Tindak Pidana Obstruction of Justice Oleh Kepolisian Dalam Upaya Mengungkap Kejahatan

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Amelia Mardhatilla


This journal is intended to find out how the regulation of criminal acts of obstruction (obstruction of justice) in investigations to uncover crimes and to find out and analyze the arrangements for obstruction of justice in investigations to uncover crimes in the future. This article uses statute approach, conceptual approach, case approach. The results of this study show that in enforcing justice to deal with crimes obstructing the investigationprocess, it is regulated in the Criminal Code article 221 Paragraphs 1 to 1 and 2 which explains what actions are included in this act of obstructionof justice. Future arrangements after the passage of the new Criminal Code obstruction of justice have been regulated from articles 282-284 whichregulate fairly severe sanctions, so that in the future it can provide proper justice. With this conclusion, it is suggested that there should be aseparation of the severity of criminal sanctions between law enforcement and the community that commits acts of obstruction of justice, so that lawenforcement can set a good example to the community.


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How to Cite
Mardhatilla, A. (2023). Tindak Pidana Obstruction of Justice Oleh Kepolisian Dalam Upaya Mengungkap Kejahatan. UNJA Journal of Legal Studies, 1(1), 339-354. Retrieved from https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/jols/article/view/24055


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