Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Tahanan dan Barang Bukti Menggunakan Model Prototype Pada Kepolisian Daerah Jambi


  • Tisya Qintari Student
  • Tri Suratno Universitas Jambi
  • Mauladi Mauladi Universitas Jambi




The process of administering detainees and evidence managed by the Directorate of Detention and
Evidence in the Jambi Regional Police which is currently underway is considered to be less effective and
efficient because there are still some shortcomings that could have an impact in the future. These
deficiencies can interfere with the administrative process of detainees and evidence that should run
optimally in the future. Therefore this research was conducted to provide solutions to these problems by
developing a new information system that can overcome and deal with the various shortcomings that occur
today. The information system development method used in this study is design and creation using the
prototype method. The prototype method consists of 5 stages: communication, quick plan, modeling quick
design, contruction of prototype and deployment, delivery and feedback. In addition, the system that has
been built will be functionally tested using black box testing. This test is conducted as a trial method that
focuses on finding input conditions errors in the system. The results of the study using black box testing
using 55 points of the test scenario show that this system is functionally running optimally


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2019-08-07 — Updated on 2019-08-07


How to Cite

Qintari, T., Suratno, T. ., & Mauladi, M. (2019). Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Tahanan dan Barang Bukti Menggunakan Model Prototype Pada Kepolisian Daerah Jambi. JUSS (Jurnal Sains Dan Sistem Informasi), 2(1), 36–44. https://doi.org/10.22437/juss.v2i1.7400