Jurnal Hidrolitan 2012-07-19T06:55:16+07:00 Sunarti Open Journal Systems <p>JURNAL HIDROLITAN Merupakan jurnal hidrologi lingkungan dan tanah yang diterbitkan oleh Masyarakat Konservasi Tanah dan Air Indonesia Cabang Jambi</p> PREDIKSI EROSI PADA LAHAN PERTANIAN DI SUB DAS KRUENG SIMPO PROVINSI ACEH 2012-07-19T06:41:27+07:00 Rini Fitri ABSTRACT<br />Erosion on agricultural land decreased production of agriculture, and it will decline the incomes of farmers. The aims of the research is to predict erosion and Etol at each units of land at Krueng Simpo Sub watershed that is used as agricultural land. The method use in the research is survey method that consist three fase namely, preparation and ground check the map units of land to determine the units of observation, and predict erosion using USLE model. The result shows that use of cultural land at Krueng Simpo Sub watershed causes erosion on monoculture of agricultural land (90,92 tone/ha/year) has exceeded Etol (31,80 tone/ha/year). Therefore, improvement, changes in cropping patterns, and application of alternative agrotechnology to minimize predictive value erosion that will accur, and enhance the agricultural corservation. 2011-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) PENGARUH PEMBERIAN KOMPOS SISA BIOGAS KOTORAN SAPI TERHADAP PERBAIKAN BEBERAPA SIFAT FISIK ULTISOL DAN HASIL KEDELAI (Glycine max (L.) Merill) 2012-07-19T06:45:41+07:00 Refliaty , Gindo Tampubolon Hendriansyah , ABSTRACT<br />The objectives of research were to study influence of biogass compost from cow manure for improvement some physical properties of Ultisol and Soy bean yield. The research was conducted from Janary 2011 untill April 2011. Design of experiment was randomized completely block design with 6 treatment (dossage of biogass compost from cow manure) and 4 replication. The treatment were SB0 : without treatment, SB1 = 5 ton ha-1, SB2 = 10 tone ha-1, SB3 = 15 tone ha-1, SB4 = 20 tone ha-1, SB5 = 25 tone ha-1. Data was analyzed by varians analysis and Duncan New Multiple Range Test on α = 0,05. The results of research was show that biogass compost from cow manure was not affect significantly on soil organic matter, porosity total, and penetration, but it was affect significantly on soil water content increasing. Dossage 20 tone ha-1 of Biogass compost from cow manure can increase soy bean yield until 1,083 tone ha-1 and the best dossage for Ultisol. 2011-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) PENGARUH PEMBERIAN KOMPOS SISA BIOGAS KOTORAN SAPI TERHADAP PERBAIKAN BEBERAPA SIFAT FISIK ULTISOL DAN HASIL KEDELAI (Glycine max (L.) Merill) 2012-07-19T06:46:07+07:00 Refliaty , Gindo Tampubolon Hendriansyah , ABSTRACT<br />The objectives of research were to study influence of biogass compost from cow manure for improvement some physical properties of Ultisol and Soy bean yield. The research was conducted from Janary 2011 untill April 2011. Design of experiment was randomized completely block design with 6 treatment (dossage of biogass compost from cow manure) and 4 replication. The treatment were SB0 : without treatment, SB1 = 5 ton ha-1, SB2 = 10 tone ha-1, SB3 = 15 tone ha-1, SB4 = 20 tone ha-1, SB5 = 25 tone ha-1. Data was analyzed by varians analysis and Duncan New Multiple Range Test on α = 0,05. The results of research was show that biogass compost from cow manure was not affect significantly on soil organic matter, porosity total, and penetration, but it was affect significantly on soil water content increasing. Dossage 20 tone ha-1 of Biogass compost from cow manure can increase soy bean yield until 1,083 tone ha-1 and the best dossage for Ultisol. 2011-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) JENIS VEGETASI DAN KARAKTERISTIK LAHAN DI KAWASAN HUTAN LINDUNG PULAU TARAKAN 2012-07-19T06:49:47+07:00 Adi Sutrisno Hariadi Kartodihardjo Dudung Darusman Bramasto Nugroho ABSTRACT<br />This study aimed to describe the type of vegetation and soil fertility status in the protected forest areas of Tarakan Island (HLPT). The results showed that: (1) the dominant vegetation types in HLPT belong to a group of Dipterocarpaceae, such as meranti (Shorea sp), keruing (Dipterocarpus), Resak (Vatica sp), Merawan (Hopea sangal) and Tengkawang (Shorea pinanga); (2) The soil types in the HLPT area are dominated by Podsolic, with a very acid soil category to sour, having a low ability in holding and exchanging kation, total nitrogen levels from very low to low, levels of C-Organic from very low to high, the phosphorus (P) content available classified as very low to very high and the potassium (K) content available relatively moderate to very high, and (3) the soil fertility status of HLPT is very low to low with HLPT soil texture in form of clay, sandy loam and loamy sand. 2011-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) BEBERAPA SIFAT FISIKA TANAH PADA LAHAN USAHATANI KARET DAN KELAPA SAWIT RAKYAT DI DAS BATANG PELEPAT 2012-07-19T06:51:32+07:00 Sunarti , ABSTRACT<br />Rubber and oil palm farming land at Batang Pelepat Watershed was cultivated by some type. The objectives of this research were know influence rubber and oil palm farming types and secondary forest on some physical properties of soil and defined farming type that the best to maintain soil physical properties. The research was conducted by survai method and data was analyzed statistically according to randomized block design. The result of research showed that rubber and oil palm farming types with mixed cropping system the same as secondary forest in relation to bulk density, porosity total, and pore distribution of soil. 2011-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) DAMPAK LONGSORAN KALDERA TERHADAP TINGKAT SEDIMENTASI DI WADUK BILI-BILI PROVINSI SULAWESI SELATAN 2012-07-19T06:55:16+07:00 Ahmad Rifqi Asrib Yanuar J Purwanto Sukandi S Erizal , ABSTRACT<br />This research aimed to study impact of caldera landslide at Jeneberang sub watershed to sedimentation rates in the Bili-Bili dam. The research was conducted based on field survey, caldera landslide at upstream and sedimentation rate in the Bili-Bili dam. The Result Showed that Jeneberang sub watershed dominated by steep areas topography is 10.080 ha (26.22%) and the closure of forested land is 12.250 ha (31.87%). Caldera landslide in 2004 caused sediment flow from upstream of Jeneberang watershed was 45,027,954 m3. Sabo dam as a sediment control along the Jeneberang upstream has function effectively. It was seen from the volume flow of sediment that can be controlled up to the year 2008 is 1,915,671 m3. Sedimentation rate before the event of landslide caldera, sediment deposited in Bili-Bili dam cumulatively is 8.376 million m3 (April 2001). Five years after the landslide sediment volume has reached 60.959 million m3 in 2008. Based on Trap efficiency showed that efficiency of Bili-Bili dam was decrease from 90.81% in 1997 to 73.34% in 2005, and then increased in 2007 (92.57%) and in 2008 decrease become 89.79%. 2011-11-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c)