Indonesian Educational Administration and Leadership Journal (IDEAL) Program Studi Adminsitrasi Pendidikan Universitas Jambi en-US Indonesian Educational Administration and Leadership Journal (IDEAL) 2686-3596 Pemanfaatan Media Business Model Canvas (BMC) Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Perencanaan Usaha Pada Mata Kuliah Kewirausahaan <p><em>The learning outcomes of each student tend to vary according to their level of intellectual intelligence. Some students have a level of ability above other students, some are at an average level of ability and some are below the ability of other students. This can be seen when the teaching and learning process occurs, often some students dominate the atmosphere and others are just passive. In entrepreneurship courses, especially in discussions about business plans, students are often found to be passive, less creative, lacking ideas and just keep quiet. Therefore, in improving learning outcomes in Entrepreneurship courses, especially on the subject of business planning, one method that can be used is to use learning tools or media in the form of the Business Model Canvas (BMC). By using this media, it is hoped that student activity, creativity and learning outcomes will increase. The use of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) can stimulate student activity and creativity in the teaching and learning process because they are challenged to express their business ideas on the 9 canvas blocks that are available. Using this media will also be fun, discussing with each other, looking for new sources of knowledge and ultimately it is hoped that there will be an increase in learning outcomes. The results of the research concluded that the use of Business Model Canvas (BMC) media in the Entrepreneurship learning of the FEB Jambi University Management Study Program could be a solution in overcoming students' lack of activity in learning and minimal use of learning methods and media. Media Business Model Canvas (BMC) in Entrepreneurship learning in making business plans can improve student learning outcomes. The use of Business Model Canvas (BMC) media in Entrepreneurship learning can reduce verbalism in learning so that learning is more interesting, fun and not boring.</em></p> <p> </p> Dahmiri Dahmiri Wahyu Juari Setiawan Copyright (c) 2023 Dahmiri Dahmiri, Wahyu Juari Setiawan 2023-10-01 2023-10-01 5 2 1 13 10.22437/ideal.v5i2.28725 Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Tipe Jigsaw Pada Mata Kuliah Manajemen Pemasaran Prodi Manajemen FEB Universitas Jambi <p>In participating in learning, students' abilities vary, including in the Marketing Management Course in the Management Study Program, even though the students are in the same class, the learning methods are the same and the material presented is also the same. It is often found that the ability of one student is far more than the class average and other students, while some are far below the class average. This can be seen when learning using the discussion/question and answer method is often dominated by intelligent students so that students with low abilities do not provide opportunities. Apart from that, when this conventional pattern is applied, student absorption in Marketing Management courses is low, which is also caused by their low learning motivation. In general, they think that this course is not important so they are lazy to take this course. Some students also think that this course does not make a contribution to their knowledge. In this case, one effort to create an effective learning process is through Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning because it is very suitable for subjects such as social science lessons, literature, some scientific science lessons and other fields where the learning objective is more about mastering concepts. rather than mastery of abilities. Jigsaw type cooperative learning method, students work together to achieve the same goal. Each group member is required to be responsible for their learning outcomes, because the success of the group is based on the contribution of each group member. The results of the research concluded that the Jigsaw technique cooperative learning method had a positive influence on learning outcomes (cognitive aspects). This can be explained that the activities in cooperative learning using the jigsaw technique are different from the group discussion method. It can be explained that in the jigsaw cooperative learning method, students work together to achieve the same goal. Each group member is required to be responsible for their learning outcomes, because the success of the group is based on the contribution of each group member. In this way, each student is motivated to learn, encouraging each other and helping each other among group members to learn optimally</p> Husni Hasbullah Sylvia Kartika Wulah Bhayangkari Copyright (c) 2023 Husni Hasbullah, Sylvia Kartika Wulah Bhayangkari 2023-10-02 2023-10-02 5 2 14 29 10.22437/ideal.v5i2.28732 Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Hasil Belajar Mahasiwa Pada Mata Kuliah Manajemen Jasa <p>This research aims to determine the extent to which the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model is implemented and to analyze the increase in student activity and learning outcomes in the Services Management course of the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Jambi University using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model. This research was carried out in 2 cycles. Data on student learning outcomes is obtained by giving a test (evaluation) in the form of a description of service management material. This research will use a classroom action research design. To achieve the research objectives in this classroom action research, the researcher adopted a design consisting of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. In this research, the data collection technique used is observation technique. The instruments used were pretest and posttest questions. Data analysis of student learning outcomes in the Service Management course was analyzed using descriptive percentage analysis techniques. Student learning outcomes are known from the tests of each cycle. Data on improving student learning outcomes is obtained by using differences, namely comparing the average scores of cycle 1 tests and cycle II tests. The results of the research concluded that students who took the Services Management course at the FEB Jambi University Management Study Program were very diverse in terms of anticipatory learning, difficulty in expressing opinions and minimal use of media, learning methods and their intellectual abilities. The application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in the learning of Service Management courses in the Jambi University FEB Management Study Program can be a solution in overcoming the lack of student activity in learning and the minimal use of learning methods and media that have been carried out so far. After learning has been carried out using the Problem Based Learning model then There was a significant increase in student enthusiasm when compared to learning without using the Problem Based Learning model.