Sosiolek Variasi Bahasa Pedagang Dipasar Talang Banjar Kota Jambi


  • Agung Yusup Universitas Jambi
  • Neldi Harianto Universitas Jambi
  • Sri Wahyu Ningsih Universitas Jambi


Sociolect, Traders, Language variations.


Indonesian is rich in diversity so that in sociolinguitic studies there is a discussion
of sociolects. sosiolek is a variation of language that comes from groups of people
who have differences in the level of social status, position, class, and social class
by the speakers themselves. With that researchers chose a group of traders in
Pasar Talang Banjar as the object of research. The market is one of the markets
located in the middle of the city of Jambi. In this study the researchers used
qualitative methods and make observations and record video directly at the
location of the market so as to obtain concrete evidence. From the results of the
study found that one of the factors that cause not many language variations arise
in Talang Banjar market is due to geographical factors and the local population
around the market that has varied there are natives of jambi, Java, batak, chinnes
descendants so that in buying and selling transactions traders more often use the
jambi language that is not so thick and Indonesian is not standard as a unifier.
Language variations that occur in the speech of traders generally occur due to
factors of language users themselves and their use factors. In terms of language
users, language variation occurs due to geographical factors that cause regional
variations (dialects). In addition, in terms of users, language variation also
occurs due to the influence of speech opponents. In terms of the use of language,
language variations in terms of the topic of the problem, generally traders always
say quantity (amount)


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How to Cite

Yusup, A., Harianto, N., & Ningsih, S. W. . (2023). Sosiolek Variasi Bahasa Pedagang Dipasar Talang Banjar Kota Jambi. Ad-Dhuha, 4(1), 8-16. Retrieved from