Pertumbuhan ekonomi kota dan pengaruhnya terhadap kesempatan kerja di Kota Jambi


  • Parmadi Parmadi Prodi Ekonomi Pembanngunan, Fak.Ekonomi dan Bisnis,Universitas Jambi
  • Purwaka Hari Prihanto Prodi Ekonomi Pembanngunan, Fak.Ekonomi dan Bisnis,Universitas Jambi
  • Rts. Ratnawati Prodi Ekonomi Pembanngunan, Fak.Ekonomi dan Bisnis,Universitas Jambi



This study aims to analyze, 1) City economic growth and employment opportunities in Jambi city; 2) Effect of urban economic growth on employment opportunities in Jambi city. The data used are time-series data from 2010-2018, derived from microdata from the Jambi Province National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) and GRDP data. The results showed; 1) The average economic growth of the city of Jambi in the period 2010 - 2018 was 5.7 percent, while employment opportunities experienced an average growth of 3.2 percent, 2). Estimation results with simple regression indicate a significant effect between GRDP growth on employment opportunities in Jambi city


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2020-05-05 — Updated on 2020-05-05


How to Cite

Parmadi, P., Hari Prihanto, P. ., & Ratnawati, R. . (2020). Pertumbuhan ekonomi kota dan pengaruhnya terhadap kesempatan kerja di Kota Jambi. Jurnal Paradigma Ekonomika, 15(1), 85–94.