Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan dan Pembangunan Daerah https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES <p style="text-align: justify;"><img src="https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/public/site/images/junaidichan/akreditasi_s2a_(1)3.jpg" /></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ISSN Online: 2355-8520</strong><br /><strong>ISSN Print: 2338-4603</strong></p> <p>The Journal of Perspectives on Financing and Regional Development (Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan dan Pembangunan Daerah) is an open-access, peer-reviewed international forum that welcomes scientists engaged in research to publish high-quality, refereed papers.</p> <p>The Journal focuses on publishing theoretical and empirical papers across all fields of economics. We accept diverse papers employing various research methodologies, such as statistical analysis, case studies, and field research. We aim to provide a platform for articles exploring important research questions from multiple perspectives.</p> <p>The Journal is published six times a year. Since Volume 6, Issue 2 (September-October 2018), Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan dan Pembangunan Daerah has been nationally accredited with an S2 SINTA (Science and Technology Index) score, based on the Decree of the Director General of Development and Research Enhancement, Ministry of Research, Technology &amp; Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 10/E/KTP/2019 concerning the Ranking of Scientific Journals.</p> <p><strong>Published by Master Program in Economics, Graduate Program of Universitas Jambi</strong></p> <p><strong>Editor A</strong><strong>d</strong><strong>dress</strong>: Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan dan Pembangunan Daerah. Program Magister Ilmu Ekonomi, Pascasarjana, Universitas Jambi, Kampus Telanaipura Jambi, Indonesia</p> Program Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Pascasarjana Universitas Jambi en-US Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan dan Pembangunan Daerah 2338-4603 ANALYSIS OF VILLAGE FUNDS TO IMPROVE RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN PITU VILLAGE , TOBELO TENGA DISTRICT https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/34820 <p>This research aims to analyze the description and explanation of Village Fund Management in the Development of Sumbera Pitu Village. Apart from that, analyze Inhibiting and supporting factors for managing village funds in Pitu Village, Tobelo Tenga District , Regency North Kalmahera. The research method is qualitative description, while the research location In Pitu Village , the research location was determined purposively, with resource persons or informants including, Head of Village, Head of Bumdes, Community of Bumdes Actors. Data collection methods use observation, in-depth interviews <em>, </em>documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used in research uses an interactive perspective method and can be tested for the validity of the data, following the triangulation method , namely, data reduction, data display, data verification, simultaneously with the implementation of inspection techniques for a number of certain criteria. Results of research analysis of Village Fund management in developing Pitu Village resources with an approach to several problems that need to be looked at, 1) Planning 2) Implementation 3) Administration 4 ) Accountability Reporting. has followed the applicable rules in managing Village Funds . Village Fund Management focuses on village development and community empowerment . In carrying out the development of the Village , the development of roads and so on has been carried out to the maximum. Also, in empowering the P Village community , beach tourism is being managed by BUMDes as an effort to empower the community and help the community increase their income. However, it cannot be denied that in 2023 -2024 in managing coastal tourism Pitu Village is not optimal due to the spread of Covid-19 so the government urges the public not to create crowds to avoid the spread. So the management of beach tourism is not optimal. However, the government continues to monitor beach tourism every day to see significant developments.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ibnu Kanaha Copyright (c) 12 2 ANALYSIS OF THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR AND ROLE IN GROSS REGIONAL DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GRDP) IN JAMBI PROVINCE https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/34515 <p><em>This research aims to examine and analyze the GRDP potential of the construction sector in City Districts in Jambi Province and its influence on the GRDP of the construction sector. Analysis tools LQ, DLQ, Klassen Typology, panel data regression. Types of quantitative data via website: https://jambi.bps.go.id. The results of research on the GRDP potential of the construction sector in Jambi Province, the non-based sector is not prospectively advanced but is under pressure. Kerinci Regency, Bungo and Jambi City are prospective base sectors which are rapidly advancing and growing. Merangin Regency, Tebo and Sungai Penuh. The prospective base sector is growing. Sarolangun Regency's base sector is not prospective for development. East Tanjung Jabung and West Tanjung Jabung Regencies The non-base sector is prospectively developing but under pressure. Batanghari Regency, the non-base sector has no prospective development. Muaro Jambi Regency, the non-prospective non-based sector is relatively lagging behind. The partial test results of construction workers, construction service business entities, human development index significantly influence the construction sector GRDP variable while the construction cost index, capital expenditure do not significantly influence the construction sector GRDP variable and the simultaneous test results obtained R2 72.05%. </em></p> Suhermanyakub Suherman Haryadi Haryadi Zulfanetti Syaparuddin Copyright (c) 12 2 Model Kinerja Rantai Pasok Kopi Arabika Koperasi Koerintji Barokah Bersama Berbasis Digital https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/34483 <p>Tujuan penelitian: (1) untuk mengetahui sistem rantai pasok kopi arabika; (2) untuk mengetahui kinerja rantai pasok kopi arabika; dan (3)&nbsp; untuk merumuskan model kinerja rantai pasok kopi arabika berbasis digital. Penelitian dilakukan di Koperasi Koerintji Barokah Bersama (KKBB) Kabupaten Kerinci Provinsi Jambi dengan waktu penelitian selama 6 bulan kalender. Data penelitian bersumber dari data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh langsung dari responden (petani, UPH dan KKBB), sedangkan data sekunder bersumber dari literatur, jurnal, dan laporan penelitian dinas instansi terkait. Jumlah Unit Pengolahan Hasil (UPH) yang diambil sebanyak 5 unit dengan jumlah responden 80 petani. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan model Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) melalui Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian rantai pasok kopi arabika pada Koperasi Koerintji Barokah Bersama memiliki satu sistem rantai pasok&nbsp; secara utuh dan konsisten mulai dari tingkat petani, UPH, KKBB, dan konsumen akhir (domestik dan ekspor) sesuai dengan kontraktual yang telah disepakati terhadap aliran rantai pasok (produk, dana, dan informasi) dengan nilai kinerja rantai pasok tergolong baik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan&nbsp; faktor manajemen rantai pasok, modal sosial, dan penguatan teknologi informasi secara digital baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja rantai pasok kopi arabika pada Koperasi Koerintji Barokah Bersama.</p> Teguh Tri Handiyanto Suandi Fuad Muchlis Copyright (c) 12 2 Blue Economy, Renewable Energy, and CO2 Emisssion in Indonesia: ARDL Approach https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/34183 <p>Indonesia, as the largest archipelagic country in the world with high marine biodiversity, has great potential in developing a blue economy that includes aquaculture, sustainable fisheries, and maritime tourism. However, this economic activity also has the potential to increase CO2 emissions if not managed properly. In addition, Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest greenhouse gas emissions in the world, which is largely caused by deforestation, forest burning for agricultural land, and an energy sector that still relies on fossil fuels. With global commitments to reduce emissions and the impact of climate change, this research is important to explore how the blue economy and the transition to renewable energy can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. Through the ARDL approach, this research produces both short- and long-term studies. The study shows that increasing aquaculture production in Indonesia reduces CO2 emissions in the short term due to initial efficiency and environmentally friendly technology, but in the long term, the impact is more complex and can increase emissions. Renewable energy consumption significantly reduces CO2 emissions in both the short and long term. In contrast, higher energy intensity increases CO2 emissions, but this can be reduced by increased energy efficiency.</p> Xenaneira Shodrokova Anna Yulianita Abdul Bashir Copyright (c) 12 2 k Peningkatan Kinerja Keuangan Daerah untuk Pengembangan Ekonomi Daerah Berkelanjutan Pada Kabupaten/Kota Di Provinsi Jambi https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/34177 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja keuangan daerah untuk mendukung pengembangan ekonomi daerah yang berkelanjutan pada Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi. Pelaksanaan otonomi daerah memerlukan sumber dana, terutama dari Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), untuk membiayai program pembangunan. Akan tetapi, analisis dari tahun 2017-2022 menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata derajat desentralisasi fiskal di daerah ini masih sangat rendah. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada sembilan dari sebelas kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jambi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi analisis data panel dan analisis SWOT, yang disesuaikan menjadi model Dapel SWOT. Data yang digunakan bersumber dari BPS, DJPK Kemenkeu, dan Bappeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kinerja keuangan daerah dapat dicapai melalui strategi yang tepat berdasarkan analisis faktor internal dan eksternal. Model regresi data panel yang digunakan terdiri <strong>atas</strong> tiga pendekatan, yaitu model Pooled Least Squares, fixed effect, dan random effect. Hasil dari model fixed effect menunjukkan bahwa beberapa variabel independen memiliki pengaruh signifikan pada kinerja keuangan daerah</p> Faradilla Herlin Copyright (c) 12 2 Financial Sustainability Analysis of Sharia Banking and Factors that Affect It https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33912 <p>This study aimed to analyze the influence of Return on Assets (ROA), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Financing Deposit Ratio (FDR), Operating Expenses Operating Income (BOPO) on Financial Sustainability Ratio (FSR) of Islamic Banking in Indonesia. The population of this study includes all Islamic Banking companies in Indonesia for the period of 2012-2021. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling technique. Based on predetermined criteria obtained by 6 companies. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from the respective Banking website. The analytical method used is panel data regression analysis. The results showed that the Capital Adequacy Ratio and Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) had positive and insignificant results on the Financial Sustainability Ratio, while the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) had a positive and significant effect on the Financial Sustainability Ratio, In contrast Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Operational Costs and Operating Income (BOPO) have negative and insignificant results on the Financial Sustainability Ratio.</p> Ichsan Hamidi Deassy Apriani Abdul Bashir Suhel Copyright (c) 12 2 FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY RATIO AND ASPECTS THAT AFFECT IT https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33910 <p>This study aimed to analyze the influence of Return on Assets (ROA), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Financing Deposit Ratio (FDR), Operating Expenses Operating Income (BOPO) on Financial Sustainability Ratio (FSR) of Islamic Banking in Indonesia. The population of this study includes all Islamic Banking companies in Indonesia for the period of 2012-2021. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling technique. Based on predetermined criteria obtained by 6 companies. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from the respective Banking website. The analytical method used is panel data regression analysis. The results showed that the Capital Adequacy Ratio and Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) had positive and insignificant results on the Financial Sustainability Ratio, while the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) had a positive and significant effect on the Financial Sustainability Ratio, In contrast Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Operational Costs and Operating Income (BOPO) have negative and insignificant results on the Financial Sustainability Ratio.</p> Ichsan Hamidi Deassy Apriani Suhel Copyright (c) 12 2 Understanding Qualitative Resear Understanding Qualitative Research: A Review of Lapan et al. (2012) Qualitative Research: An Introduction to Methods and Design https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33829 <p>This article reviews a book entitled, <em>Qualitative Research: An Introduction to Methods and Designs</em><em>,</em> authored by Lapan, et al. (2012). The reviewers found this book to be an introductory source material for beginner researchers who have limited experience in qualitative research. It can also serve as a supplementary guide for advanced researches who are interested in becoming focused qualitative researchers. We have observed that the book provides explanations of peculiar designs and methodologies other than a mere focus on methods, emphasizing more on philosophical orientations guiding qualitative researchers while depicting uniquely framed newer paradigms. The concepts described in the book are also written in a simple language supported by step-by-step explanations or guides. Thus, we believe that the book contributes to the development of qualitative research as a discipline and beyond an approach. However, while peculiarities of emphasis on methodologies can be considered strengths, excessive indulgence in these paradigmatic orientations to which novice researchers have less exposure may obscure some basics of qualitative research. &nbsp;</p> Solomon Terfasa Copyright (c) 12 2 The Impact of Fiscal Policy on the Underprivileged Population in Indonesia https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33824 <p>Fiscal policy is essentially a policy instrument aimed at enhancing societal<em> welfare. This study aims to determine the impact of fiscal policy based on expenditure functions in various sectors on societal welfare measured through the objective approach of poverty. The research employs a multiple linear regression analysis model using the Least Square Dummy Variable (LSDV) approach method. The data utilized in this study are secondary data from the years 2017 to 2022 from regencies/cities in Indonesia. The research findings reveal that government expenditures in public services, health, education, and social protection significantly influence the number of poor people in Indonesia, while government expenditures in the economic sector have insignificant probability on the number of poor people in Indonesia. Our investigation leads to the conclusion that the breakdown of government spending across the economy requires more than one period to have an impact on poverty. Our findings also gain consistency in results by adding district/city status predictors.</em></p> Yesi Aprianti Sir Copyright (c) 12 2 The ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF EASE, UTILITY, AND RISK ON THE USE OF THE INDONESIAN STANDARD QUICK RESPONSE CODE (QRIS) AS A PAYMENT SYSTEM IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS AT TEANOL CAFE IN JAMBI CITY https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33811 <p><em>In line with the increasing development of smartphone use in Indonesia, Bank Indonesia has issued a national QR Code called QRIS with the aim of simplifying digital financial transactions. The aim of this research is to determine the partial and simultaneous influence of convenience, usefulness and risk on the use of QRIS as a payment system at Cafe Teanol, Jambi City. This research uses quantitative research with the population of Cafe Teanol consumers in Jambi City using QRIS, the sampling method uses purposive sampling, determining the number of samples using the Slovin formula with a result of 100 respondents. Data collection uses a questionnaire. The data from the questionnaire was processed using SmartPLS 3. The research results show that QRIS is permitted in Islam because regarding the use of non-cash payments as long as no one is harmed in the buying and selling then it is legal. And the test results show that the variables of convenience, usefulness and risk have a partial and simultaneous effect on the use of QRIS as a payment system at Cafe Teanol, Jambi City.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Use of QRIS, Convenience, Benefits a</em><em>nd Risks.</em></p> Alda Mariatul Copyright (c) 12 2 STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN WILAYAH BERBASIS SEKTOR UNGGULAN DI KABUPATEN MALAKA https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33616 <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Sektor unggulan wilayah menjadi salah satu tumpuhan tolak ukur untuk mengetahui berkembangnya suatu perekonomian daerah. Sektor unggulah menjadi salah satu tumpuhan bagi sektor lain sehingga menjadi pengaruh bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi bagi suatu wilayah.&nbsp;&nbsp; Ada tiga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi sektor yang menjadi sebagai potensi sektor basis dan non-basis dalam perekonomian Kabupaten Malaka, mengidentifikasi sektor yang menjadi potensi sebagai tingkat pertumbuhan dalam perekonomian Kabupaten Malaka, dan&nbsp; Mengidentifikasi sektor-sektor apakah yang menjadi potensi sebagai laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Malaka. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Malaka.&nbsp; Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Location Quetient (LQ), analisis Shit Share dan analisis Growth Share. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Location Quetient Kabupaten Malaka dan Provinsi NTT tahun 2014-2022 menunjukan bahwa sektor yang menjadi sektor basis adalah Sektor pertanian, kehutanan dan perikanan, sektor industri pengolahan, &nbsp;sektor kontruksi, sektor transportasi dan pergudangan, sektor real estate, sektor administrasi pemerintahan, pertahanan dan jaminan sosial wajib, serta sektor jasa lainnya yang memiliki nilai LQ &gt; 1. Menurut analisis Shift Share semua sektor basis yang dihasilkan oleh analisis LQ semua sektor tersebut memiliki nilai positif (+) yang artinya sektor pertanian, kehutanan dan perikanan, sektor industri pengolahan, &nbsp;sektor kontruksi, sektor transportasi dan pergudangan, sektor real estate, sektor administrasi pemerintahan, pertahanan dan jaminan sosial wajib, serta sektor jasa lainnya mengalami kemajuan atau memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan yang baik. Berdasarkan analisis Growth Share pada ketujuh sektor basis dan memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan yang baik (+) adalah terdapat lima (5) sektor yang berpotensi menjadi laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sektor unggulan wilayah atau memiliki nilai Grouth dan Share yang positif (+) yaitu sektor pertanian, kehutanan dan perikanan,&nbsp; sektor konstruksi, sektor real estate, sektor transportasi dan pergudangan, sektor jasa perusahaan dan sektor administrasi pemerintahan, pertahanan dan jaminan sosial wajib.