Zulfan, Z. and Zulfikar, Z. 2021. Performa Ayam Broiler yang Diberi Bahan Pakan Fermentasi Campuran Jagung, Dedak, dan Tepung Limbah Ikan Leubim Sebagai Substitusi Sebagian Ransum Komersil : (Performances of Broilers Fed the Commercial Diet Partly Substituted by Fermented Feed Based on the Mixing of Corn, Rice Bran, and Leubim Fish (Canthidermis maculata) Processing By-Product Meal). Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan. 23, 2 (May 2021), 92-103. DOI:https://doi.org/10.22437/jiiip.v23i2.10723.