This is an outdated version published on 2013-12-01. Read the most recent version.
EKSPLORASI CENDAWAN ENDOFIT DARI TANAMAN PADI SEBAGAI AGENS PEMACU PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN (The Exploration of Endophytic Fungi from Oryza sativa as Plant Growth Promoting Agents)
Endophityc fungi have been successfully isolated from Oryza sativa atLaboratory of Plant Disease, Agriculture Faculty University of Jambi. The
aim of this research was to get endophityc fungi from Oryza sativa. There
were three (3) candidates of endophityc fungi that have been successfully
isolated. Pathogenosity test which was done showed that all of fungi were
endophityc fungi. Those fungi were identified as endophityc fungi due to the
seed of paddy could growth normally in pure culture of endophityc fungi. The
three of isolated endophityc fungi were identified as Hifa steril 1, Hifa steril 2,
and Fusarium sp.
Keyword: endophityc fungi, Oryza sativa
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