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Sektor Basis, Pertubuhan Ekonomi dan Laju Pertumbuhan dan Unggulan Wilayah</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dominggus Bere Nahak Copyright (c) 12 2 ANALISIS PENGARUH JUDI ONLINE, BUDAYA DAN PENGETAHUAN TERHADAP EKONOMI RUMAH TANGGA DI KELURAHAN BEIRAFU KECAMATAN ATAMBUA BARAT https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33607 <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p><em>Ekonomi rumah tangga merupakan bagian penting dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya harus memiliki penghasilan untuk memperoleh barang atau jasa. . Judi Online merupakan bentuk perjudian yang dilakukan melalui media internet tanpa pertemuan langsung, tetapi melalui jaringan daring. Budaya (kumpul keluarga)&nbsp; merupakan permasalahan yang timbul ditengah-tengah masyarakat dan dapat mempengaruhi kesejahteraan individu dan kelompok dalam masyarakat. Pengetahuan merupakan peran penting dalam kehidupan dan perkembangan indvidu, dan masyarakat.</em> <em>Dalam hal ini terjadi penurunan </em><em>ekonomi rumah tangga </em><em>yang disebabkan oleh</em><em> berbagai</em><em> permasalahan seperti Judi Online, Budaya dan Pengetahuan yang dimana dari 3 faktor tersebut dapat mempengaruhi tingkat </em><em>k</em><em>ebutuhan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga</em><em> menurun</em><em>. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Judi Online (X<sub>1</sub>), Budaya (X<sub>2</sub>) dan Pengetahuan (X<sub>3</sub>) terhadap Ekonomi Rumah Tangga (Y) di Kelurahan Beirafu Kecamatan Atambua Barat. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang bersumber dari identitas data responden Kelurahan Beirafu Kecamatan Atambua Barat, melalui observasi wawancara dan penyebaran kuisioner, studi ini mengunakan analisis regresi linear sederha dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian&nbsp; menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial Judi online (X<sub>1</sub>) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Ekonomi rumah tangga (Y) di Kelurahan beirafu, kecamatan atambua barat kabupaten belu. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai t-statistik sebesar 3,561 dan probalitas&nbsp; 0,00. Terdapat pengaruh dan signifikan anatara Budaya (X<sub>2</sub>) terhadap Ekonomi rumah tangga (Y) di Kelurahan Beirafu, Kecamatan Atambua Barat. HaL ini dibuktikan dari hasil t-statistik 5,586 dan probalitas&nbsp; 0,000. Terdapat pengaruh dan signifikan antara Pengetahuan (X<sub>3</sub>)&nbsp; terhadap Ekonomi rumah tangga (Y) di Kelurahan Beirafu, Kecamatan Atambua Barat. Hal ini dibuktikan dari&nbsp; hasil t-statistik 6,746 dan probalitas 0,000. Variabel Judi online (X</em><em><sub>1</sub></em><em>), Budaya (X<sub>2</sub>) dan pengetahuan (X<sub>3</sub>) secara simultan memiliki pengaruh dan signifikan terhadap Ekonomi rumah tangga (Y) ) di Kelurahan Beirafu, Kecamatan Atambua Barat. Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil F-statistik 18.580 dan nilai probalitas 0,000.</em></p> Emanuel Vergilius Kefi Copyright (c) 12 2 DETERMINAN KINERJA UMKM DI KECAMATAN INSANA UTARA KABUPATEN TIMOR TENGAH UTARA https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33603 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh modal usaha, lama usaha, motivasi kerja, dan promosi terhadap kinerja UMKM di kecamatan insana utara kabupaten timor tengah utara. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data primer yaitu data yang diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara, pembagian kuisioner dan lain-lain dan data sekunder yaitu data yang diambil pada dinas koperasi usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah kabupaten timor tengah utara pada dua tahun terakhir dari tahun 2021 hingga tahun 2022. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 147 orang pelaku UMKM dan sampel sebanyak 60 responden. Jenis data yang digunakan data kuantitatif, sumber datanya data primer dan sekunder. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara berdasarkan kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial yang terdiri dari analisis regresi sederhana, berganda, koefisien determinasi, dan pengujian hipotesis. Analisis data menggunakan program SPSS versi 26. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) secara simultan variabel modal usaha, lama usaha, motivasi kerja, dan variabel promosi berpengaruh signifikan&nbsp; terhadap variabel kinerja UMKM dengan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,000 lebih kecil dari alpha 0,05. 2) Secara parsial tidak terdapat&nbsp; pengaruh antara variabel modal usaha terhadap kinerja UMKM tetapi memiliki hubungan yang signifikan antara modal usaha dengan kinerja UMKM dengan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,001 lebih kecil dari alpha 0,05. 3) Secara parsial terdapat pengaruh &nbsp;signifikan antara variabel lama usaha terhadap kinerja UMKM dengan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,004 lebih kecil&nbsp; dari alpha 0,05. 4) Secara parsial terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara variabel motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja UMKM dengan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,001&nbsp; lebih kecil dari alpha 0,05. 5) Secara parsial tidak terdapat pengaruh antara variabel promosi terhadap kinerja UMKM tetapi memiliki hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel &nbsp;promosi terhadap kinerja UMKM dengan &nbsp;tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,009 lebih kecil &nbsp;dari alpha&nbsp; 0,05). Dalam model ini menghasilkan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 0.564 dan nilai koefisien determinasi (R²) sebesar 0.318 (31,8%)</p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci: </em></strong><em>Modal Usaha, Lama Usaha, Motivasi Kerja, Promosi, Kinerja UMKM.</em></p> yosefsuni suni Copyright (c) 12 2 Substitution or Complementary: The Effect of Peer to Peer Lending on Commercial Bank Credit and Indonesian Rural Bank Credit https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33594 <p>The emergence of peer to peer lending as a loan-based financial service platform that operates online raises concerns about the sustainability of banks, especially commercial banks and rural banks that have dominated the credit market. This study was conducted with the aim to analyze the effect of peer to peer lending on commercial bank credit and rural bank credit in Indonesia, whether the relationship formed is substituted or complementary. The method used in this study is panel data regression estimation, the data is monthly data per province in Indonesia with a time period of January 2020-September 2022. The results showed that peer to peer lending is complementary to commercial bank credit and rural bank credit in Indonesia, this relationship can be formed for several reasons, such as for the case of commercial banks because they serve different consumer segments and for commercial banks peer to peer lending not a threat.</p> Rania Octa Isyara Didik Susetyo Alghifari Mahdi Igamo Liliana Copyright (c) 12 2 PENGARUH MODAL, TEKNOLOGI, JUMLAH TANGKAPAN IKAN DAN PENDAPATAN TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN NELAYAN DI KECAMATAN INSANA UTARA KABUPATEN TIMOR TENGAH UTARA https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33595 <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p><a name="_Toc143666616"></a><a name="_Toc143235999"></a><a name="_Toc143235524"></a>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh Modal (X1), Teknologi (X2), Jumlah Tangkapan Ikan (X3), Pendapatan (X4) terhadap Kesejahteraan Nelayan (Y) di Kecamatan Insana Utara baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan. Penelitian ini di lakukan di Kecamatan Insana Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Adapun waktu penelitian yang di rencanakan mulai dari bulan Januari 2024 – selesai dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 68 responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Modal (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Kesejahteraan Nelayan (Y) di Kecamatan Insana Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara dengan tingkat signifikan 0,001 atau lebih kecil dari 0,05. Teknologi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Kesejahteraan Nelayan (Y) di Kecamatan Insana Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara dengan tingkat signifikan 0,026 atau lebih kecil dari 0,05. Jumlah Tangkapan Ikan&nbsp; (X3) berpengaruh terhadap Kesejahteraan Nelayan (Y) di Kecamatan Insana Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara dengan tingkat signifikan 0,140 atau lebih besar dari 0,05. Pendapatan&nbsp; (X4) berpengaruh terhadap Kesejahteraan Nelayan (Y) di Kecamatan Insana Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara dengan tingkat signifikan 0,003 atau lebih kecil dari 0,05. Modal (X1) berpengaruh terhadap Pendapatan&nbsp; (X4) di Kecamatan Insana Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara dengan tingkat signifikan 0,000 atau lebih kecil dari 0,05. Teknologi (X2) berpengaruh terhadap Jumlah Tangkapan Ikan (X3) di Kecamatan Insana Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara dengan tingkat signifikan 0,000 atau lebih kecil dari 0,05. Variabel Modal (X1), Varaibel Teknologi (X2), Varibel Jumlah Tangkapan Ikan (X3) dan Variabel Pendapatan (X4) secatra bersama-sama berpengaruh&nbsp; terhadap Kesejahteraan Nelayan (Y) dengan tingkat signifikan 0,005 atau lebih kecil dari 0,05</p> Arnoldus Bnao Copyright (c) 12 2 FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PENDAPATAN NELAYAN DI KECAMATAN MALAKA BARAT KABUPATEN MALAKA https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33587 <p><strong><em>ABSTRAK</em></strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Malaka Barat Kabupaten Malaka dengan responden sebanyak 71 orang. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah pendapatan rumah tangga nelayan di Kecamatan Malaka Barat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor antara lain; modal kerja, pengalaman melaut dan migrasi sirkuler. Tujuan peneltian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel modal kerja, pengalaman melaut dan migrasi sirkuler terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga nelayan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa data primer. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara parsial modal kerja, pengalaman melaut dan migrasi sirkuler berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga nelayan ditunjukan dengan nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari alpha 0,05 dan secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan antara modal kerja, pengalaman melaut dan migrasi sirkuler terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga nelayan di Kecamatan Malaka Barat Kabupaten Malaka</em></p> Maria Yanti Cardoso Copyright (c) 12 2 THE INFLUENCE OF REGIONAL ORIGINAL INCOME (PAD), GENERAL ALLOCATION FUNDS (DAU), AND SPECIAL ALLOCATION FUNDS (DAK) ON CAPITAL EXPENDITURE IN EAST NUSA TENGGARA PROVINCE https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33560 <p><em>Capital Expenditure is one of the groups of regional expenditures used in the purchase and provision of tangible goods that have more than one year's usability used in infrastructure development and the provision of public facilities. To increase the Capital Expenditure Budget, local governments can use the sources of funds contained in the APBD, including Regional Original Revenue (PAD), General Allocation Fund (DAU) and Special Allocation Fund (DAK). The purpose of this study is to determine the Effect of Regional Original Revenue (PAD), General Allocation Fund (DAU), and Special Allocation Fund (DAK) on Capital Expenditure in NTT Province. The data analysis technique used in this study is Multiple Linear Regression. The results of a simple linear regression analysis stated that, partially, the variable PAD (X<sub>1</sub>) had an insignificant effect on the variable Capital Expenditure (Y) which was shown with a significant value of 0.542 greater alpha. Partially, the DAU variable (X<sub>2</sub>) has an insignificant effect on Capital Expenditure (Y), shown by a significant value of 0.180 greater alpha. Partially, the DAK variable (X<sub>3</sub>) has a significant effect on Capital Expenditure (Y) shown by a significant value of 0.001 smaller than alpha. Simultaneously, the variables PAD (X1), DAU (X2), and DAK (X3) have a significant effect on Capital Expenditure (Y) shown by a significant value of 0.008 smaller alpha.</em></p> Lolita Germania Abi Copyright (c) 12 2 The Effect of Competitive Advantage on Good University Governance and University Performance: An Approach from the Resource-Based View https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33410 <p>The implementation of Good University Governance (GUG) is anticipated to enhance transparency, accountability, university performance, and elevate the competitiveness of universities to international levels. Despite these expectations, the current implementation of GUG in Indonesia falls short. This research specifically focuses on examining the impact of Competitive Culture (CC), Knowledge Development (KD) on GUG and university performance in public universities in Indonesia, utilizing the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory. The sampling method employed is cluster sampling. The results indicate a positive and significant effect of CC on GUG, KD on GUG, GUG on university performance, CC on university performance, and KD on university performance. In essence, these findings align with the RBV theory, asserting that university capabilities contribute to enhancing overall university performance. Additionally, suggestions have been proposed for future research to expand the study's scope by investigating other variables that may potentially influence Good University Governance (GUG) and university performance.</p> Vania Stephani Bangun Copyright (c) 12 2 The Effect of Competitive Advantage on Good University Governance and University Performance: An Approach from the Resource-Based View https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/33408 <p>The implementation of Good University Governance (GUG) is anticipated to enhance transparency, accountability, university performance, and elevate the competitiveness of universities to international levels. Despite these expectations, the current implementation of GUG in Indonesia falls short. This research specifically focuses on examining the impact of Competitive Culture (CC), Knowledge Development (KD) on GUG and university performance in public universities in Indonesia, utilizing the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory. The sampling method employed is cluster sampling. The results indicate a positive and significant effect of CC on GUG, KD on GUG, GUG on university performance, CC on university performance, and KD on university performance. In essence, these findings align with the RBV theory, asserting that university capabilities contribute to enhancing overall university performance. Additionally, suggestions have been proposed for future research to expand the study's scope by investigating other variables that may potentially influence Good University Governance (GUG) and university performance.</p> Vania Stephani Bangun Copyright (c) 12 2 Sustainability Analysis of the Revolving Fund Programe: A Prospective Approach for MICMAC https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32778 <p>The importance of access to credit for micro, small, and handicraft household enterprises, including cooperatives, has been a major focus in improving working capital financing and capital accumulation to support industrial income. The government, with the assistance of the Revolving Fund Management Institution (LPDB), has launched a revolving fund program to strengthen the capital of KSP/USP-Cooperatives, increase the capacity of human resources in business and financial management, and strengthen the role of KSP/USP-Cooperatives in supporting efforts to expand employment opportunities and alleviate poverty. Based on data from the Cooperative Business Development Division of the Denpasar City UMKM Cooperative Office, from 2021 to 2023, five cooperatives received the LPDB revolving fund program, but did not always reapply for the program funds. This raises attention to the sustainability of the program and the factors that influence it. This study aims to identify the factors that influence the sustainability of the LPDB program for cooperatives in Denpasar City. Analysis using the MICMAC method shows that revolving fund administration requirements and member information and knowledge about revolving funds have the most significant direct influence. These findings emphasize the importance of simplifying administration and increasing member knowledge to support program success. Active participation of members also plays an important role in predicting the sustainability of the program, signifying the importance of members' direct involvement in supporting their economic activities</p> Fino Rihab Dibihantoro Ni Nyoman Reni Suasih Copyright (c) 12 2 Impact of Imports of Consumer Goods and Imports of Capital Goods Against the Amount of Money in Circulation in Indonesia https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32758 <p>International trade has a positive impact on the countries that carry it out, be it imports, exports or other international cooperation. Imports are carried out when a country cannot provide goods and services independently due to limited resources or they can be produced but at high costs. Imports of consumer goods and capital goods in Indonesia are closely related to the amount of money in circulation, both currency and demand deposits. The research results show that imports of consumer goods on the money supply variable in Indonesia have a strong relationship and have a significant effect. Likewise, the variables imports of capital goods and money supply have a fairly strong relationship, but do not have a significant relationship.</p> Kamilaus Konstanse Oki Emanuel Be Maria Yanti Akoit Copyright (c) 12 2 Pathways To Prosperity: An In-Depth Study of Sustainable Livelihoods In Organic Products MSME’s https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32689 <p style="font-weight: 400;">This article was conducted in 2022, describes the condition of Organic Products MSMEs' in Malang Raya during the COVID-19 pandemic. The concept of the Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA) is used to determine the sustainability of the MSMEs' livelihoods. The SLA concept theoretically suggests a pentagon of assets: human, social, public, physical, and financial assets. The five assets were analyzed using RAPFISH (Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries) software. This tool can identify the most influential attribute using leverage analysis, namely the ordination technique with Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS). Each dimension has attributes related to sustainability, with assessment criteria based on SLA. The analysis results of the five (5) assets owned by MSMEs' Organic Products in Malang Raya show that the lacking attribute is public assets. The indicators of public assets are based on various public facilities to support the MSMEs' sustainability, especially at the ease of access level. That is related to transportation facilities and access to the movement. In comparison, the other four assets are at sufficient criteria. Thus, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Organic Product MSMEs' in Malang Raya are still going. However, there are restrictions on easy access to movement during the COVID-19 pandemic.</p> Sri Muljaningsih Dien Amalina Nur Asrofi Copyright (c) 12 2 Who Intends to Enter the Formal Sector the Most? Individual-Level Determinants of Formal Job Selection in Indonesia https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32688 <div><span lang="EN-US">The informal sector in the labor market is often regarded as filled with low-quality, low-productivity, low-wage jobs. However, in Indonesia, the informal sector is important in absorbing more than half of the total workforce and providing subsistence wages for those not absorbed in the formal labor market. This study used SUSENAS microdata to determine the workforce determinants in working in the formal and informal sectors. The study results show that higher education, male gender, and living in an urban area increased one's chances of working in the formal sector. This study also found an inverted u-shaped curve on age, where a person's tendency to work in the formal sector would increase at the beginning of their productive age and decrease after entering the age of 27. Marital status in this study increased opportunities to work in the informal sector. This research may use to improve the labor policy and improve the job opportunity in both formal and informal sector.