoretical modeling, this study has formulated two hypotheses. The method has been selected purposively to obtain the required data in this study. The study used 100 respondents, and all respondents were clients of Bank Muamalat Indonesia Branch Jambi. Data analysis using descriptive qualitative and verification by the independent variable (X) costomer relationship marketing, (Y) is loyalty, multiple regression using a computerized program SPSS for widows Release10.untuk see the influence of each of the variables that affect customer loyalty. The results of this study indicate that the costomer relationship marketing, and customer value in the show with a value of R Square, 747 or 74.7% positively affect customer loyalty Jambi branch of Bank Muamalat Indonesia.</em></p> <em>Keywords: customer relationship marketing, influence customer loyalty.</em> Harniza Harun Copyright (c) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/917 ANALISIS PENGARUH EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING TERHADAP KEPUASAN DAN LOYALITAS PELANGGAN: Kasus Hypermart Malang Town Square (MATOS) ANALYSING THE INFLUENCE OF EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY: The case of Hypermart Malang Town Square https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/1023 <p>This study aims to describe the influence of Experiential Marketing on Customer Loyaltythrough Customer Satisfaction as an intermediate variable. Explanatory research wasconducted by using questionnaire survey on 50 respondents as the customer of HypermartMalang Town Square (MATOS). Path analysis was used to analyse the research data. Theresult shows that Experiential Marketing has significantly influence the Customer Loyalty inRetail Business and Customer Satisfaction as an intermediate variable. Based on this result,Hypermart of Malang Town Square should maintain and continue to provide a goodexperience to customers through experiential marketing so it can increase their satisfaction.In addition, the need for the Hypermart of Malang Town Square continues to maintain anddeliver customer satisfaction in order to achieve customer loyalty.</p><p>Key words: experiential marketing, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty</p> Andriani Kusumawati Copyright (c) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pemasaran/article/view/1023