Penerapan Sanksi Penenggelaman Kapal Asing di Indonesia Menurut UNCLOS 1982

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Agusti Fatwa Mulya


This research is based on a number of illegal fishing activities that occur in the territory of Indonesia's exclusive economic zone. The Exclusive Economic Zone is an area outside and adjoining the territory subject to a particular legal regime of international law of the sea. In overcoming the problem of illegal fishing, one of the policies taken by the government is to sink the unlawful fishing boat. This research was conducted to find out how the form of legal protection for foreign fish vessels and how the juridical review of the application of sanctions in the form of sinking foreign fishing vessels perpetrators of illegal fishing was reviewed from UNCLOS 1982. The method used in this study uses a normative juridical approach method. The results of this study show that the form of the legal protection of foreign fish vessels consists of rights recognized by international law of the sea while still paying attention to the provisions that apply in the territory where the vessel passes and juridically sanctioning the sinking of foreign fish vessels perpetrators of illegal fishing is legal and does not violate any provisions contained in international law of the sea.



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How to Cite
Mulya, A. . F. (2023). Penerapan Sanksi Penenggelaman Kapal Asing di Indonesia Menurut UNCLOS 1982. UNJA Journal of Legal Studies, 1(1), 28-50. Retrieved from


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