Focus and Scope
Animal Breeding and Genetics
It covers a wide range of applied animal breeding, genetic evaluation technology, quantitative and molecular genetics, evolution as well as genomics and bioinformatics of farm animals.
Animal Reproduction and Physiology
Different aspects of reproduction and physiology of farm animals are covered in this scope including and not limited to physiology of fertilization, early development, growth and lactation.
Feed and Nutrition
It covers microbiology and function of rumen, ruminants/non-ruminants nutrition, physiology and metabolism related to feeding, forage nutrion and provision, feed and feed additive evaluation, technology of feed processing, poultry and other non-ruminants farm animals nutrition and its physiology.
Animal Products
It covers technology of post harvest of farm animal products, food safety, food security, functional foods, biology of muscle, product composition, and science of milk, meat and egg.
Animal Biotechnology
Some aspects of animal biotechnology of farm animals are covered including and not limited to molecular nutrition, transgenetics as well as genes identification and manipulation.
Animal Health
It includes studies about animal modeling on animal health, infection and immunity, physiology of stress, vaccine and therapeutics of farm animals.
Animal Behaviour and Welfare
Social and sexual behaviour, adaptation, and welfare of farm animals are included in this topic.
Environment, Management, and Socio-Economics
It covers topics on management of waste and by-products, livestock and environment, farming system, and socio-agribusiness of animal production.