Analisis sub sektor perkebunan Provinsi Jambi
The purpose of this research is first, to know and analyze the development of the land area, labor, and GRDP of the plantation sub-sector in Jambi Province. Second, knowing and analyzing the contribution of the plantation sub-sector to the agricultural sector and the GRDP of Jambi Province. Third, to analyze the effect of land area and labor on the output of the plantation sub-sector in Jambi Province. The development of the land area, labor, GDP in the plantation sub-sector of Jambi Province for the period 2000-2015 continued to increase, with an average increase in land area of ​​2.52%, a workforce of 2.74%, GRDP of the plantation sub-sector by 7.84%. The contribution of the plantation sub-sector to the agricultural sector and the GRDP of Jambi Province for the period 2000-2015 also continued to increase. Based on the results of multiple linear regression calculations, simultaneously land area and labor have a significant effect on the output of the plantation sub-sector in Jambi Province. Partially, land area has a significant effect on the output of the plantation sub-sector in Jambi Province, while labor does not affect the output of the plantation sub-sector in Jambi Province.
Keywords: Land area, Labor, Gross regional domestic product of plantation sub sector
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Copyright (c) 2021 Popi Fitriandi; Hardiani Hardiani, Candra Mustika

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