Validity of Blood Pressure Measurement in Hypertention Patients
Blood Pressure, Left and Right Arms, HypertensionAbstract
Hypertension is abnormal blood pressure and should measure more than once. Precise blood pressure measurements will produce valid data. This research aims to determine the validity of blood pressure in hypertensive patients. The method is quantitative with a cross-sectional research design, sampling technique using accidental, namely as many as 153 respondents, at the Rawasari Community Health Center, Jambi City, and the kappa test is used to statistical test. The validity of the measurement uses accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity tests. The results obtained were 66% of respondents with degree 1 hypertension on the right arm and 58.8% on the left arm. Blood pressure in the right arm correlates with blood pressure in the left arm and vice versa with values of p = 0.000. The sensitivity value is 73.2%, the specificity value is 88.7%, and the accuracy value is 83%. But the left arm has a sensitivity value of 78.8%, a specificity value of 85.1%, and an accuracy value of 83%. Blood pressure measurement on the right arm is more valid than the left arm because it has a higher specificity and positive predictive value and has a higher LR+ value. The conclusion is that the right arm is better for measuring blood pressure.
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Suryani, N., Noviana, Libri, O. (2020). Relationship between nutritional status, physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption and the incidence of hypertension in the Internal Medicine Polyclinic at RSD Idaman, Banjarbaru City. Indonesian Health Journal: 10(2).
Assa C, Rondonuwu R, Bidjuni H,. (2014) Comparison of Blood Pressure Measurements in the Left Arm and Right Arm in Hypertension Patients in the IRINA C BLU Room, Prof. Hospital. Dr. R.D. Kandou. Manado. Journal of Nursing: 2(2).
Association of Indonesian Cardiovascular Specialists (PERKI). (2015). Guidelines for Management of Hypertension in Cardiovascular Disease. Jakarta.
Barbeau TR. (2004). Cardiovascular physiology. Florence: Francis Marion University.
Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, et al. (2003). The seventh report of the joint national committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure: the JNC 7 report. PEOPLE: 289(19).
Clark, E. C., Warren, F. C., Boddy, K., McDonagh, S. T.J. , Moore, S. F. Maria Teresa Alzamora, Rafel Blanes, R., Chuang, S. Y., Criqui, M. H., Dahl, M., Engström, G., Erbel, R., Espeland, M., Ferrucci, L, Guerchet, M., Hattersley, A., Lahoz, C., McClelland, R. L., McDermott, M. M., Price, J., Stoffers, H.E., Wang, J. G., Westerink, J., White, J., Cloutier, L., Taylor, R. S., Shore, A. C., McManus, R., J., Aboyans, V., Campbell, J. C. (2022). Higher Arm Versus Lower Arm Systolic Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Outcomes: a Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data From the INTERPRESS-IPD Collaboration. Hypertension: 79.
Eliani, N. P. A. I., Yenny, L. G. S., Sukmawati, N. M.H. (2022). Daily Physical Activity is Associated with the Degree of Hypertension in the Pre-Elderly and the Elderly in the Working Area of Puskesmas I East Denpasar. e-Journal AMJ: 2(3).
Essa, R. A. & Ahmed, S. K. (2022). Prevalence of Intern-arm Blood Pressure Difference Among Young Healthy adults: Result from a Large Cross-sectional Study on 3235 Participants. Annal of Medicine and Surgery: 77.
Frese, E. M., Fick, A., Shadowsky, H. S. (2011). Blood Pressure Measurement Guidelines for Physical Therapists. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal: 22(2).
Indonesian Ministry of Health. (2014). Indonesia Health Profile 2014. Jakarta.
Indonesian Ministry of Health. (2018). Indonesian Ministry of Health Research and Development Agency in 2018. Jakarta.
Jambi City Health Office. 2018. Jambi City Health Profile 2017. Jambi City.
Jatinugroho, Y. D. & Lontoh, S. O. (2021). The effect of changing positions on blood pressure in employees and female employees at RSU Purwogondo. Tarumanagara Medical Journal: 3(1).
Khasanah, S., Julianto, A., Yudono, D. T. (2020). Analysis of Differences in Blood Pressure Measurement Results for Hypertensive Patients in Sitting, Standing and Lying Positions. PROFESSION (Islamic Professional): Research Publication Media: 18 (1).
Kozier & Erbs. (2010). Nursing Fundamentals Textbook: Concepts, Processes, & Practices. Jakarta: EGC.
Manembu, M., Rumampuk, J., Danes, V. R. (2015). The Effect of Sitting and Standing Positions on Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure in North Minahasa Regency Civil Servants. e-Biomedic Journal: 3(3).
Muntner, P., Shimbo, D., Carey, R. M., Charleston, J. B., Misra, S., Myers, M. G., Ogedegbe, G., Schwartz, J. E., Townsend, R. R. Urbina, E. M., Viera, A. J., White, W. B., Wright Jr, J. T. (2019). Measurement of Blood Pressure in Humans A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. AHA Scientific Statement. 35-66p.
Pickering TG, Hall JE, Appel LJ, et al. (2005). Recommendations for blood pressure measurement in humans and experimental animals: Part 1: blood pressure measurement in humans: a statement for professionals from the Subcommittee of Professional and Public Education of the American Heart Association Council on High Blood Pressure Research. Hypertension: 45(1).
Potter & Perry. (2013). Fundamental Nursing Textbook. Jakarta: EGC.
Purqoti, D. N. S., & Ningsih, N. U. (2019). Identification of the Degree of Hypertension in Hypertension Patients at the Mataram City Health Center. Integrated Nursing Journal: 1(2).
Putra, R. A. A. H. S. (2021). Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive Value and Negative Predictive Value of Digital Sphygmomanometer in Hypertension Screening. Medical Journal: 9(1).
Putri, FA., B. S. FE., Rahayu. (2016). Analysis of Risk Factors for Primary Hypertension in the Elderly at the Dinoyo Malang Community Health Center. SAINTIKA MEDIKA: Journal of Health Sciences and Family Medicine12 (2).
Robert, L. A. De, Canovas, G. J.J., Botella, A. J.J., Garcia, A. I.M., Alegria, L. C, Pérez-Cabrera, P.Y.D. (2019). Validity of self blood pressure measurement in the control of the hypertensive patient: factors involved. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders; 9:1–7.
Rosadi, D. & Hildawati, N. (2021). Analysis of Risk Factors for Hypertension in the Community in the Working Area of the Sungai Raya Community Health Center, Hulu Regency, Sungai Selatan. Journal of Health Epidemiology and Communicable Desease: 7(2).
Setiawan R & Sari F. (2010). Cardiovascular Physiology. Jakarta: EGC.
Smeltzer & Bare. (2013). Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing: EGC.
Suryani, N., Noviana, Libri, O. (2020). Relationship between nutritional status, physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption and the incidence of hypertension in the Internal Medicine Polyclinic at RSD Idaman, Banjarbaru City. Indonesian Health Journal: 10(2).
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