Pendampingan Pengelolaan Lingkungan untuk Meningkatkan Sadar Wisata Masyarakat Kawasan Wisata Danau Sipin di Kelurahan Legok Kota Jambi
Environmental_Management, Improving, Tourism_Awareness, Lake_SipinAbstract
Lake Sipin is one of the popular tourist icons in Jambi City. The Sipin Lake area is located in Telanaipura and Lake Sipin sub-districts. Sipin Lake Tourism is a typical lake and is familiar to the people of Jambi City. The Lake Sipin area is expected to become a sustainable economic tourism area as the main tourist destination in Jambi City. The servicepartner is the Community Protector (LINMAS) of Legok Village. The objectives of the service are (1) Providing environmental training assistance so that the community understands the importance of protecting the environment, (2) Socializing the importance of maintaining the Lake Sipin water tourism area, (3) Explaining how to sort and select waste, (4) Managing community waste into compost and recycling usable waste so that it has use value, (5) Structuring the household environment by cleaning the yard and planting medicinal plants and neatly arranged ornamental plants, (6) Increasing the role of waste banks and inviting all components of society, namely millennials, housewives, PKK cadres, Wisma Village cadres to actively participate in maintaining the cleanliness of the tourist area environment. The method of community service to the community around the banks of Lake Sipin is carried out in the form of socialization to the community regarding tourism awareness, and sapta- pesona. The method that will be carried out, namely forming a tourism awareness team and partnered by the local village head and carried out the lecture method and participatory Service activities have been carried out in accordance with what has been planned, at the initial stage various activities were carried out, one of which was a visit in the context of assistance to partners, besides conducting an initial survey of the location and other preparations. The next activity is to socialize maintaining environmental cleanliness and utilizing waste into compost. Furthermore, mutual cooperation activities for environmental cleanliness were carried out. In addition, a visit was made to the location of environmental management and compost making, as well as procuring tools and making compost that can be used by the Kelurahan Legok community.