Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/jmbp <p><strong>e-ISSN: 2355-8148 ;Â p-</strong><strong>ISSN: 2338-123X</strong></p> <p><strong><em>JDM</em> </strong>dipublikasikan sebagai upaya mengkomunikasikan hasil penelitian dosen, mahasiswa, peneliti lain termasuk dari luar UNJA sebagai bagian pengabdian kepada pengembangan ilmu, khususnya ilmu manajemen. Dikelola dengan mempertimbangkan etika keilmuan dan menghindari praktek-praktek plagiasi. Diterbitkan 4 kali dalam 1 tahun<strong><br /></strong></p> Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Jambi en-US Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen 2338-123X Stresor Tantangan dan Hambatan: Sebuah Tinjauan Kritis Kerangka Teoritis Multipel https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/jmbp/article/view/32657 <p><em>Abstrak</em></p> <p><em>Model stresor tantangan-hambatan merupakan upaya untuk mengidentifikasi dan menjelaskan bagaimana hubungan antara stres dan hasil-hasil yang diharapkan dapat digunakan di tempat kerja. Model ini menyatakan bahwa penyebab stres di tempat kerja harus dibagi menjadi dua kategori berbeda, yaitu stresor tantangan dan stresor hambatan. Makalah ini bertujuan menghasilkan tinjauan kritis terhadap kerangka teoritis multipel pada model stresor tantangan-hambatan berbasis pendekatan sumberdaya dan pendekatan penilaian. Teori konservasi sumberdaya digunakan dalam pendekatan sumberdaya dan teori transaksional digunakan dalam pendekatan penilaian. Dari pendekatan sumber daya, penilaian mungkin tidak terlalu menjadi masalah jika masuk akal untuk mengasumsikan bahwa sebagian besar karyawan menilai tuntutan pekerjaan sebagai pekerjaan yang menantang dan kelebihan beban kerja sebagai hambatan. Dari pendekatan penilaian, masalah yang menyulitkan adalah bahwa penekanan pada penilaian akan memberikan beberapa informasi yang bermanfaat, tetapi terbatas pada generalisasi dan utilitas praktis dari temuan tersebut.</em></p> <p><em>Kata kunci: stresor tantangan, stresor hambatan, kerangka teoritis multipel</em></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>The challenge-hindrance stressor model was an attempt to identify and explain how the relationship between stress and desired outcomes could be used in the workplace. This model stated that the causes of workplace stress should be divided into two different categories, namely challenge stressors and hindrance stressors. This paper aimed to produce a critical review of multiple theoretical frameworks on the challenge-hindrance stressor model based on the resource approach and the appraisal approach. Conservation of resources theory was used in the resource approach and transactional theory was used in the appraisal approach. From a resource approach, appraisals may not matter much if it is reasonable to assume that most employees rate job demands as challenging and work overload as an obstacle. From an appraisal approach, a complicating problem is that an emphasis on appraisal will provide some useful information, but is limited in the generalizability and practical utility of the findings.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: challenge stressors, hindrance stressors, multiple theoretical frameworks</em></p> Nur Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Hasanah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 2 49 57 10.22437/jdm.v12i2.32657 Motivasi Intrinsik Pegawai Pada Kantor Camat Sarolangun Kabupaten Sarolangun https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/jmbp/article/view/33712 <p>The data collection procedure involved distributing a questionnaire that was structured with a list of questions relating to intrinsic motivation. The results of the questionnaires showed that the mean score for innovation was 145, while that for feedback was 155, risk 149, responsibility 155, friendship 149, cooperation 143, conflict 150, trust 149, contribution 145, and duty 149. The research findings show that employees in the Sarolangun sub-district office are highly motivated in terms of feedback, risk, friendship, and conflict. However, the aspects of innovation, cooperation, trust, and assigned tasks require more attention and improvement from the Sarolangun sub-district office agency in Sarolangun Regency</p> Puja Firmasari Revia Setiani Copyright (c) 2024 Puja Firmasari, Revia Setiani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 2 58 66 10.22437/jdm.v12i2.33712 Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Petani Karet Di Kabupaten Sarolangun https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/jmbp/article/view/33714 <p><strong><em>Agriculture in Indonesia has an important role in development, including in Jambi Province, where most of the population lives in rural areas and depends on the agricultural sector. However, there is still a problem of economic inequality between rural and urban areas, especially related to income. This study was conducted in Sarolangun Regency to examine economic growth and per capita income. The data shows an increase in per capita income from 2005 to 2006. The plantation sector, especially rubber, has an important role in the economy of Sarolangun District. The research method used was a survey with primary and secondary data collection. The sample consisted of 40 rubber farmers. The analysis included farmers' socioeconomic characteristics, such as age, education, number of family members, and farming experience. The results showed that the majority of farmers were of productive age, with a low level of education. The number of family members affects income levels, and farming experience also plays an important role. Constraints faced by farmers include traditional land management and weather impacts. Farming costs, especially labor costs, affect income. Net income per hectare of rubber land varies depending on productivity and prices. Efforts are needed to increase productivity and overcome constraints faced by farmers to improve their welfare</em></strong></p> Sabyan Sabyan Iqra Wiarta Copyright (c) 2024 Sabyan Sabyan, Iqra Wiarta https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 2 67 77 10.22437/jdm.v12i2.33714 Pengaruh Keterikatan Karyawan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Keadilan Organisasi Sebagai Variabel Modertasi (Pada Hotel Pasterur Bandung) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/jmbp/article/view/24983 <p><em>This study aims to and analyze if influence of employee engangement on employee performance trought organizational justice as a moderation. This study used the quantitative method, data collection techniques used by distributing questionnaires to 50 respondents. Hypothesis testing was carried out using the Structural Equtions Model (SEM) technique with the smartPLS 3.3.9 program. The results of the study show that : 1) employee engagement has a positive and significant effect of employee performance, 2) employee engagement has a positive and significant efffect on organizational justice, 3) organizational justice has a negative but not significant effect on employee performance, 4) organizational justice is not able to moderate the influence of employee engagement on employee performace.</em></p> Faiz Akbar Ramadhan Zulfina Adriani Fitri Chairunnisa Copyright (c) 2024 Faiz Akbar Ramadhan, Zulfina Adriani, Fitri Chairunnisa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 2 78 87 10.22437/jdm.v12i2.24983 Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Pempek Kak Yan 147 Di Kota Jambi https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/jmbp/article/view/29201 <p><em>This research aims to provide an overview of the development strategy for the Pempek Kak Yan 147 business in Jambi City. This research uses qualitative methods by conducting interviews. This research draws on sources from business owners, employees and consumers. This research also carries out a SWOT analysis in determining business development strategies. The results of this research are that this business has strengths in affordable prices and delicious taste, but this business also has weaknesses in product marketing and the lack of variety in pempek. So the researchers designed a strategy for developing the Pempek Kak Yan 147 business, namely, 1) Offering more affordable prices with good quality taste and providing good service, 2) Strategic business location provides opportunities for consumers to shop easily, 3) Establishing relationships good with consumers and expand sales distribution reach.</em></p> Riky Geofanny Dahmiri Dahmiri Novita Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Riky Geofanny, Dahmiri Dahmiri, Novita Sari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 2 88 98 10.22437/jdm.v12i2.29201