Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
POTENSI SUMBERDAYA LAHAN DI DAS BATANG BUNGO UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN SAYURAN (Land Resources Potency at Batang Bungo Watershed for Vegetables Development)
EKSPLORASI CENDAWAN ENDOFIT DARI TANAMAN CABAI YANG BERPOTENSI SEBAGAI AGENS BIOKONTROL PENYAKIT ANTRAKNOSA (Colletotrichum acutatum L.) (Exploration of Endophytic Fungi from Pepper as Biological Control Agents of Anthracnose (Colletotrichum acutatum L.)
FENOLOGI PERTUMBUHAN VEGETATIF DAN GENERATIF TANAMAN DUKU VARIETAS KUMPEH PADA BERBAGAI UMUR (The Phenology of Vegetative and Generative Growth of Duku Kumpeh Varieties at Various Age)
PENGARUH BIOURINE SAPI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN BIBIT KARET (Hevea brasiliensis Mull. Arg) ASAL STUM MATA TIDUR (The Effect of Cattle Biourine to The Growth of Rubber Seedling from Stum Rubber)
ANALISIS TUMBUH DUA VARIETAS TERUNG (Solanum melongena L.) PADA PERBEDAAN JENIS PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR (Growth Analysis of Two Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Varieties on Different Types of Liquid Organic Fertilizer)
PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL DUA VARIETAS KEDELAI (Glycine max L. Merril) PADA PERBEDAAN PUPUK ORGANIK (Growth and Yield of Two Soybean (Glycine max L. Merill) Varieties at Different Organic Fertilizers)
ANALISIS PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL DUA VARIETAS BUNCIS (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) PADA PERBEDAAN JENIS PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR (The Analysis of Growth and Yield of Two Beans Varieties (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) at Different Types of Organic Liquid Fertilizer Material)