</span></div> Susilo Susilo Nayaka Artha Wicesa Axellina Muara Setyanti Silvi Asna Prestianawati Copyright (c) 12 2 ICT Expansion and Human Development: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32684 <p>Human development is the main study and target of every country worldwide. Comprehensive human development can be seen from increasing living standards and ease of basic access such as education and health. The acceleration of the human development process requires technology that society has used, namely ICT (<em>Information and Communication Technologies</em>). The main objective of this study is to estimate the impact of ICT Skills, ICT Access, the realization of domestic investment, and the democracy index on the human development index using provincial-level data in Indonesia. The estimation employed panel data for 34 provinces for the 2016-2022. Based on the Chow and Hausman tests, the best model was the fixed effect model rather than the common and random effect models. The main findings obtained the significant effect of ICT Skills and ICT Access on human development during the research period. The ICT Skill and ICT Access coefficients were positive with almost the same value. It indicated the rapid development of ICT and the importance of ICT in the Indonesian people’s lives. The estimation results revealed that democracy was proven insignificant, while domestic investment positively and significantly impacted human development during the research period. Based on the findings of this study, ICT development policies are required, such as investment in ICT, improving infrastructure, and effective implementation of ICT. The use of ICT is also adjusted to the characteristics and potential of each province in Indonesia for equality and reduction of inequality.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong>: </strong><em>Human development, ICT Skills, ICT Access, Democracy</em></p> vita sari Copyright (c) 12 2 Determinants of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia: Mapping with Cartesius Diagram https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32660 <p>This research aims to determine the extent of long and short term relationships and the quality between variables within the framework of the Sustainable Development Concept by looking at the proportion of social aspects as human development index, economic aspects, namely economic growth and environmental aspects, namely the environmental quality index: In the context of suppressing poverty rates in Indonesia. The methodology in this research uses the Panel Vector Error Correction Model (P-VECM) analysis technique for panel data, between time series (2010-2022) and cross-section (34 provinces in Indonesia) and using a Cartesian diagram to determine which provinces have the greatest potential as regions with an even level of SDGs achievement. These results show that in the Granger causality test between the human development index, economic growth and the environmental quality index, there is no one-way or two-way relationship or there is no causal interaction between these variables. In the long-term relationship, only the human development index has a significant influence and is negatively correlated with poverty, while economic growth and the environmental quality index do not have a long-term relationship with the level of poverty in Indonesia.</p> Azwardi Sukanto Siti Rohima Copyright (c) 12 2 The impact of domestic debt on inflation rate: Empirical evidence from Nigeria. https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32488 <p>Using annual time series data, this study examines the relationship between Nigeria's domestic debt and the country's inflation rate between 1981 and 2022 using the ARDL estimation technique. The study employed the Augment Dickey-Fuller unit root test to determine the stationarity of each variable, and the result revealed that inflation and GDP growth rates were stationary at integration level I(0), whereas all other variables were integrated at I(1). The bound test revealed that there is a long-run relationship between the variables, which implies that all the variables cointegrate. The study revealed that domestic debt and interest rates had a negative impact on the inflation rate, while external debt, economic growth, and money supply had a positive impact on the inflation rate. Since the study found that domestic debt helps to reduce inflation, the government should often consider borrowing from within the country as it reduces inflation as against external borrowings that increase inflation.</p> Olufemi Samuel Adegboyo Dominic Oluwagbamiye Copyright (c) 12 2 The THE EFFECT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTICES ON EARNINGS MANAGEMENT: EVIDENCE FROM PRIVATE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN ETHIOPIA https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32470 <p>This research examined the effect of corporate governance practices on earnings management through discretionary loss reserve accrual, using panel data of 11 selected Ethiopian private insurance companies for the period 2016 to 2023. The study employed a quantitative research approach and explanatory research design. The study is crucial given the fact that there is no research on insurance earnings management in Ethiopia. Based on the random effect regression model, the study finds that board size; CEO duality, board meeting frequency, and board gender diversity are significant and negatively associated with earnings management. Additionally, the study finds a negative and significant relationship between audit committee financial expertise, internal auditors` educational background, and financial leverage with earnings management. On the other side, firms` size is positive and significantly associated with earnings management. The study contributes to the understanding of the relationship between board characteristics, audit committee characteristics, internal audit quality, and earnings management in insurance companies, which has been less explored in prior studies. Based on the findings, the researcher concludes that the boards of directors’ characteristics and the internal audit quality of a company have more significant levels than the other variables to mitigate earnings management.</p> Elias Abrham Weldetensae Copyright (c) 12 2 Community Empowerment In Gorontalo Regency: Adopting The Perspective Of Sustainable Livelihoods In Village Fund Allocation https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32400 <p>This study explores the Government of Gorontalo's approach to community empowerment, focusing on sustainable livelihoods through village fund utilization, employing a qualitative methodology. The research reveals a nuanced landscape of outcomes. Among the four key indicators examined, sustainability emerges as a notable achievement. Development programs funded by village resources demonstrate longevity, indicating their potential to sustain livelihoods over time. However, significant deficiencies are observed in other areas. Community-centeredness, poverty alleviation, and participatory engagement fall short of optimal levels. The development process lacks responsiveness to community aspirations, poverty alleviation efforts are ineffective, and community involvement in program implementation is insufficient. These findings underscore the need for a more inclusive and participatory approach to community empowerment initiatives. Addressing these shortcomings requires strategies that prioritize inclusive decision-making, targeted poverty alleviation, and genuine community engagement throughout program implementation. Such measures are essential not only for maximizing the effectiveness of village fund utilization but also for fostering sustainable livelihoods and resilient communities in the long term.</p> Robin Pakudu Copyright (c) 12 2 PENGARUH COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE TERHADAP GOOD UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE DAN KINERJA UNIVERSITAS: PENDEKATAN RESOURCE BASED VIEW https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32265 <p>The implementation of Good University Governance (GUG) is anticipated to enhance transparency, accountability, university performance, and elevate the competitiveness of universities to international levels. Despite these expectations, the current implementation of GUG in Indonesia falls short. This research specifically focuses on examining the impact of Competitive Culture (CC), Knowledge Development (KD) on GUG and university performance in public universities in Indonesia, utilizing the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory. The sampling method employed is cluster sampling. The results indicate a positive and significant effect of CC on GUG, KD on GUG, GUG on university performance, CC on university performance, and KD on university performance. In essence, these findings align with the RBV theory, asserting that university capabilities contribute to enhancing overall university performance. Additionally, suggestions have been proposed for future research to expand the study's scope by investigating other variables that may potentially influence Good University Governance (GUG) and university performance<strong>. </strong></p> Vania Stephani Bangun Copyright (c) 12 2 The effect of partnership and information and communication technology (ICT) capability on competitive advantage through entrepreneurial marketing: a study on culinary sector SMEs in Batam City https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32238 <p class="Ventura-AuthorAddress"><em>This study analyzes the influence of partnership and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capability on competitive advantage through entrepreneurial marketing. The research employs a quantitative approach with descriptive analysis, involving data collected through questionnaires, interviews, and observations from 56 culinary sector SMEs in Batam City. The data analysis technique used is Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results indicate that partnership and ICT capability positively and significantly affect entrepreneurial marketing, enhancing coordination and technology usage among SMEs. However, these variables do not significantly impact competitive advantage directly. On the other hand, entrepreneurial marketing demonstrates a positive and significant influence on competitive advantage, highlighting the importance of strong customer relationships and high-value product creation. Additionally, ICT capability significantly influences competitive advantage through entrepreneurial marketing, emphasizing the role of technology in enhancing business flexibility and marketing capabilities.</em></p> Asmaul Husna Raja Ainaya Alfatiha Arianis Chan Anang Muftiadi Copyright (c) 2024 Asmaul Husna, Raja Ainaya Alfatiha, Arianis Chan, Anang Muftiadi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 2 205 220 Sustainability Analysis of the Dana Bergulir Program: A Prospective Approach for MICMAC https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32196 <p>The importance of access to credit for micro, small, and handicraft household enterprises, including cooperatives, has been a major focus in improving working capital financing and capital accumulation to support industrial income. The government, with the assistance of banks, has launched the Dana Bergulir LPDB program to strengthen the capital of KSP/USP-Cooperatives, increase the capacity of human resources in business and financial management, and strengthen the role of KSP/USP-Cooperatives in supporting efforts to expand employment opportunities and alleviate poverty. Based on data from the Cooperative Business Development Division of the Denpasar City UMKM Cooperative Office, from 2021 to 2023, only five cooperatives received the Dana Bergulir LPDB program, but they did not always receive funds every year. This raises attention to the sustainability of the program and the factors that influence it. This study aims to identify factors that influence the sustainability of the LPDB program for cooperatives in Denpasar City. Analysis using the MICMAC method shows that Dana Bergulir&nbsp;administration requirements and member information and knowledge about Dana Bergulirs have the most significant direct influence. These findings emphasize the importance of improving administrative efficiency and member knowledge to support program success. Active participation of members also plays an important role in predicting the sustainability of the program, signifying the importance of direct involvement of members in supporting their economic activities.</p> Fino Rihab Dibihantoro Copyright (c) 12 2 Public expenditure and performance of the agricultural sector: evidence from Sri Lanka https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32131 <p>This study investigates the influence of agricultural public expenditure on the performance of Sri Lanka's agriculture sector. Utilizing data sourced from the annual reports of the Ministry of Finance spanning 2011 to 2022, the findings reveal a significant and positive correlation between the recurrent expenditure of the Department of Agriculture (DoA) and the gross domestic production of the agriculture sector (p &lt; 0.01). However, no statistical evidence supports a significant relationship between the Ministry of Agriculture's (MoA) capital expenditure and DoA and the performance of the agriculture sector. These results underscore the pivotal role of public recurrent agricultural expenditure in bolstering the agriculture sector's performance. Particularly noteworthy is the significant impact of DoA's recurrent expenditure on sectoral performance. The study advocates for increased budget allocation towards recurrent expenditure within the agriculture sector, especially emphasizing the importance of augmenting the DoA's recurrent expenditure to ensure enhanced performance and sustainability. Ultimately, the study underscores the critical importance of effective and efficient management of public funds in driving the agriculture sector's performance.</p> Anojan Vickneswaran Copyright (c) 2024 Anojan Vickneswaran https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 2 163 174 10.22437/ppd.v12i2.32131 Risk Factors for NEET Youth in the Millennial Generation and Gen-Z in Indonesia https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32092 <p>The phenomenon of youth who are Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) is a significant issue, particularly among millennials (Gen Y) and Generation Z in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the risk factors contributing to NEET status among these two generations. A cross-sectional design was employed, involving 444,183 individuals aged 15 to 24 for Gen-Z and 25 to 43 for Gen-Y, using data from the 2021 Sakernas survey. Chi-square analysis and logistic regression were conducted to assess the relationship between various factors and the likelihood of NEET status. The findings reveal a prevalence of NEET youth at 23.98% within Gen-Z and Gen-Y. Significant risk factors (p&lt;0.05) include age (OR=1.01), education level (OR=1.11), gender (OR=0.24), motivation to seek employment (OR=5.94), household size (OR=1.09), and disability (OR=1.09). Specifically, motivation to seek employment emerges as the primary determinant of NEET status. Recommendations include enhancing education and training initiatives to instill a stronger work ethic among youth and bolstering familial and societal support to improve self-esteem. This interdisciplinary research integrates sociology, economics, psychology, and education to provide deeper insights into the NEET youth phenomenon in Indonesia.</p> Mega Putri Nasri Bachtiar Putri Meliza Sari Copyright (c) 12 2 Factors Affecting Income Inequality Of Rubber Farmers In Banyuasin District, South Sumatra https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32071 <p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence income inequality of rubber farmers in Banyuasin Regency. The data obtained comes from primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from interview methods with respondents, while secondary data was obtained from literature studies. This research was conducted in 2023 using 255 respondents from 17 villages and 15 respondents were taken from each village. The selection of respondents was carried out simply at random. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression. Based on the results of research conducted, the majority of rubber farmers' age distribution is still of productive age and only 5% are of non-productive age. The average income level of rubber farmers per month is IDR 3,071,361,-. Meanwhile, based on multiple linear regression analysis, it is stated that all independent variables have a significant effect on the level of income inequality of rubber farmers with a P-Value of 0.029. Meanwhile, based on the t test, it can be seen that there are 3 out of 6 variables that are significant for the factors that influence income inequality of rubber farmers at a real level of 95%. The variables that have a significant influence are the number of members in the family, rubber production and rubber prices.</em></p> Iman Satra Nugraha Copyright (c) 12 2 Analysis of Tillage System on CO2 emission in 12-Years-Old Rubber Plant https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/32029 <p><em>Land processing in rubber plantation is generally carried out mechanically because this system is effective removing roots and wood in rubber planting areas. However, because the costs of preparing land using mechanization are high and there is a ban a burning method in land preparation so some rubber plantation in Indonesia prefer to use land preparation with no tillage. Several studies show no tillage has an effect on CO<sub>2</sub> emissions which is a contributor to greenhouse gases. The aim of this research is to compare the effect of no and tillage system on CO<sub>2</sub> emission in 12-years-old rubber plants and analyze the factors that influence them. The research was carried out from June to July 2023 at the Rubber Plants of Rubber Research Institute. The method used was measuring CO<sub>2</sub> emissions between no and tillage and analyzing them using t-test. Factor variables influence CO<sub>2</sub> emissions in this study include: c-organic, bulk density and water content and were analyzed using correlation test. The results of the study showed that CO<sub>2</sub> emissions from no tillage were significantly higher than tillage. The results of correlation show that factors influence of CO<sub>2</sub> emission from largest to lowest are c-organic, water content and bulk density</em></p> Charlos Togi Stevanus Stevanus Copyright (c) 12 2 Human resource development: enhancing entrepreneurial potential in MSMEs https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31933 <p>This study aims to explore the role of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in human resource development by enhancing entrepreneurial potential. Qualitative data were obtained using a descriptive exploratory approach from in-depth interviews with 41 MSME actors assisted by the Jambi City Manpower, Cooperatives, and Small and Medium Enterprises Office during managerial and technical guidance in 2023. The data were analyzed thematically and narratively to capture respondents' views and reasons. The study identifies various aspects of MSMEs, including business types, ideals, vision, mission, goals, sources of ideas, creativity and innovation, threats, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. It also examines the impact of education and training on human resource development and entrepreneurial potential. The findings indicate that MSMEs leverage diverse sources of ideas and exhibit significant creativity and innovation to adapt to business trends. However, further studies are needed to measure the long-term impact of human resource development. Additionally, the study calls for examining external factors such as government policies, market conditions, and technological advancements that influence human resource development and entrepreneurial potential in MSMEs.</p> Sry Rosita Husni Hasbullah Syahmardi Yacob Copyright (c) 2024 Sry Rosita, Husni Hasbullah, Syahmardi Yacob https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 2 175 186 10.22437/ppd.v12i2.31933 Financing halal tourism with municipal sukuk in West Sumatera: opportunities, challenges, and proposed-model https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31910 <p>The study aims to explore the model of municipal sukuk which could be used for the development of halal tourism in West Sumatera. The study employs a qualitative approach that combines literature reviews and field studies. Interviews were conducted to the various stakeholders of halal tourism in West Sumatera. Six steps of the thematic analysis approach developed by Braun and Clarke (2006) are employed to analyze the interview data. Discussion of findings was conducted by referencing the relevant research and other publications. The study found that the relevant stakeholders acknowledged the opportunity to issue municipal sukuk in West Sumatera. To implement this financial instrument (municipal sukuk), the stakeholders still require definitive local regulations. As well, other challenges are the readiness of local government resources and the limited government assets to be used as the underlying assets. The sukuk could be issued using existing regional assets or assets built in a halal tourism area. The Novotel Hotel and tourist destination assets owned by municipalities are examples of potential government assets for the sukuk issuance. Aside from that, it is also possible to use ‘tanah ulayat’ owned by nagari. The Islamic contracts that could be used are ijarah or ijarah maushufah fi al-zimmah.