Pengaruh Karyawan Job Embeddedness terhadap Intensi Turnover Karyawan Caroline Officer PT.INFOMEDIA NUSANTARA

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INTRODUCTIONEmployee’s turnover is caused by intention to leave the job voluntarily based on their decision. Job embeddedness is one factor of turnover intention. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of job embededness to turnover intention of Caroline Officer’s employee in PT. Infomedia Nusantara.

METHODThe study subjects were 60 employees of Caroline Officer in PT. Infomedia Nusantara. The research design used quantitative design. The data was collected by using two instruments. The information being collected was turnover intention and job embeddedness. They were analyzed by using simple regression technic.

RESULTSThis analysis found coefficient value was 0,662, and R square value was 0,439, significance value was 0,000<0,005. This negative result indicates a negative correlation between turnover’s intention and job embeddedness. Contribution of job embeddedness to turnover intension is 43,9%.

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMENDATIONSHypotesis test result shows that HO is rejected.  It means that there is negative effect of job embeddedness towards turnover intentioin to the employee of Caroline Officer PT. Infomedia Nusantara. The higher job embeddedness possessed by employee, the lower turnover intention. Based on the conclussion above, the researcher offers seme suggestion for the employee as follow; Employee who has found appropriate company for themselves is better to have relationship or good network with boss as well as friend who relates directly with his job or community in the work place and supervisor or head manager always keep a good relationship with all the employee and to notice about the suitability of the employee with their job and neighbourhood to build the employees ‘ embeddedness.


Keywords: Job Embeddedness, Intensi Turnover, Caroline Officer.


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Pengaruh Karyawan Job Embeddedness terhadap Intensi Turnover Karyawan Caroline Officer PT.INFOMEDIA NUSANTARA. (2017). Jurnal Psikologi Jambi, 1(1), 7.