Bioplantae <p>Bioplantae diterbitkan 3 (tiga) kali setahun. Diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Agroekoteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jambi</p> en-US Bioplantae PERTUMBUHAN BIBIT KELAPA SAWIT PADA PEMBERIAN KOMPOS JANJANG KOSONG KELAPA SAWIT DI PRE NURSERY PADA TANAH BEKAS TAMBANG BATUBARA <p>This research aims to know the growth of oil palm seeds and composition of empty oil palm bunches of compost and ex- coal mining soil as a medium for planting oil palm seedlings in pre nursery. This research consists of 4 level of treatment, namely k<br>0<br>: top soil as a control, k<br>: the composition of media from ex-coal mining soil and<br>empty oil palm bunches compost (75%: 25%), k<br>1<br>: the composition of media from excoal<br>mining<br>soil<br>and<br>empty palm bunches of compost (50%: 50%), k<br>2<br>: the composition<br>of media from ex-coal mining soil and empty oil palm bunches of compost (25%: 75%).<br>Each treatment was repeated 6 times, so there are 24 units of treatment. The variables<br>measured in this study are number of leaves, stem diameter, total dry weight, leaf area<br>and dry weight of roots. The results showed that the composition of media from ex-coal<br>mining soil and empty palm bunches of compost can increase oil palm growth seedling.<br>The treatment of 75 % of media from ex coal mining soil: 25% empty of oil palm<br>bunches of compost show the highly number of leaves, stem diameter, total dry weight,<br>leaf area, and dry weight of roots.<br><br></p> Frans Suheru Ginting Nyimas Myrna Elsa Fathia Copyright (c) 2015 Bioplantae 2019-01-22 2019-01-22 1 01 1 7 RESPON BIBIT KELAPA SAWIT (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) TERHADAP ABU JANJANG KELAPA SAWIT PADA TANAH BEKAS TAMBANG BATUBARA DI POLYBAG <p>This study aims to determine the response of oil palm seedlings to oil palm bunch ash<br>and get the composition of palm bunch ash as the optimum media mix for planting oil<br>palm seedlings in the ex-coal mining soil in polybag. This study used a Completely<br>Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments, the composition between ex-coal mining<br>soil and oil palm bunch ash (75%:25%), (50%:50%), (25%:75%) and six replicates.<br>The results showed that the composition of ex-coal mining soil and oil palm bunch ash<br>have significant effect on seedling height, seedling diameter, number of leaves, leaf<br>area, dry weight and root dry weight. The composition between ex-coal mining soil and<br>oil palm bunch ash (75%:25%) gave the best results to all parameter observed.</p> Padhila Sari Gusniwati Gusniwati Copyright (c) 2015 Bioplantae 2019-01-22 2019-01-22 1 01 8 13 PENGARUH PEMBERIAN MULSA PLASTIK HITAM PERAK (MPHP) TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL DUA VARIETAS TANAMAN CABAI (Capsicum annuum L.) <p>Chili is a vegetable that has high economic value, but to increase production is hampered by high attacks of pests and diseases. One effort to improve it is by using mulch and selecting superior varieties of chili plants. The study aimed to examine the effect of Black Silver Plastic Mulch (MPHP) on the growth and yield of two chili varieties (Capsicum annuum L). The study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with one factor of combination of variety and type of mulch.. The combination of two varieties and mulching is as follows: P1 = (Mario variety + without MPHP), P2 = (Jatilaba variety + without MPHP), P3 = (Mario + MPHP variety), P4 = (Jatilaba + MPHP variety). To see the effect of treatment, the data were processed statistically by analysis of variance, and for further tests using the Smallest Significant Difference Test (LSD) at the level of α = 5%. The combination of the use of MPHP and two chili varieties affected plant height, number of fruit crops, yield of 2X yields, and weight vanished. The use of Mario varieties given MPHP can increase yields on variable height of chili plants, number of fruit crops, yields and weight loss. Chili Mario varieties more resistant than Jatilaba using MPHP .</p> Erni Yulia Ahmad Riduan Tiur Hermawati Copyright (c) 2015 Bioplantae 2019-01-22 2019-01-22 1 01 14 20 PENGARUH PEMBERIAN KOMBINASI PESTISIDA NABATI TERHADAP HASIL TANAMAN PADI (ORYZA SATIVA L.) VARIETAS INPARA-3 SECARA SRI (THE SYSTEM OF RICE INTENSIFICATION) <p>This study aims to determine the effect of combinations of pesticides to pests and rice yield with System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the tidal area. This Studies was conducted in Kuala Tungkal, especially at one of the farmers fields in Desa Bram ITAM Pembengis Kecamatan Tanjung Jabung Barat. This Studies activity was conducted from September to December 2013. The studies using randomized block design (RBD) with 6 treatments and each factor level in re-treatment 4 times with 5 plants sample. Based on the results of analysis of variance showed that administration of a combination treatment plant pesticides significantly affect plant height, number of tillers, number of productive tillers, grain permalai, production data, the percentage of pests, and no apparent effect on 1000 grain weight. In the tabulation of treatment combinations pesticide plant Leaf Extract Rhizome Extract Soursop + Jeringau get the highest production of 3.69 kg / plot treatment.</p> Rainiyati Rainiyati Andika Aryanda Copyright (c) 2015 Bioplantae 2019-01-22 2019-01-22 1 01 21 26