The Solid Medical Waste Management Analysis In Puskesmas Kota Jambi


  • emildan emil Universitas Jambi
  • Jalius Jalius Universitas Jambi
  • Suandi Suandi Universitas Jambi



Puskesmas, Limbah, Medis, Sistim, Pengelolaan


Puskesmas is one of the health service facilities which each
service produces medical and non-medical waste,
both liquid and solid. The improvement of Puskesmas
services will indirectly affect the rate of waste generation
and composition. The waste produced by this Puskesmas is not
properly managed which can cause disease and environmental
pollution. The aim of this research is the management of medical
waste management at the Jambi City Puskesmas with PERMEN LHK
NO 56 IN 2015 concerning the procedures and requirements for the
management of hazardous waste materials from health care facilities
and creating a solid medical waste management model at the Jambi City
Health Center in accordance with the PERMEN LHK NO 56/2015. This research
was conducted in all Puskesmas Jambi City, as many as 20 Puskesmas. The
type of research used is descriptive research using a qualitative approach.
The results showed that the solid medical waste management process at the
Jambi City Health Center, starting from the stages of sorting, storing and
transporting, was not fully in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister
of Environment and Forestry Number: P.56 / MenLHK-Setjen / 2015. Based on
the results of the analysis of things that are not in accordance with the
regulations, a management model will be made in accordance with Permenlhk
P.56 / MenLHK-Setjen / 2015 which is safe, healthy and sustainable.


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How to Cite

emil, emildan, Jalius, J., & Suandi, S. (2021). The Solid Medical Waste Management Analysis In Puskesmas Kota Jambi. Jurnal Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, 4(1), 75 - 84.