</p> Sepky Mardian Rio Erismen Armen Copyright (c) 12 2 The Impact Of The Presence Of The University Of Timor On The Economy Of Local Communities In North Central Timor District https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31866 <p>In the last decade, the North Central Timor Regency in East Nusa Tenggara Province has become a new center of economic growth. This is due to the presence of a higher education institution known as the University of Timor. The presence of this university has a positive impact on small and medium businesses due to the significant flow of educational migration. Therefore, this research aims to identify the partial or simultaneous influence of three main variables, namely social and cultural patterns, educational accessibility, and community thought patterns and attitudes, on the welfare of people involved in micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). ). The analytical method used is multiple linear regression, involving a sample of 100 respondents from a total of 693 MSME actors. Sampling was carried out randomly using the Simple Random Sampling technique based on the Slovin formula. The research results show that these three variables have a significant positive effect on the welfare of MSMEs in the North Central Timor Regency.</p> Diana Pangastuti Copyright (c) 12 2 Predicting future inflation in Indonesia using Dynamic Model Averaging (DMA) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31817 <p>The features of Indonesia's inflation data, which make it extremely susceptible to shocks like those felt in 2005 and 2008, as well as extensive potential influencing factors, lead to problems in forecasting inflation. These problems include time variation in coefficients, models that can change over time, and many predictors to consider. Dynamic Model Averaging (DMA) solves these problems since it has evolved coefficients and models that change over time. This study uses DMA to predict future inflation by involving eight macroeconomic indicators as exogenous variables. The results of the in-sample analysis show that six predictors are significant in forecasting inflation, with posterior inclusion probability (PIP) being above 40%. Although the remaining predictors have PIP means below 40%, they can still be considered important. The out-of-sample results suggest that DMA performs better than dynamic model selection and models that don’t include exogenous variables, such as autoregressive models. The forecast results indicate a consistent pattern over the 12 months studied. The attempt to control inflation can be achieved by prioritizing the money supply factor, which has the highest PIP value, indicating that it is the most important factor.</p> Shania Puspita Sari Irlandia Ginanjar Lienda Noviyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Shania Puspita Sari, Irlandia Ginanjar, Lienda Noviyanti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 2 145 162 Competitiveness and Logistics Performance Index: How does the infrastructure pillar perform in ASEAN countries? https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31695 <p>This paper examines the impact of strategic sub-components of the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) on the Logistics Performance Index (LPI), positing a correlation between the LPI and selected GCI factors, specifically within the infrastructure domain—namely, the indicators of Road Quality, Rail Service Efficiency, Port Efficiency, Air Transport Efficiency, and Electrification. The objective is to identify which indicators within the infrastructure sector most significantly affect the Logistics Performance Index. In this study, the LPI is the dependent variable, while the five previously mentioned competitiveness indicators act as independent variables. Top of Form</p> <p>A panel data regression analysis was employed to evaluate how these independent variables influence the dependent variable. The data for this study were derived from the World Bank, specifically the LPI of the World Bank and the World Economic Forum, covering countries in the ASEAN region from 2012 to 2020. The findings indicate that, among the five indicators, Port Efficiency significantly impacts the Logistics Performance Index in the ASEAN region. Furthermore, both Air Transportation Efficiency and Electrification significantly influence the Logistics Performance Index. Conversely, Road Quality and Rail Service Efficiency do not significantly affect the Logistics Performance Index in the ASEAN region.</p> Azwardi Azwardi Luk Luk Fuadah Ahmad Syathiri Copyright (c) 2024 Azwardi Azwardi, Luk Luk Fuadah, Ahmad Syathiri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 12 2 91 106 10.22437/ppd.v12i1.31695 The Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Financial Distress: Evidence from Private Banks of Ethiopia https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31630 <p><em>The main objective of this study is to investigate </em><em>the effect of corporate governance mechanisms on financial distress evidence from private banks in Ethiopia.</em> <em>To achieve the objective panel data of twelve </em><em>private banks </em><em>for the period ranging from 2010 to 2021 were collected out of twenty-eight private banks operating in Ethiopia.</em> <em>The study employed a quantitative research approach and explanatory research design and used the judgmental sampling technique to realize the stated objectives.</em> <em>Furthermore, the study employed Altman’s Z-Score model as the proxy for financial distress to identify the financial distress status of private banks in Ethiopia.</em> <em>The study is crucial given the fact that there is no previous research on bank financial distress in Ethiopia. Moreover, the study applied secondary data and was collected from the audited financial statements, board notes, and annual reports from sample private banks and analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and pooled OLS regression model.</em><em> Results of descriptive statistics indicated </em><em>the sampled private banks were in an intermediate zone between financial health and financial distress. Furthermore, the regression results revealed that audit committee independence, internal auditor educational background, and size were significantly and negatively associated with financial distress. On the other hand, the study revealed a positive and significant relationship between a bank's financial leverage and financial distress The findings suggest that private banks and shareholders should pay close attention to corporate governance mechanisms, specifically audit committee characteristics and internal audit quality in times of financial distress.</em></p> Elias Abrham Weldetensae Copyright (c) 12 2 Leading Sectors of Districts With The Lowest Gdp in Bengkulu Province https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31529 <p>Bengkulu has 10 regencies/municipalities, of which five regencies were created in 2003, namely Mukomuko Regency, Kaur Regency, Lebong Regency, Kepahiang Regency, and Seluma Regency as well as Central Bengkulu Regency which was created in 2008. Of these six regencies, three have the lowest average regional income for 2017-2021 in Bengkulu Province. This regional income inequality should be reduced through maximum management of existing economic sectors. There are four sector classifications consisting of leading, mainstay, potential, and lagging sectors. This problem must be overcome by determining the main economic sectors that are the focus of development. There are five analytical tools chosen in this study to determine the leading economic sectors in the three districts with the lowest GRDP in Bengkulu Province, namely: <em>Location Quotient </em>(LQ), <em>Dynamic Location Quotient </em>(DLQ), <em>Shift Share</em><em>, </em>Growth Ratio Model (MRP), Klassen Typology. As an analytical tool to help get conclusions from the five analytical tools, <em>overlay analysis is </em>used<em>. </em>There are similarities and differences in the leading sectors in the three regencies with the lowest GRDP in Bengkulu Province. The agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector and the real estate sector are the leading sectors only in Lebong Regency. The processing industry sector and the electricity and gas procurement sector are the leading sectors only in Kepahiang Regency. Meanwhile, the water supply, waste management, waste and recycling and construction sectors are the leading sectors in Kaur Regency.</p> Bagas Wibisono Copyright (c) 12 2 RISK MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF DEPOSIT MONEY BANKS IN NIGERIA https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31505 <p>This study examined the effect of risk management on financial performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria from 2011 to 2021. The population consists of all banks listed in the Nigerian Exchange with eleven banks as samples. Secondary data were obtained from the financial statements. Panel data regression was used for data analysis. The independent variables were credit risk, liquidity risk, and capital adequacy risk while dependent variables were ROE and EVA, thus creating two models for the panel regression. Findings from the analysis revealed that the effect of credit risk in both models was not statistically significant and therefore did not influence ROE and EVA. However, the effects of liquidity risk and capital adequacy risk showed statistical significance on the performance of ROE and EVA. The study recommended that efforts should be made by the banks’ managements to reduce non- performing loans and manage liquidity and capital adequacy risks.</p> Olufemi Samuel Adegboyo Copyright (c) 12 2 Unveiling external debt dynamics: Interdependencies of macroeconomic variables in ASEAN-7 https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31408 <p>This study explores the interplay between external debt, infrastructure investment, epidemic response funding, net exports, and the consumer price index (CPI) in seven ASEAN countries—Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, and Vietnam—during the period from 2000 to 2020. Data were derived from the World Bank, OECD, and IMF. This research uses the autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL) panel data approach to estimate the short-term and long-term relationships among the variables. Short-term results reveal that infrastructure investment, epidemic response funding, net exports, and the CPI do not significantly impact external debt. However, in the long-term analysis, epidemic response funding, net exports, and the CPI positively affect external debt. These findings have significant implications for policymakers in developing countries, especially within the ASEAN region.</p> Sukanto Sukanto Azwardi Azwardi Mukhlis Mukhlis Dirta Pratama Atiyatna Hamira Hamira Copyright (c) 2024 Sukanto Sukanto, Azwardi Azwardi, Mukhlis Mukhlis, Dirta Pratama Atiyatna, Hamira Hamira https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 12 2 1 16 10.22437/ppd.v12i1.31408 STRATEGY FOR IMPROVING THE ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES OF CHIPS UMKM (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) IN SUMBERMUJUR LUMAJANG VILLAGE USING SWOT ANALYSIS https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31277 <p>Sumbermujur Village, Lumajang, is among the villages affected by Semeru lava in 2020. Keripik Laila is one of the UMKM currently developing taro, banana, and pangs chips as naturally processed products around the Semeru area. Therefore, positioning markets is one of the strategies to remain competitive, market, and provide good service to consumers. Identifying a set of competitive advantages to determine the position of products in the market can be carried out using SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis results indicated that Keripik Laila's strengths are in affordable prices with good product quality and availability of abundant raw materials. However, this UMKM has weaknesses, including design and packaging that have not fulfilled the requirements, limited marketing, and a lack of distribution permits and halal certification. Meanwhile, Keripik Laila has considerable potential for development related to high consumer demand, especially during traditional events in villages and nearby areas. Some threats include tight competition from similar manufacturers. Therefore, recommendations such as increasing marketing volume through online markets must be considered. In addition, nutritional value information should be added to the label, and a food product distribution license should be obtained to improve consumer confidence in the product.</p> Livia Wahyuni Maria Belgis Yuli Witono Lailatul Azkiyah Ardiyan Dwi Masahid Ahmad Nafi’ Fadia Putri Ainiyyah Copyright (c) 12 2 Analysis of the Implementation of Environmental Cleanliness Order and Management Policy https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31268 <p><em>The policy of environmental order and management based on Reuse, Reduce, Recycle (3R) has been implemented in the city of Sungai Penuh to address waste issues. However, waste management has not yet reached an optimal level. This research aims to analyze internal and external factors influencing the implementation of the 3R-based Waste Order and Management policy in Sungai Penuh through SWOT Analysis. The study uses a qualitative method with a survey and interview approach to identify internal and external factors affecting the policy implementation through SWOT Analysis. The research results indicate internal factors that support the policy, such as the existence of local regulations (Perda) in Sungai Penuh regarding waste management, the presence of 3R Waste Disposal Sites (TPS), as well as community understanding and participation. However, there are also internal obstacles, such as the lack of public awareness in disposing of waste according to its type and the lack of facilities for waste management and infrastructure for separation at each household. Supportive external factors involve support from the central government and revenue collection from the private sector. On the other hand, hindering external factors include the impact of climate change, population growth, and global developments that alter the patterns and lifestyles of the community, all contributing to the increase in the quantity and burden of waste management in Sungai Penuh.</em></p> Hilda Mayang Copyright (c) 12 2 Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Perumahan Subsidi dan Non Subsidi di Kota Solok https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31112 <h1><em>Abstract</em></h1> <p><em>This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the demand for subsidized and non-subsidized housing in Kota Solok. Employing a quantitative method, both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed using logistic regression. The research findings reveal that the social and economic characteristics of residents, including income, price, and location, collectively significantly influence housing demand. Individuals with higher incomes tend to prefer non-subsidized housing, while affordable housing prices positively affect demand. Surprisingly, location, though considered crucial in previous research, did not exhibit a significant influence in the context of Kota Solok. The study's conclusions provide in-depth insights into housing preferences and the factors influencing purchasing decisions in Kota Solok. Therefore, it is recommended that housing developers consider more strategic pricing strategies, taking into account the purchasing power of the community. Additionally, further research on the location factor could provide a more comprehensive understanding, especially in assessing whether location factors have different impacts in other regions. This research is expected to contribute to the development of more effective housing policies that are relevant to community needs.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords : Housing Demand, Socio-Economic Characteristics, Housing Price, Location, Kota Solok.</em></p> <h1>Abstrak</h1> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan perumahan subsidi dan non-subsidi di Kota Solok. Dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif, data primer dan sekunder dikumpulkan dan dianalisis dengan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa karakteristik sosial dan ekonomi penghuni, termasuk pendapatan, harga, dan lokasi, secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap permintaan perumahan. Individu dengan pendapatan lebih tinggi cenderung memilih rumah non-subsidi, sementara harga perumahan yang terjangkau memengaruhi positif permintaan. Lokasi, meskipun dianggap sebagai faktor penting dalam penelitian sebelumnya, tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan dalam konteks Kota Solok. Kesimpulan penelitian menyediakan wawasan mendalam tentang preferensi dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keputusan pembelian perumahan di Kota Solok. Oleh karena itu, disarankan agar pengembang perumahan mempertimbangkan strategi penetapan harga yang lebih bijak dan melibatkan faktor daya beli masyarakat. Selain itu, penelitian lebih lanjut terkait lokasi dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif, khususnya untuk menilai apakah faktor lokasi memiliki pengaruh yang berbeda di wilayah lain. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan kebijakan perumahan yang lebih efektif dan relevan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat.</p> <p>Kata Kunci : &nbsp;&nbsp; Permintaan perumahan, karakteristik sosial ekonomi, harga perumahan, lokasi, Kota Solok.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> wulandari Copyright (c) 12 2 the Pakistan customs data | global import export data provider https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/31011 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Exim Trade data is the most trusted global import-export data provider company in the world. We are supplying the Pakistan Import Export Data in a properly customized manner with visual graphs for a better understanding of the data. Get Valuable Advertising material Export Data of Pakistan from Exim Trade Data. Search by Product Name, HS Code, Importer Country name, and Port of loading. Get in-depth insights into Pakistan Export Market with Pakistan Advertising material Export Data 2021. You can explore the sample import export data of Pakistan by clicking the link.&nbsp; - &nbsp; </span><a href="https://eximtradedata.com/pakistan-import-export-data"><span style="font-weight: 400;">https://eximtradedata.com/pakistan-import-export-data</span></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> anil exim Copyright (c) 12 2 THE effect of official development assistance on foreign direct investment and domestic investment in Sub-Saharan Africa https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/30996 <p>The aim of this article is to assess the effect of official development assistance on investment in sub-Saharan Africa from 2006 to 2019, specifically domestic investment captured by gross fixed capital formation and foreign direct investment flows. The DOLS (panel Dynamic least Squares) method was used to test the two econometric models using Eviews 10 software. The results of the estimations show that the official development assistance variable has a positive effect on gross fixed capital formation in sub-Saharan African countries. A 1% increase in official development assistance leads to a 0.76% increase in domestic investment. Official development assistance also has a positive impact on foreign direct investment (FDI). In fact, a 1% increase in ODA leads to a 1.10% increase in FDI. It appears that ODA is more beneficial to FDI than to GFCF in Sub-Saharan African countries. The governments of sub-Saharan African countries must avoid domestic investment being crowded out by foreign direct investment as a result of official development assistance.