</p> Idham Khalid Rista Aldilla Syafri Copyright (c) 2023 Idham Khalid, Rista Aldilla Syafri 2023-10-05 2023-10-05 5 2 30 45 10.22437/ideal.v5i2.28733 Critical Thinking for Intelligence Analysis for Nigerian Students: Evaluating the Pedagogical Challenges in Real Life Scenarios <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Twenty-first Century intelligence issues involve uncertainty, mysteries, and risk. This differs from the 20th Century paradigms of security, secrets, and prevention. Analysis of current complex issues requires its practitioners’ novel approaches including a productively imaginative process of inquiry. Questions analysts ask not only serve as devices for attracting existing evidence, but also as devices for generating new evidence not presently considered. In this way, analysts meticulously examine complex issues and aided by technology, are predisposed to creating novel actionable intelligence and preventing strategic surprises. Normatively, this brand of reasoning is at odds with how most people, including intelligence analysts naturally think, as people seek to confirm the first answer to a problem they discover, selectively use evidence to support that position even when there are compelling pieces of evidence that an alternative hypothesis may actually be the correct one. That people routinely fall prey to such poor thinking is well documented and indeed, most commercial advertisers strive to take advantage of this, so do adversaries. One element of most intelligence failures includes poor thinking on the part of analysts. Poor thinking which adversaries usually take advantage of. So how can analysts avoid such thinking? One solution is to teach intelligence analysts to think critically. Critical thinking therefore provides structure to the reasoning processes that identify for analysts where they are most likely to go astray. It offers a means for self-reflective reasoning that leads to improved thinking. If such thinking is aided by structured analytic techniques, then analysts will, and do improve on how they resolve security-laden issues with clarity and effective response.</p> Awal Isa Ngboawaji Daniel Nte Abdulaziz Baba-Ahmadu Copyright (c) 2023 Awal Isa, Ngboawaji Daniel Nte, Abdulaziz Baba-Ahmadu 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 5 2 46 60 10.22437/ideal.v5i2.28639 Pembelajaran Model Metode Kasus (Case Method) untuk Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Inovasi Mahasiswa Mata Kuliah Manajemen Strategik <p>Strategic management is very important in managing an organization, because it can differentiate how well an organization achieves its performance, can face all forms of change and every decision provides benefits for various forms and types of profit-oriented organizations, government institutions, health and other organizations. other non-profits. Strategy is a process of implementing planning to achieve the organization's long-term goals by involving various existing resources. The Strategic Management course is a course designed to provide students with an understanding so they can implement a series of managerial decisions and actions in determining company performance in the long term. After students complete this strategic management course, students are expected to understand strategic management in terms of environmental observation, strategy formulation (strategic planning or long-term planning), strategy implementation, and evaluation/control. In addition, students are able to consider the implications of organizational strategy for the entire human resource system in the organization by translating organizational goals into specific resource management systems.<br />Keywords: Case Methode, Management, Strategy.</p> Zulfina Adriani Shofia Amin Sry Rosita Copyright (c) 2023 Zulfina, Shofia Amin, Sry Rosita 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 5 2 61 69 10.22437/ideal.v5i2.30969 Implementasi Model Pembelajaran dengan Menggunakan Metode Kasus (Case Method) untuk Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Inovasi Mahasiswa Mata Kuliah Manajemen Kinerja <p>Mata kuliah Manajemen Kinerja merupakan mata kuliah wajib yang ditetapkan oleh Prodi Manajemen. Manajemen kinerja merupakan mata kuliah yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa untuk mampu meningkatkan kinerja organisasi, kelompok dan individu yang digerakan oleh para manajer. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan Rencana Pembelajaran Studi (RPS) Mata kuliah Manajemen Kinerja yang menerapkan metode pembelajaran studi kasus. Metode dalam penelitian ini yaitu studi kasus merupakan metode pembelajaran dengan menggunakan cara mengembangkan cara berfikir kritis mahasiswa untuk menemukan solusi dari kasus topik permasalahan dalam kaitannya dengan mata kuliah yang diambil. Hasil penelitian yaitu Pemanfaatan Metode <em>Classroom Action Research (CAR)</em> pada pembelajaran Manajemen Kinerja Prodi Manajemen FEB Universitas Jambi dapat menjadi solusi dalam mengatasi kurang aktifnya mahasiswa dalam belajar dan minimnya penggunaan metode dan media pembelajaran.</p> Sumarni sumarni Dian Mala Fithriani Aira Wahyu Juari Zulfina Adriani Copyright (c) 2023 Sumarni sumarni, Dian Mala Fithriani Aira, Wahyu Juari, Zulfina Adriani 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 5 2 70 80 10.22437/ideal.v5i2.31174