Creating value added in the coffee industry in kerinci: government policy, capital structure, social capital, entrepreneurial ecosystem and global market competition


  • Heppi Syofya Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sakti Alam Kerinci

Kata Kunci:

value added, government policy, Capital structure, social capital, entrepreneurial ecosystem, global market competition


This study examines value-added development in the coffee company in Kerinci, with a focus on the relationships between capital structure, social capital, the entrepreneurial ecosystem, and the competitive worldwide market. This work employed a quantitative approach with a survey of 185 samples serving as the main data collection instrument, and SEM-PLS 4 was used for data analysis. The results validated the hypothesis that policy measures, optimal capital structure, and robust social capital underpin the expansion of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem plays a critical role in enabling coffee entrepreneurs to compete globally and create value. By illuminating the complex dynamics of the coffee industry in Kerinci and providing helpful advice for industry participants, including policymakers, this study advances the body of knowledge.


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Cara Mengutip

Syofya, H. . (2024). Creating value added in the coffee industry in kerinci: government policy, capital structure, social capital, entrepreneurial ecosystem and global market competition. Jurnal Paradigma Ekonomika, 19(1), 207-223. Diambil dari