</p> DAZOUE DONGUE GUY PAULIN MASSINGYA ALIDA KAIMBA MASSINGYA MARCEL RENE GOUENET Copyright (c) 12 2 A, The policy research of EFFECTIVENESS OF ALKON KB MKJP ON PARITY INTERVENTIONS AND STUNTING PREVENTION FOR BOJONEGORO DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/30954 <p>This research has a general objective regarding the implementation of sustainable development policies carried out by the government, in order to improve or increase the standard of living of the people in Bojonegoro district. The research locations are in Dander District and Bojonegoro District, Bojonegoro Regency. The data analysis method used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM), an analysis technique that allows testing a series of relationships simultaneously. This relationship is established between one or several independent variables and one or several dependent variables. There are four variables used in this research, namely the contraceptive device, parity, stunting and sustainable development variables. Next, determine indicators based on research variables and then determine the sample. Data collection was carried out using interview, documentation and questionnaire methods. The collected data is processed using descriptive and quantitative analysis tools. The results of research that has been carried out show that Parity Intervention (X1) through Alkon MKJP (Y1) has a T-value of 0.050, Parity Intervention (X1) towards Sustainable Development (Y2) has a T-value of 2.192, Stunting Prevention (X2) has been carried out through Alkon MKJP (Y1) T-value 8.402, Stunting Prevention (X2) towards Sustainable Development (Y2) T-value 2.758, Alkon MKJP (Y1) towards Sustainable Development (Y2) T-value&nbsp; 1.740.</p> Aguk Budi Santoso aguk Copyright (c) 12 2 Epistemological criticism of the concept of individualism in conventional economies https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/30759 <p><em>This research critically examines the epistemology surrounding the concept of individualism within conventional economics, focusing on elucidating the influence of non-economic factors—namely culture, social norms, and collective psychology—on economic decision-making processes. This study endeavors to uncover the role of these factors in individual economic decisions by employing a methodology rooted in analyzing economic and sociological literature. The findings shed light on the discordance between the traditional notion of individualism and the multifaceted realities of contemporary society, where culture, social norms, and collective psychology significantly shape economic behaviors and preferences. By providing nuanced insights into how these non-economic factors impact individuals' economic choices and actions, this research underscores the imperative for a broader, more inclusive perspective within economic paradigms. This study contributes to a richer comprehension of the complexities inherent in individual economic decisions when viewed against non-economic influences.</em></p> Frederic Nalle Munawar Ismail Copyright (c) 2024 Frederic Nalle, Munawar Ismail https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 12 2 67 90 10.22437/ppd.v12i1.30759 The Literature Review of Performance Measurement System from Nudurupati and Bititci’s Perspective https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/29939 <p>The performance measurement revolution started in the late 1970s with the dissatisfaction of traditional backward looking accounting systems. Since then the literature in this field is emerging. Most of the focus was on designing performance measurement system (PMS), with few studies illustrating the issues in implementing and using PMS. Although Management Information Systems (MIS) and change management are important enablers of PMS, their role is not very well understood. Hence the objective of this paper is to review literature on the role of MIS and change management throughout the lifecycle of performance measurement, i.e. design, implementation and use stages. This paper not only discusses the role of MIS and change management throughout PMS lifecycle but also discusses PMS in the context of emerging business environment such as globalization, servitization, and networking in the context of multi-cultural environment.</p> Muhammad Gowon Copyright (c) 12 2 THE DECISION TO WORK PART-TIME IN INDONESIA DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/29825 <p>Part-time workers in Indonesia rise year after year, and there was a significant increase in 2021, which was 26.99%, from the previous year 2019, which was 22.54%. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), part-time workers are those who work less than 35 hours per week and are classified as non-standard workers. This research aims to provide an overview of part-time workers and determine the demographic factors that influence part-time work decisions in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research employs cross-sectional data, including raw data from the 2021 National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS). This research uses descriptive and inferential analysis and binary logistic regression. The findings of this research indicate that the independent factors, such as sex, rural area, age, marriage status, education level, work experience, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, all had a substantial influence on the decision to work part-time.</p> FABELA DONA AULI Copyright (c) 12 2 The dynamics of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) choices in rural Jambi: Socio-economic perspectives https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/29800 <p>High population growth without concurrent improvements in human quality poses significant challenges in promoting equitable welfare across various life aspects. Thus, population control is crucial for achieving sustainable development goals. This study emphasizes the role of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) in managing fertility rates and investigates three main components of population growth: fertility, mortality, and migration. The objectives are threefold: 1) Analyze the profile of fertile-age couples using LARC in rural Jambi; 2) Investigate the socio-economic factors influencing the choice between LARC and non-LARC methods among these couples; 3) Explore the relationship between the couples' characteristics and their choice of LARC. Data were collected from a survey of 200 fertile-age couples participating in a family planning program across four villages in Jambi. The analysis utilized descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression, and multinomial logistic regression. Findings indicate that LARC usage among fertile-age couples in rural Jambi is low, at approximately 28% of total contraceptive users, with implants being the most common LARC type. In contrast, non-LARC methods are more prevalent, accounting for 72% of usage, dominated by three-month injectables, followed by pills and male condoms. Significant factors influencing the choice between LARC and non-LARC include the husband's education, the woman's employment status, the number of living children, the disparity between actual and ideal family size, desire for more children, knowledge about contraceptive options, and family income. Furthermore, characteristics significantly related to the choice of LARC methods such as tubal ligation, implants, and IUDs include the woman's age, number of living children, the gap between the ideal and actual number of children, desire for more children, woman's employment status, knowledge about contraceptive devices, and family income.</p> Hardiani Hardiani Junaidi Junaidi Copyright (c) 2024 Hardiani Hardiani, Junaidi Junaidi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 12 2 31 46 10.22437/ppd.v12i1.29800 Comparative analysis of entrepreneurial intentions among generations in Jambi Province: A study of Gen Bust, Millennials, and iGeneration https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/29799 <p>In the face of intense global competition, such as the introduction of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the Indonesian workforce must transition from merely seeking employment to creating job opportunities. In this regard, cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit is a strategic alternative to bolster employment prospects and stimulate innovation. This study was carried out in the province of Jambi with the primary objectives of: 1) analyzing the characteristics and entrepreneurial intentions across different generations in Jambi; 2) examining the factors that influence these entrepreneurial intentions. The research compares three generations—Generation Bust (Gen Bust), Millennials, and the iGeneration—all within the productive age bracket and possesses substantial potential to drive development. The research methodology entailed collecting data through surveys administered to individuals from Gen Bust, Millennials, and the iGeneration in Jambi. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistical tools and the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. The findings reveal notable differences in entrepreneurial intentions among the generations, with Gen Bust and Millennials exhibiting stronger entrepreneurial intentions than iGeneration. Influential factors for these entrepreneurial intentions include attitudinal and contextual elements such as academic, social, and environmental support. Although individual characteristics vary among the generations, they do not consistently exert a direct and significant impact on entrepreneurial intentions, particularly for iGeneration. This research offers crucial insights into how specific factors affect entrepreneurial intentions across different generations, which can assist in developing strategies and policies to foster entrepreneurship in Jambi, especially in light of global and regional economic challenges.</p> Junaidi Junaidi Hardiani Hardiani Dwi Hastuti Copyright (c) 2024 Junaidi Junaidi, Hardiani Hardiani, Dwi Hastuti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 12 2 123 144 10.22437/ppd.v12i1.29799 CLEARING THE AIR HOW EMISSIONS IN ASIA ARE HINDERING ECONOMIC GROWTH https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/29541 <p>This research aims to analyse the impact of air pollution on economic growth in 16 Asian countries from 2000 to 2020. The research methodology employed is panel analysis using the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The variables use in this study encompass air pollution, healthcare expenditure, nitrogen monoxide, and renewable energy. This research employs a unique combination of variables and analytical method. This study integrates health, environmental, and economic aspects within a holistic analytical framework. Additionally, using VECM in panel analysis enables us to identify causal relationships among these variables more accurately. The results indicate both long-term and short-term causality between CO2 emissions and healthcare expenditure, with a significant negative effect on economic growth. In contrast, renewable energy shows a significant positive impact on economic growth. These findings highlight the importance of addressing air pollution and healthcare expenditure as they negatively affect economic growth. Furthermore, promoting the use of renewable energy sources can have a positive influence on economic growth in the studied Asian countries.</p> Syafira Basyaasyah A.A Syafira Basyaasyah A.A Copyright (c) 12 2 Towards inclusive green growth: a holistic analysis of sustainable development goals in the agritourism sector of Jambi Province https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/29273 <p>This research aims to measure the extent of inclusive green growth in Jambi Province by considering the components of the Inclusive Green Growth Index that contribute to the potential of agrotourism and sustainable growth. It seeks to identify and analyze tourism potentials that can be leveraged to support inclusive green growth in various districts of Jambi Province. Additionally, the study aims to formulate strategies applicable to tourism villages in Jambi Province to realize agrotourism areas focused on improving the well-being of communities and the environment. This research employs both quantitative and descriptive qualitative methodologies. Data sources include primary and secondary data collected through interviews, observations, literature studies, and documentation. Informants were selected using purposive sampling, covering three regencies in Jambi Province: mountainous areas in Merangin Regency, non-mountainous and non-marine areas in Muaro Jambi Regency, and marine areas in Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency. The results indicate that Jambi Province has not yet achieved green inclusivity, with an Inclusive Green Growth Index value of 3.191. The study identifies several sample areas with green development potential, including Rantau Kermas Village in Merangin Regency, Tangkit Baru Village in Muaro Jambi Regency, and Kuala Simbur Village in Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency. Key findings include the green potential of tourism and plantations, dance arts, micro-hydropower plants (PLTMH), electricity, awards, funding, fishermen, locations, culinary, mangrove forests, customary forests, and marine products. Strategies to realize agrotourism areas based on improving community well-being and the environment include strengthening organizations, enhancing the quality of human resources, developing infrastructure, funding programs, applying customary law sustainability, offering tour packages, forming customary forest management groups, conducting research and development, implementing disaster mitigation measures, promoting tourism, and initiating the adopt-a-tree program.</p> Junaidi Junaidi Zulgani Zulgani Ilham Wahyudi Faradina Zevaya Copyright (c) 2024 Junaidi Junaidi, Zulgani Zulgani, Ilham Wahyudi, Faradina Zevaya https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 2 221 234 10.22437/ppd.v12i2.29273 Women's entrepreneurial competence within a patriarchal social system https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/29127 <p>Women in patriarchal social systems face various challenges that affect their economic access and hinder their empowerment. This research aims to identify the competencies required by women to thrive within a patriarchal social system, reduce gender disparities, and promote empowerment in various aspects of life. This research utilized secondary data from the Scopus database and applied a document study method. Keywords used for the search included "women competence," "women skills," "women entrepreneur skills," "entrepreneurial competencies," and "entrepreneur competence." After filtering, 31 articles were selected for analysis. The analysis used the Miles and Huberman model, including reduction, data analysis, and conclusion. The findings indicate that to address the challenges of patriarchy and achieve empowerment, women need to develop multidimensional competencies involving entrepreneurial skills, commitment, high-level conceptual abilities, recognition of opportunities, organization, relationships, strategic thinking, and marketing. The challenges of norms and gender expectations in patriarchal societies become obstacles that need to be overcome by educating the community about the vital role of women and the competencies required in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). Innovation, creativity, and innovative marketing strategies are key to success, while support and networks from stakeholders can provide valuable boosts.</p> Hilmiana Hilmiana Devi Alviani Copyright (c) 2023 Hilmiana Hilmiana, Devi Alviani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 12 2 203 212 10.22437/ppd.v11i3.29127 Analysis of Downstream Production Site Selection for Leading Commodities in Kepulauan Mentawai Regency: A Case Study of Frozen Banana Fritter https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/29060 <p>This research aims to select the most optimal and efficient location for frozen banana fritter production to support efforts in optimizing downstreaming of leading commodity industries&nbsp;of Kepulauan Mentawai Regency. The research evaluates potential sites in Padang City and Kepulauan Mentawai Regency, employing the Economic Analysis method with the Brown-Gibson model, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. Factors influencing frozen banana fritter production and site selection are examined through market surveys and interviews with relevant experts and stakeholders. The findings highlight Padang City as the ideal production site. This research holds significance in enhancing the local economy, especially in Kepulauan Mentawai Regency, classified as a 3T area in West Sumatra province. The results provide valuable insights for stakeholders in choosing suitable production sites for frozen banana fritters, contributing to economic improvement in the region.</p> Zulkifli Said Maulana Azry Copyright (c) 12 2 Designing a sustainability program pathway for the Grinsing weaving industry: a prospective MULTIPOL approach https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28979 <p>Grinsing weaving, a traditional art form unique to Bali, represents a significant aspect of the island's cultural heritage. This study aims to analyze the sustainability of the Grinsing weaving industry program by developing scenarios and formulating recommendations. Primary data were collected through surveys and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with 19 craftsmen and stakeholders. The MULTIPOL approach was employed for the analysis. The results indicate that the sustainability of the Grinsing weaving industry can be enhanced through policy scenarios focused on strengthening institutions and regulations to protect nature, customs, and culture, as well as developing the skills of craftsmen. This research provides valuable insights for stakeholders in shaping the development policies for the Grinsing weaving industry at the research site.</p> Lilian Avita Sakrianti Ida Ayu Nyoman Saskara Copyright (c) 2024 Lilian Avita Sakrianti, Ida Ayu Nyoman Saskara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 12 2 187 204 10.22437/ppd.v12i2.28979 How accurate is the CAPM approach compared to the Reward Beta for shares of manufacturing and mining companies in Indonesia's LQ45 Index? https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28904 <p>This study evaluates the efficacy of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Beta Reward Model in forecasting stock returns of companies within the manufacturing and mining sectors listed on Indonesia's LQ45 index. Utilizing monthly closing stock prices from January 2010 to December 2019, the research focuses on ten companies—five from each sector—that consistently appeared in the index throughout the study period.</p> <p>The analysis involves a classic assumption test followed by regression analysis for each company. Key performance indicators, including R-squared, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Mean Absolute Error (MAE), are employed to compare the predictive capabilities of the CAPM and Beta Reward Model. The findings indicate a systematic and superior performance of the Beta Reward Model over the CAPM in predicting stock returns in the Indonesian context. This study contributes to the existing literature on stock return prediction models and provides practical insights for investors and financial analysts in Indonesia.</p> Handri Handri Copyright (c) 2023 Handri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 12 2 229 242 10.22437/ppd.v11i3.28904 Empowering housewives through green marketing: Fostering eco-friendly household products for sustainable consumption https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28614 <p>The escalating concern over the green gap phenomenon, which underscores a discord between consumers' environmental concerns and purchasing behaviours, has accentuated the importance of exploring eco-friendly consumption patterns. This study delves into the multifaceted factors influencing the purchasing behaviour of eco-friendly household products, focusing on the dynamic interplay among consumer knowledge, values, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control. Specifically, it aims to elucidate how these variables collectively inform housewives' attitudes towards eco-friendly products and purchasing behaviours. The research gathered data from 300 respondents across Jambi City and Sungai Penuh City within Jambi Province, employing principal component analysis and structural equation modelling to scrutinize the hypothesized relationships between the constructs. The findings underscore consumer values, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control significantly and positively influence consumer attitudes towards eco-friendly household products. Moreover, a pronounced positive correlation between consumer attitudes and eco-friendly purchasing behaviour was identified, whereas the impact of consumer knowledge on consumer attitudes emerged as negligible. This research enriches the theoretical discourse on eco-friendly purchasing behaviour, particularly concerning household products. It offers critical insights for marketers, policymakers, and environmental advocates aiming to foster sustainable consumption practices by pinpointing the pivotal factors that shape consumer attitudes and behaviours. Additionally, the study lays a robust groundwork for subsequent research endeavours to bridge the green gap and advance environmental sustainability through enlightened consumer decisions.</p> Yayuk Sriayudha Ade Octavia Johannes Simatupang Tona Aurora Lubis Copyright (c) 2024 Yayuk Sriayudha, Ade Octavia, Johannes Simatupang, Tona Aurora Lubis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 12 2 475 492 10.22437/ppd.v11i6.28614 The THE EFFECT OF PROFITABILITY ON TAX AGGRESSIVENESS IN BANKING COMPANIES LISTED ON THE INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE (IDX) DURING THE PANDEMIC AND AFTER THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28499 <p>Increasing profitability can increase the amount of tax paid by banking companies so that tax aggressiveness needs to be carried out so that the amount of tax payments is balanced and controlled. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of profitability on tax aggressiveness in Islamic banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The research conducted is research using quantitative methods. The determination of this research sample used the Purposive Sampling method so that research samples were obtained as many as 9 banking companies listed on the IDX. This research data uses the financial statements of banking companies for the 2020-2022 period. The data analysis method used is the paired sample t-test. The results prove that profitability has a significant effect on tax aggressiveness in banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The paired results also showed that there was a difference in tax aggressiveness during and after the COVID-19 pandemic with a mean value = 0.28719 and tcalculate = 8.827. Banking companies in carrying out tax aggressiveness need to review from the perspective of profitability in order to be able to control the amount of tax owed.</p> hendrik suhendri Copyright (c) 12 2 Can fiscal transfers effectively reduce poverty in the Gorontalo Province? https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28489 <p>The central government has increasingly diversified and expanded fiscal transfers to local authorities to enhance community welfare rapidly. However, in Gorontalo, although poverty rates have declined, the pace of reduction has slowed despite an increase in the value of transfers. This study aims to identify the fiscal transfer mechanisms most effective in reducing Gorontalo's poverty rate. It focuses on several types of fiscal transfers, including the Special Allocation Fund (DAK), Village Fund Allocation (ADD), Family Hope Program (<em>Program Keluarga Harapan</em>, PKH), Smart Indonesia Program (<em>Program Indonesis Pintar</em>, PIP), and Social Assistance. Utilizing panel data regression analysis covering all six districts/cities in Gorontalo Province over the last five years (2018-2022) and employing the Fixed Effects Model (FEM), the findings suggest that PIP assistance has the most significant impact on poverty reduction, although its effects are more long-term. Moreover, the study finds that while ADD transfers notably enhance community welfare, the two-decade-long DAK transfers have inadvertently worsened poverty levels in Gorontalo. This issue stems from the DAK's allocation formula, which does not directly target the income improvement of low-income populations. Both PKH and Social Assistance have shown little positive effect on poverty alleviation in the region. Consequently, the study recommends that the government prioritize expanding and funding enhancement of PIP assistance, considering many underprivileged individuals remain unreached by this support. Additionally, it suggests increasing the ADD to accelerate development in poverty-stricken rural areas.</p> Muhammad Amir Arham Mahyudin Humalanggi Rezkiawan Tantawi Citra Aditya Kusuma Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Amir Arham, Wahyudin Humalinggi, Rezkiawan Tantawi, Citra Aditya Kusuma https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 12 2 449 464 10.22437/ppd.v11i6.28489 Impact of trade facilitation on intra-manufacturing export among ECOWAS member states https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28466 <p>This study investigates the effects of trade facilitation policies on intra-manufacturing exports among ECOWAS member states. Utilizing the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) linear model, this research analyzes data from 2015–2020 for the ECOWAS member states. The findings reveal that trade facilitation policies in the ECOWAS region fall below the global average. This discrepancy is primarily due to the extensive bureaucratic processes in the region, leading to increased costs for exporting and importing goods. Consequently, there is a significant need for trade facilitation to enhance intra-manufacturing exports within ECOWAS. Based on these insights, the study recommends several policy interventions to improve trade flow and bolster intra-manufacturing exports in the ECOWAS region. These include a stronger commitment to trade agreements among ECOWAS member states, the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) to streamline trade processes and reduce bureaucratic delays associated with document processing for exports and imports, the strengthening of institutional frameworks within the member states, and the formulation of policies aimed at increasing industrialization levels to enhance manufacturing exports throughout the ECOWAS region.</p> Olure-Bank Adeyinka Mustapha Muktar Saheed Zakaree Alexander Abraham Alfa Yakubu Copyright (c) 2024 Olure-Bank Adeyinka, Mustapha Muktar, Saheed , Alexander Abraham, Alfa Yakubu https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 12 2 419 432 10.22437/ppd.v11i6.28466 Infrastructure and economic growth in ECOWAS member states: The Westerlund co-integration approach https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28460 <p>This research explores the impact of infrastructure on member states' economic growth in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Utilizing panel secondary data sourced from the World Bank Development Indicators (WDI) and the African Infrastructure Development Index (AIDI) across all fifteen ECOWAS Member States over eighteen years, the study employs the panel Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model and the Westerlund co-integration test for analysis. The findings reveal that investments in infrastructure, improvements in the African Development Index, and enhancements in the Electricity Composite Index significantly contribute to the economic growth of ECOWAS countries. Specifically, infrastructure investment is associated with a 0.01 per cent increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the ECOWAS countries studied. In comparison, the African Development Index and the Electricity Composite Index are linked to increases in GDP by 0.292 per cent and 0.987 per cent, respectively, in the long term. Based on these outcomes, the study recommends that ECOWAS country authorities enhance policies to optimize government spending on infrastructure quality. Furthermore, adopting quality-enhancing and efficiency-driven financing policies in infrastructure is advocated to complement ECOWAS's ongoing infrastructural development efforts. The realization of these recommendations hinges on the availability of accurate data for informing decisions and guiding policymakers. Hence, the study underscores the need for the ECOWAS Commission to bolster its capacity for collecting reliable data on infrastructure variables and other indicators. It also proposes that future research should focus on promoting sub-regional peer-review mechanisms for infrastructure indicators among member states and establishing structures to fortify infrastructure in West Africa.</p> Fadila Kabir Usman Saheed Zakaree Mustapha Muktar Alfa Yakubu Adeyinka Olure-Bank Copyright (c) 2024 Fadila Kabir Usman, Saheed Zakaree, Mustapha Muktar, Alfa Yakubu, Adeyinka Olure-Bank https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 12 2 107 122 10.22437/ppd.v12i1.28460 THE INFLUENCE OF PRICE, PRODUCT QUALITY, SERVICE QUALITY, LOCATION AND FACILITIES ON THE DECISION TO VISIT TO ENJOY CULINARY IN RANTAUPRAPAT https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28401 <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the significant effect of price, product quality, service quality, location and facilities on visiting decisions to enjoy culinary delights in Rantauprapat. The research method used is descriptive quantitative method. Data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires. The population in this study are visitors/consumers who enjoy culinary delights at Rantauprapat. The number of samples is 217 samples, with nonprobability sampling method with <em>accidental sampling technique</em>. The analysis technique used to analyze the data is SEM ( <em>Structural Equation Model </em>) analysis with Amos Software. Based on the results of the research conducted, it is known that the price variable has a significant effect with an estimated value of 0.257 on the decision to visit in enjoying culinary delights at Rantauprapat, the product quality variable has a significant effect with an estimated value of 0.334, the service quality variable has a significant effect with an estimated value of 0.110, the location variable has a significant effect with an estimated value of 0.254, the facilities variable has a significant effect with an estimated value of 0.261. This shows that price, product quality, service quality, location and facilities significantly influence the decision to visit. The product quality variable has a greater influence on the decision to visit in enjoying culinary delights at Rantauprapat</p> Nurintan Asyiah Siregar Copyright (c) 12 2 Development strategies for creative small and medium enterprises (SMEs): A Quintuple Helix Model approach to support smart city initiatives https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28399 <p>This study explores the development of Creative Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the food, textile, and handicraft sectors in Jambi City, employing the quintuple helix model to align with the Smart City concept. The research gathered primary data through surveys, interviews, and focused group discussions (FGDs). The study encompassed a diverse range of stakeholders from the specified sectors, with a sample size of 100 individuals. A mixed-method research approach was adopted, integrating both qualitative and quantitative methods. Analytical tools such as the Likert scale, SWOT analysis, and the quintuple helix model were employed for data analysis and interpretation. The findings reveal that many participants in these sectors were women, predominantly with high school-level education. The age group of 46-55 years was most represented among the respondents. Notably, the food sector emerged as the dominant industry among the studied SMEs, attributed to its relative ease of establishment and cost-effectiveness compared to the textile and handicraft sectors. The study also examined the perceptions of the roles of quintuple helix actors (government, academia, industry, society, and social environment) in the development of these SMEs. The findings indicate a generally positive perception, suggesting effective fulfillment of roles by these actors. This collaborative effort within the quintuple helix framework has positively impacted the development of creative SMEs in Jambi City, contributing significantly to the Smart City initiative. The study underscores the importance of such collaboration in fostering the growth and sustainability of creative SMEs in the context of urban development.</p> Dahmiri Dahmiri Idham Khalik Rizky Azika Ramadhan Copyright (c) 2023 Dahmiri Dahmiri, Idham Khalik, Rizky Azika Ramadhan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 12 2 213 228 10.22437/ppd.v11i3.28399 The Impact of Village Cash for Work Intensive on Poverty Reduction in Indonesia https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28290 <p>High poverty rates in rural areas are one of the big contributors to poverty in Indonesia. The government has carried out various interventions to alleviate poverty, one of which is the Village Cash Work Intensive Program (PKTD) which originates from village funds. This study aims to find out empirically how much the PKTD program has an impact on reducing poverty levels. The data used in this study is secondary data for the period 2021-2022 in 205 districts in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach with a panel data method. The results showed that PKTD had a significant effect on the poverty rate, where if PKTD increased by 1% it would reduce the poverty rate by 0.35%. In addition, the poverty rate is also significantly influenced by the GRDP growth rate and the average length of schooling in the district. Therefore, the government can use the PKTD scheme as a way to alleviate poverty and make improvements to the program.</p> Adawiya Taufani Copyright (c) 12 2 The Application Of Business Model Canvas (BMC) As A Business Development Strategy In The Small And Medium-Sized Creative Industry https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28215 <p>The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), analyze the challenges faced by SMEs, assess the level of empowerment of SMEs, and formulate a strategy for empowering the creative small and medium-sized industry to enhance business competitiveness in Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency. Primary and secondary data were used in this research. Primary data were obtained through direct and indirect interviews with SME entrepreneurs, while secondary data were obtained from various related institutions, including the Department of Industry and Trade of Tanjung Jabung Timur. The research employed a qualitative method with a Business Model Canvas (BMC) approach. This study is the first to examine the empowerment strategy of Creative SMEs in Tanjung Jabung Timur, focusing on aspects such as market access, business access, human resources access, and technology access. The research concludes that Creative SMEs in Tanjung Jabung Timur generally consist of three business groups: culinary business, garment business, and craft business, and they are in a growing and developing position. The appropriate strategies to apply are market development, market penetration, and product development. Market development includes seeking new market opportunities by targeting new customers or opening similar branches in different locations. Penetration strategy involves increasing market share for existing products through broader marketing efforts, and product development can be achieved through product innovation, improving existing products, diversifying products, enhancing packaging, increasing promotion, and reducing production costs</p> Zamzami Zamzami Yuliusman Yuliusman Nyimas Dian Maisyarah Dahmiri Dahmiri Copyright (c) 12 2 The influence of financial development on total fertility rate in Indonesia https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28113 <p>This study investigated the impact of financial development on the total fertility rate in Indonesia, hypothesizing that financial development significantly influences fertility rates. The objective was to ascertain the effects of financial development on Indonesia's total fertility rate, utilizing annual time series data from 1980 to 2021 obtained from the official websites of Bank Indonesia, the Central Bureau of Statistics, and the World Bank. The analysis employed the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method to examine the influence of the money supply in circulation (M2), Gross Domestic Product, and household consumption on the total fertility rate, with these variables serving as proxies for financial development. The study utilized a comprehensive data analysis approach, including stationary tests, cointegration bound tests, ARDL Model analysis for long-term and short-term effects, and classical assumption tests. The findings revealed that the money supply (M2) has a negative and significant impact on the total fertility rate, the Gross Domestic Product also negatively and significantly affects the total fertility rate, while household consumption positively and significantly influences the total fertility rate. These results underscore the multifaceted relationship between financial development and fertility trends in Indonesia.</p> Rosa Afriska Ris Yuwono Yudo Nugroho Copyright (c) 2024 Rosa Afriska, Ris Yuwono Yudo Nugroho https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 12 2 465 474 10.22437/ppd.v11i6.28113 This research is based on an exa Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Pembatasan Aktivitas Masyarakat di Kota Ambon, Provinsi Maluku, dan Dampaknya pada Ekonomi Masyarakat https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/28054 <p>This research is based on an examination of the Covid-19 pandemic events that occurred over the last three years from 2020 to 2022 in the city of Ambon. Throughout these three years, Ambon City became the most vulnerable city during the Covid-19 pandemic, as evidenced by the highest number of of Covid-19 patients in the Maluku Province. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of implementing community activity resrictions in Ambon City, Maluku Province, on the community’s economy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The research findings indicate that the year 2020 was the most challenging for the people of Ambon City throughout the pandemic, especially after the implementation of community restrictions (PPKM), which had impact on the community’s economic activities. This led to the loss of income for the lower economic class, making itu difficult for them to meet their daily needs and threatening food shortages. There was a drastic decrease in workers’ income, loss of jobs, restricted operating hours for restaurants, stores, and public spaces, and limited business activities, particularly for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), until a portion of the Ambon City community has transitioned to the status of recipients of social assistance from the central government.</p> <p>Key words: Covid-19 pandemic, Economy, PPKM</p> Jusuf Madubun Jusuf Josep Antonius Ufi Hadijah madubun Copyright (c) 12 2 Strategies of Inbound E-Marketing and its Inevitable Challenges https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/27735 <p><strong><em>Abstract: </em></strong><em>The paper’s intention is to provide the correspondence of inbound e-marketing strategies of business to business firms and its inevitable challenges in the digital era. The aim of the paper is to understand firms’ role in maintaining the marketing trends based on inbound e-marketing strategy. Globalization has very big influence on this marketing strategy or trend and firms worldwide have been following this to sustain in the trade by pull marketing therapy. This systematic review paper is based on 10 journal articles or books presented on the concerned topic. Research question makes the study divided into two main parts: the paper describes e-marketing strategy of inbound and the inevitable challenges firms facing worldwide. In the literature review, it was found that business to business marketing in the workplace is the most significant ingredient to run the corporations smoothly and achieving the benefits in the global era. This works to accelerate the competitive advantage for the firms worldwide. Some, of the previous literatures’ vagueness was criticized by the researcher. Next, the challenges which firms face are discussed in the paper along with the appropriate opportunities. The paper ends up with discussing limitation of the study and some recommendations for the future researchers.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Digitalization; Inbound Marketing; Global Strategies; Inbound Ingredients; B2B Challenges</em></p> Ummeh Habiba Faria Benteh Rahman Copyright (c) 12 2 Determinants of Macroeconomic Variables and HDI on Indonesia's GDP Using the ARDL Method https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/27596 <p>The successful performance of economic development is calculated by constant price economic growth or real Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Indonesia's GDP value from 1990-2021 tends to increase, but its growth fluctuates. This study aims to analyze the effect of macroeconomic variables including household consumption, foreign investment, domestic investment, economic openness and the Human Development Index (HDI) on Indonesia's GDP in the short and long term 1990-2021. The analysis technique uses Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL).</p> <p>Analysis through the EViews application results: 1). In the short term, the consumption variable has a positive impact on Indonesia's GDP. Foreign investment, on the other hand, has a negative impact. Domestic investment shows a significant positive effect, while economic openness has a significant negative effect on GDP. Additionally, the Human Development Index (HDI) variable demonstrates a significant negative impact on Indonesia's GDP in the short term.; 2). Looking at the long term, only the HDI variable exhibits a significant positive effect on Indonesia's GDP.</p> <p>The implications of increasing GDP and economic growth, leading to higher consumption in society in the short term, necessitate the implementation of policies aimed at improving the wage system and social security. Moreover, attracting foreign investment becomes crucial in sectors where the government and domestic investors cannot operate effectively. For domestic investment, it is essential to deregulate investment arrangements and encourage more proactive investment services to support increased productivity and meet domestic needs. Economic openness can be achieved by boosting exports of finished goods rather than raw materials. Simultaneously, efforts to improve the Human Development Index (HDI) must be evenly distributed both in the short and long term.</p> DIJAN RAHAJUNI Copyright (c) 12 2 The THRIFTING BEHAVIOUR AMONG BALI’S STUDENTS: THE ROLE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/27593 <p>The import of second-hand clothes from developed countries is increasing in Indonesia. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded that Indonesia has imported 870.4 tons of second-hand clothes from abroad, with a value of US$11.09 million over the last 10 years. The imported second-hand clothes that entered from 2013 to 2021 came from 92 countries, with Saudi Arabia being the largest supplier of used clothes to Indonesia throughout the period. In 2019, 208.8 tons, or more than half of the total amount, came from Saudi Arabia. This phenomenon has significant environmental and economic impacts, including the increasing volume of textile waste. To understand individual's intention to buy second-hand clothes, there is a need for behavioural observations with norm activation and consumer behaviour models. This research aims to examine the role of environmental awareness in explaining attitudes towards second-hand shopping among college students in Bali. The study was conducted in 2023, with data collected from 100 respondents from different universities in Bali through a questionnaire method, which was further processed using MRA. The research found that only awareness of consequences has a significant positive influence on attitudes toward second-hand shopping, while environmental concerns, ascribing responsibility for the environment, and trend have no significant influence. Therefore, it is necessary for the government and stakeholders to conduct socialization to raise awareness among young people in Bali that thrifting does not solve environmental problems, but instead exacerbates them.</p> Fino Rihab Dibihantoro Copyright (c) 12 2 Analysis Of Factors Affecting Student Interest In Investing In Mutual Funds (Case Study: Bibit Application) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/27476 <p>The main problem in this study is what factors influence students' interest in investing in Bibit application mutual funds. The purpose of this study is to see and explain what influences students' interest in investing in Bibit application mutual funds. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. Data sources in this study are primary data and secondary data. Where the data collection uses interviews, observations, literature studies and documentation. determination of informants using Purposive Sampling totaling 6 people. The time and place of the research was carried out in the 2022 academic year, on a number of Nusa Cendana University students who invested in the Bibit application. The results of this study explain that the factors that influence student interest in investing in the Bibit application influenced by Neutral information, Personal financial needs, Self image/firm image coincidence, and in general the same as Classic, where the ability of a student as an investor to determine the criteria of his economic behavior in ideas and experiences using the Bibit application as a medium for him to invest in Mutual Funds.</p> Valentino Copyright (c) 12 2 How liquidity, profitability, and leverage ratios influence financial distress: A study on Indonesian mining firms https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/27470 <p>This study investigates the impact of liquidity, profitability, and leverage ratios on financial distress in mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. It posits that higher liquidity in a company correlates with reduced financial distress. The research encompasses eight mining companies observed from 2016 to 2020. Purposive sampling was employed to select a sample of eight companies meeting specific criteria. The study utilizes multiple linear regression analysis as its analytical approach. The findings, significant at the 5% level, reveal that liquidity, profitability, and leverage ratios collectively exert a substantial influence on financial distress, accounting for 85.3% of the variance in the dependent variable. Specifically, the study concludes that: 1) Liquidity has a significant negative effect on financial distress, 2) Profitability also demonstrates a significant negative impact on financial distress, and 3) Leverage exhibits a significant positive effect on financial distress.</p> Arifuddin Arifuddin Erwin Hadisantoso Ika Maya Sari Annisa Fitrah Yulianti Copyright (c) 2023 Arifuddin Arifuddin, Erwin Hadisantoso, Ika Maya Sari, Annisa Fitrah Yulianti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 12 2 243 252 10.22437/ppd.v11i3.27470 Pensions and retirements of state governments in Mexico and their impact on public finances 2020-2021 https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/27450 <p>The main objective of this work is to find out the amount of labour liabilities for pensions and retirements generated by public servants in the federal entities, seeking to answer two questions: What is the amount of labour liabilities owed by local governments up to the year 2021, and what percentage of GDP (state and national) do these amounts represent? This essay was established under the deductive method, in the hermeneutic paradigm, with a quantitative approach. Until 2021, 1.55 million workers working for state governments were recognised, representing 6.5% of formal jobs in the country. From 2009 to 2019, several analyses were carried out indicating that the actuarial liabilities for pensions and retirements of state governments were between 1.38 and 2.2 trillion pesos; this work concludes that the actuarial liabilities of 30 of the 32 federal entities correspond to 4.1 trillion pesos for 2020-2020. 1 trillion pesos for 2020-2021, representing 18.6% of GDP, with the State of Mexico absorbing 22.6%; Mexico City 13.5%; Jalisco 8.1%; Chihuahua 8.2%; Chiapas 5.4%; and San Luis Potosí 4.1%. In contrast, Guanajuato is the best performer in actuarial studies, followed by Aguascalientes, Colima, Hidalgo and Campeche.</p> José Antonio Villalobos López Copyright (c) 12 2 ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENT INTEREST IN INVESTING IN MUTUAL FUNDS (Case Study: Bibit Application) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/27304 <p>The main problem in this study is what factors influence students' interest in investing in Bibit application mutual funds. The purpose of this study is to see and explain what influences students' interest in investing in Bibit application mutual funds. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. Data sources in this study are primary data and secondary data. Where the data collection uses interviews, observations, literature studies and documentation. determination of informants using Purposive Sampling totaling 6 people. The time and place of the research was carried out in the 2022 academic year, on a number of Nusa Cendana University students who invested in the Bibit application. The results of this study explain that the factors that influence student interest in investing in the Bibit application influenced by Neutral information, Personal financial needs, Self image/firm image coincidence, and in general the same as Classic, where the ability of a student as an investor to determine the criteria of his economic behavior in ideas and experiences using the Bibit application as a medium for him to invest in Mutual Funds.</p> Valentino Copyright (c) 12 2 Building a financial inclusion index and analyzing its impact on unemployment https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/27269 <p>Financial inclusion has garnered attention from policymakers globally due to its potential to spur economic growth, alleviate poverty, and decrease unemployment. This study focuses on estimating the financial inclusion index across ten Southeast Asian countries utilizing principal component analysis. The objective is to identify the most representative index capable of accurately reflecting the financial inclusion indicators specific to each country. Additionally, the research seeks to explore the impact of financial inclusion on the unemployment rate. Data spanning from 2011 to 2021 were sourced from the World Bank. By employing panel regression estimation, the study reveals that digital financial inclusion does not significantly influence the unemployment rate, as indicated by a significance value of 0.118. Furthermore, a similar lack of impact was observed concerning GDP. Conversely, the inflation rate and education level variables affected the unemployment rate significantly, with significance values of 0.028 and 0.021, respectively. These empirical results suggest that policymakers should implement strategies to enhance financial inclusion, such as reducing the costs associated with financial services, offering incentives to the informal sector, and promoting education on the significance of financial instruments and institutions.</p> Yollit Permata Sari Isra Yeni Dewi Pebriyani Urmatul Uska Akbar Hari Setia Putra Dwi Rani Puspa Artha Copyright (c) 2023 Yollit Pertama Sari, Isra Yeni, Dewi Pebriyani, Urmatul Uska Akbar, Hari Setia Putra, Dwi Rani Puspa Artha https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 12 2 347 358 10.22437/ppd.v11i5.27269 Influence of Lean-green Practices on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Mindset and performance of Medium Hotels in the Kenyan cities. https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/27085 <p>The hotel sector consumes a substantial amount &nbsp;of resources and releases huge volumes of &nbsp;wastes posing it as&nbsp;the most polluting sector within the hospitality industry.&nbsp;This study&nbsp;was conducted to establish how the lean-green practices influences&nbsp;the relationship between entrepreneurial mindset &nbsp;and performance of medium hotels in the Kenyan cities.&nbsp;The study was anchored on Dynamic Capability Theory&nbsp;and&nbsp;adopted pragmatism research paradigm employing mixed method, concurrent triangulation research design. The target population was 534 comprising of management staff&nbsp;of medium hotels in Mombasa, Nairobi and Kisumu cities. Stratified random sampling technique was used to get a sample of 229 participants drawn from the top level management.&nbsp;Data was collected using a questionnaire and an observation schedule and&nbsp;analyzed through the use of the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 22.&nbsp;The study found that entrepreneurial mindset positively influences performance of medium hotels in Kenyan cities (R<sup>2</sup>&nbsp;=0.599, β=0.775, t=17.499, pË‚ .05). Lean-green practices positively and significantly influences the&nbsp;relationship&nbsp;(R<sup>2 &nbsp;</sup>= 0.174, β =0.527, t = 12.497, p Ë‚ .05). The study concluded that lean green practices influences the relationship between entrepreneurial mindset and performance&nbsp;of medium hotels. Based on this conclusion, the study recommends adoption of lean-green practices by medium hotels&nbsp;to amplify the contribution of &nbsp;entrepreneurial mindset on hotel performance. This can be achieved through incorporating lean-green practices with entrepreneurial mindset in the production matrix. It is expected that the findings are beneficial to; entrepreneurs and managements in hotel industry, academia and government policy makers.</p> JOSEPH KARIMI Copyright (c) 12 2 Analyzing poverty levels and welfare: Does cigarette consumption and spending on regional functions have an impact? https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/26916 <p>In numerous developing nations, the impact of cigarette consumption on poverty often goes unnoticed by policymakers. This study endeavours to explore the correlation between household expenditure on cigarettes and levels of poverty and welfare. Beyond household spending, it also investigates the influence of regional functional expenditures and the prevalence of open unemployment on poverty and welfare. The examination encompasses 100 regencies and cities across three provinces: East Java (38 regencies and cities), West Java (27 regencies and cities), and Central Java (35 regencies and cities). Utilizing secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, collected in 2021, employing a cross-sectional approach, this study employs multiple linear regression analysis via the Stata 17 program to discern the impact of various factors, including household spending, regional functional spending, and control variables, on poverty and welfare. The findings reveal that household cigarette consumption significantly exacerbates poverty, indicating that an increase in such consumption escalates poverty rates. Conversely, the second estimation model demonstrates that increased household expenditure on cigarettes significantly diminishes welfare levels, underscoring the adverse impact of heightened smoking consumption on overall welfare.</p> Jamhul Haer Sarjiyanto Sarjiyanto Copyright (c) 2023 Jamhul Haer, Sarjiyanto Sarjiyanto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 12 2 389 406 10.22437/ppd.v11i5.26916 The effect of economic growth and poverty on stunting in Indonesia https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/26871 <p>Stunting is a critical issue affecting children under five years old, characterized by inadequate growth due to chronic malnutrition and recurrent infections, especially during the crucial first 1,000 days of life (from age 0 to 23 months). Stunting impacts not only height but also vital functions such as brain development and the immune system, potentially leading to decreased intelligence levels and increased susceptibility to diseases later in life. This study examines the impact of the growth of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors and the level of rural poverty on stunting in Indonesia. This research, which covers time series data from 2015-2020 across 32 provinces in Indonesia, employs a panel data regression model analysis method. The findings indicate that primary sector GRDP growth has a positive effect, whereas secondary sector GRDP negatively impacts stunting. However, the tertiary sector GRDP and rural poverty do not significantly affect stunting rates in Indonesia.</p> Jumhur Jumhur Copyright (c) 2024 Jumhur Jumhur https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 12 2 433 448 10.22437/ppd.v11i6.26871 DEONTOLOGICAL, AUTHORITATIVE AND MANAGEMENT ETHICS https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/26556 <p>Various violations of ethics and morals committed by employees give leadership ideas to solve these problems. A violation of paying taxes, namely not paying taxes is an ethical and moral violation contrary to applicable ethics and regulations. This is in accordance with the deontology ethical theory which emphasizes the moral obligation to act in the right way, where paying taxes is an obligation of Indonesian citizens. Countermeasures for this moral violation must be handled strictly by a firm leader in accordance with applicable regulations. An adequate leadership style for this problem is an authoritative leadership style, in addition to other leadership styles.</p> widia laksmi Copyright (c) 12 2 DEANTOLOGIS, OTORITATIF DAN ETIKA MANAJEMEN https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/26446 <p>Berbagai pelanggaran etika dan moral yang dilakukan karyawan memberikan pemikiran pimpinan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut. Pelanggaran terhadap pembayaran pajak, tidak membayar pajak merupakan pelanggaran etika dan moral yang bertentangan dengan etika dan aturan yang berlaku. Sesuai dengan teori etika deantologi yang menekankan pada kewajiban moral untuk bertindak dengan benar, dimana membayar pajak merupakan kewajiban warga negara Indonesia. Penanggulangan terhadap pelanggaran moral ini harus ditangani dengan tegas oleh pimpinan yang tegas pula sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Gaya kepemimpinan yang memadai untuk permasalahan ini adalah gaya kepemimpinan otoritatif, disampaing gaya kepemimpinan yang lain.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> widia laksmi Copyright (c) 12 2 Labor Absorption and Contribution of The Processing Industry Sector to Economic Growth in The Province of Bangka Belitung Island https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/26392 <p>This research aims to analyze the absorption of labor and the contribution of the processing industry sector to economic growth in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands. The data used in this research is secondary data of time series for the period 2012 to 2021 which is sourced from the Indonesia Statistics (BPS) of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province and literature studies. The analytical method used&nbsp; to calculate the elasticity of employment opportunities to see the absorption of labor and the proportion method to see the contribution of economic growth this research used the proportion method. The results showed that the Manpower and Workforce Growth Rate in the processing industry sector in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands in 2009-2021 is fluctuated. The average distribution of workers in the processing industry sector is 6.45 percent. The highest distribution of labor in the processing industry sector occurred in 2020 was 8.19 percent and the lowest in 2010 at 4.47 percent. The absorption of labor in the processing industry sector is mostly absorbed in the tin metal processing industry. The processing industry sector is one of the five sectors that have the largest contribution to the economic structure of the Bangka Belitung Islands over the last 10 years besides agriculture sector, trade sector, mining sector, and construction sector. The average elasticity of employment opportunities in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands is 315.41 percent</p> Ayu Wulandari Hidayati Copyright (c) 12 2 Classification of Economic Growth in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sector in Wonogiri Regency https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/26298 <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the classification of growth and contribution as well as factors affecting GRDP from the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors in Wonogiri Regency in 2003-2022. The results of the analysis show that the sector's GRDP has an increasing trend, while its contribution has a decreasing trend. The sector's GRDP growth rate does not fit the linear trend model. The sector is a basic sector, but has changed its position from a leading sector (2003-2010) to a prospective sector (2011-2022). The results of the Klassen Typology analysis show it as a developing sector (2003-2010), then changed to a stagnant sector (2011-2022). Population, realization of local government expenditure of Wonogiri Regency lag 1 year, and cassava production lag 2 years are factors that have a significant effect on the GRDP of the sector in Wonogiri Regency.</p> Refa'ul Khairiyakh Dewi Sartika Heru Irianto Copyright (c) 12 2 The impact of credit risk on market discipline: Exploring the moderating role of corporate governance through Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) analysis in banking companies https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/26181 <p>High credit risk poses a significant threat to banks, underscoring the necessity to examine the effectiveness of good corporate governance in mitigating such risks. This study aims to assess the impact of credit risk, represented by non-performing loans (NPLs), on market discipline, reflected through deposit growth, and the moderating role of good corporate governance, focusing on board size and institutional ownership, in this dynamic. Data for the study were sourced from the financial reports of banking companies on their official websites, IDN Financial, and the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The study used a purposive sampling method to analyze a sample comprising 30 banking companies and yielded 300 observations. The research methodology involved dynamic panel regression analysis using the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) technique. The findings reveal that non-performing loans negatively impact deposit growth. However, it was also found that board size and institutional ownership could positively moderate the adverse effects of non-performing loans on deposit growth. This suggests that market discipline, manifesting as a reduction in deposits and an escalation in credit risk within the Indonesian banking sector, can be effectively managed and mitigated through the strategic implementation of good corporate governance practices, particularly by optimizing board size and enhancing institutional ownership. These mechanisms enable more robust market discipline, contributing to better credit risk management and promoting healthier deposit growth.</p> Ahmad Juliana Najmuddin Najmuddin Muhammad Tharmizi Junaid Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Juliana, Najmuddin Najmuddin, Muhammad Tharmizi Junaid https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 12 2 407 418 10.22437/ppd.v11i6.26181 POLICY IMPLEMENTATION OF CONVENIENCE AND HOUSING ASSISTANCE FOR LOW-INCOME COMMUNITIES IN BEKASI DISTRICT (CASE STUDY OF KENCANA CIKARANG VILLA HOUSING) https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/26072 <p>The government continues to work to reduce the backlog of home ownership, especially for low-income people. The implementation of the policy of facilitating and assisting housing finance for low-income people is one of the policy instruments taken by the government to provide affordable housing, including in Bekasi Regency. This research is aimed at explaining and analyzing the implementation of policies that have been implemented in Bekasi Regency with a case study at Villa Kencana Housing Cikarang. In this policy research, it is analyzed using the theory of rational model policy implementation from Khan &amp; Khandaker with five implementation performance variables, namely: 1) clarity of policy goals, targets and objectives, 2) detailed and consistent planning, 3) complete and clear division of tasks, 4) accurate standardization, and 5) proper supervision. The method used in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a case study design to explore the problems that become recurring audit findings of the policy. It is hoped that the results of the research can provide suggestions for policy improvements that the government can take to address the same and recurring problems.</p> Adventus Simbolon Budiman Rusli Candradewini Candradewini Copyright (c) 12 2 How do macroeconomic variables and financial inclusion affect financial stability in Indonesia? https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/25818 <p>Financial stability is a crucial indicator of the financial sector's health, reflecting the system's resilience or vulnerability to crises. This study investigates the impact of macroeconomic variables and financial inclusion on financial stability in Indonesia, utilizing quarterly data from the first quarter of 2012 to the fourth quarter of 2021. Employing the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), the research examines the influences of these factors in both the short and long term. The findings reveal that macroeconomic variables and financial inclusion significantly affect financial stability in Indonesia across both time frames. Specifically, inflation emerges as a critical factor influencing financial stability in the long term, while interest rates play a pivotal role in the short term. Moreover, financial inclusion, represented by the public's use of banking products and third-party funds relative to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), impacts financial stability both in the long and short term. Conversely, financial inclusion, measured by credit to GDP, exhibits only short-term effects on financial stability. The results underscore the importance of careful consideration by the central bank when formulating monetary policy, particularly regarding interest rate adjustments, due to their immediate impact on financial system stability. Over the long term, maintaining control over inflation rates is imperative to safeguard financial stability. Furthermore, financial institutions, in their role of fostering financial inclusion by distributing credit, must balance the quality of credit with its quantity to avoid negative impacts on the financial system's stability. This study contributes valuable insights for policymakers and financial institutions aiming to bolster Indonesia's financial stability through prudent macroeconomic management and the strategic implementation of financial inclusion initiatives.</p> Firdha Aksari Anindyntha Muhammad Khoirul Fuddin Copyright (c) 2023 Firdha Aksari Anindyntha, Muhammad Khoirul Fuddin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 12 2 359 370 10.22437/ppd.v11i5.25818 Feminization of Poverty: A Study of Women Housewife in Communities in Medan City https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/25682 <p>This paper tries to explain the phenomenon of women's marginalization in the city of Medan. Several feminist theoretical concepts are used to analyze how the construction of social systems positions women in the reality of their lives. Then, read the position of women's oppression in their poverty or women's poverty in their oppression. This discussion is important because the fact shows how many women struggle with poverty which often seems to go against their nature. In this position, this discussion is expected to open an understanding of the domination of women in culture. This study uses a descriptive-phenomenological approach, as an effort of exploration and clarification which then explains the phenomenon of impoverishment of women as a social reality. The shackles of poverty for women in this study are based on two things, namely their powerlessness in fighting paternalistic cultures and their obstacles in finding better economic access for a more dignified life.</p> farihah_15 farihah Copyright (c) 12 2 E-Commerce Implementation In An Effort To Consolidate The Competitiveness Of Small Industrial Businesses https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/25522 <p>The technology brings changes in all aspects of life, including in business and trade. One of the technolog that are present in business and trade is e-commerce. E-commerce will provide benefits for uts users if it is used optimally, especially for small business. This study analyzes the impact of e-commerce implementation in efforts to consolidated competitiveness of small industries in ogan ilir regency. The data use is primer data used statistical analysis with comparative studies. The results of this research is MSMEs that e-commerce implementation in their business have a index higher competitiveness, greater amount of revenue and profit, as well as the total of more production or higher peoductivity from MSMEs that have not implamentation e-commerce in their business.</p> Deassy Apriani Mukhlis Mukhlis Copyright (c) 12 2 the Advertising & Promotion an Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective Scientific Literature Review https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/25276 <p><em>The key objective of this study is to assess advertising and promotion from an integrated marketing communications perspective. This study used a scientific literature review methodology with 50 existing articles completed in advertising and promotion and integrated marketing communications based on an inclusion/exclusion criterion. The findings of this study were collected by developing a thematic method, which involved extracting previous researchers' findings from the literature, classifying similar themes and findings, and drawing conclusions. According to the findings of this review, integrated marketing communication means using multiple modes of communication, including advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, direct marketing, interactive marketing, publicity, and public relations. Finally, future researchers should integrate marketing communication into the regeneration of concepts and the reconstruction of models and concepts to adapt to the new round of technological revolution and the changes carried about by user experience innovation. Bearing in mind the regular pattern of integrated marketing communications concept change and comparing the evolution of integrated marketing communications concepts and research topics in different periods</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Alemayehu Bakalo Chalchissa Amantie Copyright (c) 12 2 Shifting the paradigm for securing efficient management of exchange rate in Nigeria: A GARCH and BEKK-MGARCH analysis https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/25271 <p>The influence of foreign exchange on all spheres of any economy is germane to determining its extent of development. Most developing countries have been subjected to managing the integrity of the exchange rate arising from their disadvantageous position in world trade. Nigeria is not an exemption either; this is due to its constant interventions in the foreign exchange market from time to time and by the policy of the existing government in power. However, the interventionist policy framework has been more harmful to Naira as the currency depreciates unabatedly. The pertinent question is whether monetary policy should be the only approach to effective exchange rate management or be combined with fiscal and income policies. Irrespective of the policy choice, the aim, target, and instrument must be complementary without unnecessary disruptions midway, as usually experienced in Nigeria. These inconsistencies have come to bear enormously on the country's exchange rate management. Rather than focusing on the impact of exchange rate volatility on industrial development that could warrant foreign exchange inflows, this paper considers industrialization as an approach to effectively managing exchange rates in Nigeria. This analysis employs a univariate GARCH and BEKK-MGARCH model, using high-frequency monthly time series data from 2000 to 2019, to examine the volatility transmission between the foreign exchange market and the industrial sector. The model estimation uses the Conditional Maximum Likelihood Technique (CMLT). It was discovered that industrial development positively influenced the official market exchange rate compared to the parallel market exchange rate, reducing its volatility. The study thus suggests the vigorous pursuit of foreign exchange earnings and usage policy by earning entities, floating Diaspora bonds, enhancing and encouraging remittances and repatriation of illicit financial outflows to enhance industrialization. This will discourage arbitraging, increasing foreign exchange inflows and stabilizing the economy.</p> Kolawole Subair Copyright (c) 2023 Kolawole Subair https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 12 2 323 346 10.22437/ppd.v11i5.25271 Sustainable Tourism Development Model Community-Based Tourism (CBT) in the Muaro Jambi Temple Area Jambi Province https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/25231 <p><em>The study aims to analyze community participation related to potential and benefit of a tourism area, as well as to analyze success factors in community-based tourism (CBT) at the Muaro Jambi Temple area. This study uses primary data with a descriptive and quantitative approach with Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) analysis. Results show that interest, opportunity, and innovation have a direct significant effect on the economy, while environmental variables have a significant effect on social variables. However, culture and politics do not have a significant effect on social variables. Economic and political variables have a significant effect on CBT/Participation. On the other hand, the analysis of indirect effects of interest, opportunity, innovation, environment, and culture on CBT indicates a significant effect, but political variables have no significant effect on CBT.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Sustainable tourism, CBT, Muaro Jambi Temple, SEM-PLS</em></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Zulfanetti Zulfanetti Copyright (c) 12 2 the Influence of Promotional Mix Strategies on Consumers’ Purchase Decision: Evidence from Systematic Review of Literature https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/25212 <p>The study's primary purpose was to review studies on the influence of promotional strategies on consumers' purchasing decisions. As a result, the promotional mix is crucial in providing information about the products and services available on the market, allowing consumers to learn more about them and aiding in their purchasing decisions. To improve the study, a thorough review of the literature was conducted, and screening criteria were used. Data extraction was carried out based on the inclusion and exclusion standards for the articles. 50 published articles were analyzed, and important information was extracted. The review's findings show that results from the review of studies indicate that all promotional mix strategies, including direct marketing, advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations strategies, have a favorable influence on customer purchase decisions. According to a survey of the pertinent literature, numerous prior researchers have attempted to analyze promotional strategy and customer purchase decisions using pre-existing ideas and literature. So, this concept overview offers direction for more researchers to see and develop the many theories and models associated with the topic.</p> Endalkachew Desta Copyright (c) 12 2 Food security and economic coping strategies among fishing households: Insights from Tanjung Jabung Timur and Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi Province https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/25118 <p>This study aims to: 1) Analyze the socioeconomic characteristics and economic coping strategies of fishing households in Tanjung Jabung Timur and Tanjung Jabung Barat; 2) Assess the level of food security among fishing households in these districts; 3) Examine the influence of socioeconomic characteristics and economic coping strategies on the food security of fishing households in Tanjung Jabung Timur and Tanjung Jabung Barat. Data were collected through surveys in four sample villages across the two districts. Descriptive statistics, difference tests, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were employed as analytical tools. The findings indicate that economic coping strategies among fishing families, in terms of active income-generating strategies, are categorized as low. In contrast, passive strategies related to cutting back expenses are considered moderate. Overall, the level of food security among fishing households is relatively good. Furthermore, the food security level of fishing households is significantly influenced by family characteristics and coping strategies. Coping strategies directly impact and act as intervening variables between family characteristics and food security.</p> Junaidi Junaidi Amril Amril Hardiani Hardiani Copyright (c) 2023 Junaidi Junaidi, Amril Amril, Hardiani Hardiani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 12 2 307 322 10.22437/ppd.v11i4.25118 The impact of final demand on energy sectors' interregional output https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/25044 <p>This study investigates the influence of aggregate demand on the interregional energy sector in Indonesia, aiming to ascertain whether the proximity of regions impacts the demand within the energy sector. Utilizing data from the Input-Output Indonesia Interregional Table, this research encompasses six regions: Sumatra, Java, Bali &amp; Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Maluku &amp; Papua. The energy sectors analyzed include oil, gas &amp; geothermal mining, coal &amp; lignite mining, coal industry &amp; oil, gas refinery, and electricity and gas procurement &amp; ice production. Findings indicate that the electricity sector exhibits relatively high sensitivity and dispersion power indices, whereas the gas procurement &amp; ice production sectors display low sensitivity and dispersion power indices. Exports are identified as the primary contributors to the Oil, Gas, &amp; Geothermal Mining and Coal &amp; Lignite Mining sectors. Conversely, household consumption has the most significant impact on the other sectors. Crucially, the study reveals that the effect of a region's final demand on the output of another region is not directly correlated with geographical proximity. This insight leads to the recommendation that energy supply procurement policies should consider other regions' demands and economic developments, particularly those substantially influencing output enhancement.</p> Ernawati Ernawati Muhammad Natsir Mansyur Asri Copyright (c) 2023 Ernawati Ernawati, Muhammad Natsir, Mansyur Asri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 12 2 371 388 10.22437/ppd.v11i5.25044 ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS IMPLEMENTATION OF HOUSING SUBSIDY FINANCING POLICIES FOR LOW INCOME COMMUNITIES USING VARIOUS APPROACHES AND SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/24885 <p>The government plays an important role in providing access to housing, especially for low-income people. The implementation of the housing subsidy policy is one of the policies taken by the government in the housing sector. The policy has been developed and lasted more than ten years to date. However, in its implementation, government oversight officials, both internal and external, still encounter the same problems and tend to recur from year to year. This research is aimed at analyzing how far the implementation of the housing subsidy policy has been carried out and the government's steps to overcome the problem the repetition. The method used in this study uses a literature review approach, logic model approach and system thinking as well as SWOT analysis. The results of the research are intended to recommend alternative policies that the government can take to address the same and recurring problems.</p> Adventus Simbolon Budiman Rusli Candradewini Copyright (c) 12 2 Digital Transformation and Knowledge Hiding: Strategies for First Information Reports (FIRs) and Official Police Records https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/JES/article/view/24813 <p>The fact that everything is moving towards a digital realm has become increasingly obvious in recent years. Thus, police organisations must keep up with the rapid technological advancements that are taking place in order to stay ahead of the game. A First Information Report (FIR) is a legal document which is filed with the police by victims of crimes who have reported an apparent crime to the police in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries. As far as police are concerned, it is still difficult to get accurate information from victims on what exactly happened during the incident. For police organizations, the process of filing a police report presents many challenges. The fact that victims conceal information about critical knowledge subsets and the complexity of these sets from the police authorities is a major challenge. Managing police records effectively requires an organisational transformation that is driven by well-established digital strategies that provide an overall view and full transparency on both knowledge and access to FIR. An organization such as a police force cannot underestimate the importance of adopting the right technologies and frameworks as part of its digital transformation strategy so as to meet the needs of its customers. There is going to be a challenge in solving the long-standing problem of knowledge hiding among police organizations that have limited resources. Several strategies and best practices are presented in this paper that can be implemented by law enforcement organizations for the purpose of transforming digitally and meeting their goals.</p> Siddhartha Paul Tiwari Copyright (c) 12 2